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[blocks in formation]

relation of, to ossification, 85

alveolar, 1115, 1123

development of, 1245

Peripheral nerves, development of, 679
Peritoneal cavity, 1412

hepato-renal pouch of Morrison, 1414
left infra-colic compartment of, 1414
right infra-colic compartment of, 1414
subdivisions of, 1412

supra-colic compartment of, 1414
surgical anatomy of, 1412

Perinephric abscess, 1439

Peritoneum, 1160, 1234

anterior layer of, 1234

bursa omentalis, 1234
development of, 1252
duodenal fossæ of, 1185, 1186
duodeno-jejunal fossa of, 1185, 1186
femoral fossa of, 1235

folds of, 1162-1163, 1235-1242
foramen epiploicum, 1162, 1239
great sac of, 1234
inguinal fossæ of, 1235
intersigmoid fossa of, 1223

surgical anatomy of, 1423

ligaments of, 1162, 1235-1242

surgical anatomy of, 1412

mesenterico-mesocolic fold of, 1186

mesenteries of, 1163, 1208, 1242
omenta of, 1162, 1241

functions of, 1242

omental bursa of, 1102, 1195, 1234, 1239

paraduodenal fossa of, 1186

pararectal fossa of, 1238

paravesical fossa of, 1238, 1280

parietal and visceral, 1161
pelvic, 1237

posterior wall of, 1236

pouch of Douglas of, 1237, 1238, 1318

surgical anatomy of, 1434, 1436

processus vaginalis of, 1295, 1319
recto-vesical pouch of, 1282, 1283
surgical anatomy of, 1434

relation of, to bladder, 1280
to cæcum, 1218

to colon, 1219, 1220, 1221

to duodenum, 1186, 1239, 1240

to kidney, 1262

to liver, 1195

to pancreas, 1206

[blocks in formation]

Pharynx, 1140

aponeurosis of, 1149
auditory tubes of, 1142
boundaries of, 1143

bursa pharyngea, 1143, 1396
cavity of, 1141

choanæ, 1142

development of, 1242

dimensions of, 1140

fascia pharyngo-basilaris, 1149

bucco-pharyngea, 1149

glands of, 1149

isthmus pharyngo-nasalis, 1141, 1145, 1383

laryngeal part of the, 1141, 1147
lateral recesses of, 1144

development of, 1144

levator cushion of, 1143

lymph vessels of, 1006, 1149
surgical anatomy of, 1386
mucous membrane of, 1149
muscles of, 464-467
action of, 467
development of, 496
nerve-supply of, 467
nasal part of the, 1141, 1142
surgical anatomy of, 1385
naso-pharyngeal groove of, 1143
nerves of, 1150
openings of, 1142

oral part of the, 1141, 1144, 1145
orifice of auditory tube, 1143
pharyngo-palatine arch of, 1145
plica triangularis of, 1146
recessus piriformis of, 1069
tonsillaris of, 1145
development of, 46

relations of, 1149

salpingo-palatine fold of, 1143

salpingo-pharyngeal fold of, 1143
structure of wall, 1149
supra-tonsillar fossa of, 1145
development of, 1144

tonsil of, palatine, 1145, 1146
pharyngeal, 1143

torus tubarius of, 1143

vault of, 1143

vessels and nerves of, 1149

Philtrum, 1108

ventriculi of Merkel, 1069
Phrenic artery, inferior, 933
ganglion, 765

nerve, 699

surgical anatomy of, 1393

vein, 982

Phrenico-colic ligament, 1242
Phrenico-pleural fascia, 1089
Phylogeny, 1

Pia mater, 518

of the brain, 673

chorioid plexuses of, 553, 611, 617, 635

ligamentum denticulatum of, 675

linea splendens of, 675

of the spinal medulla, 675

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

fœtal, 60

maternal, 57, 60, 62
Placental area, 61, 63
Placode, dorso-lateral, 501
epibranchial, 501
Plane, frontal, 5

of greatest pelvic extension, 238
infra-costal, 1407, 1411
of least pelvic extension, 238
median, 4
transpyloric, 1159
Plantar aponeurosis, 423
arch, 954

abnormalities, 1058
morphology of, 1048
position of, 1465

surgical anatomy of, 1465
artery, lateral, 954
medial, 954
fascia, 423
ligaments, 355
nerves, 734
lateral, 734

branches of, 735
deep branch of, 735
medial, 734

branches of, 734
Plantaris muscle, 429

action of, 429
Planum nuchale, 166
occipitale, 166
popliteum, 242
sternale, 107
temporale, 118
Plate, basal, 31
floor, 31

medullary, 513
neural, 31

roof, 31

Platyhieric sacrum, 289

Platyknemia, 281, 289

Platyknemic index, 289

Platymeria, 289

Platymeric index, 289

Platypellic pelvis, 288

Platyrhine skulls, 287

Platysma muscle, 448

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

fibres of, 566

corpus ponto-bulbare of, 555
trapezoideum of, 567
development of, 33, 514, 592
dorsal or tegmental part of, 567
eminentia medialis of, 551
external arcuate fibres of, 555
fasciculi longitudinalis of, 565
fasciculus obliquus of, 549, 555
circumolivaris pyramidis, 555
fovea superior of, 551
gray matter of, 564
internal arcuate fibres of, 556
internal structure of, 565 et seq.
lemniscus fibres of, 566, 570

locus cœruleus of, 551

medial longitudinal bundle in, 558, 568
mesencephalic root of trigeminal nerve in,

nuclei of, 565, 566, 567

arcuate of, 555

olivary nuclei of, 567

origin of, 516, 567, 569
pars basilaris of, 565

position and connexions of, 540, 541
pyramidal tract in, 565

raphe of, 558, 567

restiform body in, 567

reticular formation of, 567

spinal root of trigeminal nerve in, 567

substantia ferruginea of, 370, 551

sulcus basilaris of, 548

tegmental part of, 567

transverse fibres of, 566, 567

veins of, 971

ventral portion of, 565

Ponticulus, 829

Pontine flexure of brain, 514

Popliteal artery, 951

fascia, 405

fossa, surgical anatomy of, 1437, 1457

groove, 243

line of tibia, 249

lymph glands, 1014
surface of femur, 242
vein, 986

abnormality of, 1060
Popliteus fascia, 420
muscle, 429

action of, 429
minor, 429

Pore, gustatory, 854

Porta hepatis, 1190

Portal canals, 1200

system, development of, 1036, 1037
vein, 990

Portio supravaginalis cervicis uteri, 1316

vaginalis cervicis uteri, 1316




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

angular medial, of frontal bone, 115
surface anatomy of, 1360
anterior mallei, 840

articular, 89

of cervical vertebræ, 91
of lumbar vertebræ, 96
of sacrum, 97

of thoracic vertebræ, 93
basilar, 120, 123
of calcaneus, 259
capitular, of vertebra, 284
ciliary, 812

clinoideus anterior, 135
medius, 135
posterior, 135
cochleariformis, 128

surgical anatomy of, 1368
conchal, of ethmoid, 141

surgical anatomy of, 1378
condyloid, of mandible, 156
coracoid, 201

morphology of, 295
ossification of, 204

surface anatomy of, 1445
variations in, 280

coronoid, 156, 210

surface anatomy of, 1325

dens, 92

[blocks in formation]
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