Sulcus or Sulci (contd.), transverse (of brain), 674 of occipital bone, 121 of vallecula, 574 Superciliary ridge, 116, 160 sexual differences of, 116, 193 action of, 399 Supramandibular nerve (O.T.), 784 Supramarginal triangle, 1360 Supramastoid crest, 125 Suprameatal spine, 126, 1366, 1369 surgical importance of, 1366, 1369 Supranasal bone, 277 Supraoccipital bone, 124 development of, 292 Supraorbital artery, 903 margin, 115, 160 nerve, 772 notch, 116, 160 surface anatomy of, 1358 ridge, 116 vein, 968 appendices of, 1287 coni vasculosi of, 1289 lymph vessels of, 1289 nerves and vessels of, 1287 processus vaginalis of, 1295 seminiferous tubules of, 1288 sinus epididymidis, 1287 seminiferi contorti, 1288 vessels and nerves of, 1289 anterior nucleus of, 612 with cerebral cortex, 612, 613 cortico-thalamic fibres of, 612, 613 grey matter of, 611 inferior surface of, 610 internal medullary lamina of, 611 ST lem ma me ra sta st ta The Th Th Th FEE INDEX. position and connexions of, 610, 611, 612, 613 pulvinar of, 611 radiation of, 610, 612, 613 stalks of, 612 stratum zonale of, 611 stria medullaris of, 611 superior surface of, 610 tænia of, 610 thalamo-mamillary tract of, 612 Theca folliculi, 1314 of spinal medulla, 518 Theory of nerve components, 505-506 Thigh bone, 239 Third ventricle, 616 development of, 36 Thoracic aorta, 884 surface anatomy of, 140 arteries, lateral, 916 abnormalities of, 1060 length and diameter, 997 ganglia, 759 part of sympathetic, 759 anterior rami, 713 communications of, 713 communications of, 716 third thoracic, 716 fourth to sixth thoracic, 716 branches of, 716 seventh to eleventh thoracic, 717 branches of, 717 twelfth thoracic, 717 branches of, 717 Thorax (contd.), lateral walls of, 114 lymph vessels of, 1013 mitral area of, 1405 posterior wall of, 113 sexual differences in, 114 Thrombosis of femoral vein, 1427 Thumb, movements of, 402 muscles of, 392, 393 Thymus, 1350 blood-vessels of, 1351 development of, 44, 1351 vestiges, cervical, 1351 Thyreo-arytenoid ligaments, 1067 action of, 1076 Thyreo-epiglottic ligament, 1068 muscle, 1075 action of, 1076 Thyreo-glossal duct, 44, 1348 surgical anatomy of, 1348 Thyreo-hyal, 146 Thyreo-hyoid arch, 42, 43 membrane, 1066 muscles produced from, 460 Thyreoid artery, inferior, 910 superior, 891 morphology of, 1047 cartilage, 1062 development of, 1100 tubercle, inferior, of, 1063 superior of, 1063 fascia, 1389 gland, 1347 accessory, 1348 blood and lymph vessels, 1348 capsule of, 1388 development of, 43, 44, 1348 fascial connexions of, 1388 isthmus of, 1347 size of, 1347 surgical anatomy of, 1388 lobes of, 1347 pyramidal lobe of, 1347 surgical anatomy of, 1388 variations in, 1347, 1348 veins, 964, 965 Thyreoidea ima artery, 888 |