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[blocks in formation]

of Beraud, 825

of colon, 1214, 1215

lips of, 1214

position of, 1214
structure of, 1214

surface anatomy of, 1421, 1443

of the coronary sinus, 875
fossæ navicularis, 1309

of Hasner, 825

of heart, positions of, 1405
ileo-cæcal, 1215

of the inferior vena cava, 875
lunule of, 877

of lymph vessels, 994
mitral, 878

pulmonary, 877

processus vermiformis, 1216
pyloric, 1166, 1173, 1174
rectal, 1230, 1231
semilunar, 877
sinus coronarii, 875
spiral, of gall-bladder, 1201
structure of, 1202
tricuspid, 871

of veins, 869

venæ cavæ inferioris, 874, 875
venous, of heart, 1032

Vas afferens renis, 1267
efferens renis, 1267
prominens, 849
spirale, 849

Vasa aberrantia, 1055

efferentia testis, 1288
intestini tenuis, 932

sanguinea retinæ, 818

vasorum, 870

Vascular area, 64

system, 64, 867

abnormalities of, 1050
blood, 867

development of, primitive, 63
divisions of, 870
lymph, 867

morphology of, 1042, 1048

primitive, 65, 1025

Vastus intermedius muscle, 409

lateralis muscle, 407

medialis, 408

Vein or Veins; Vena or Venæ, 958

abnormalities of, 1058

allantoic, 68

advehentes, 1037

alveolar, 968

[blocks in formation]

Vein or Veins (contd.)—

anonymæ dextra et sinistra, 962
anterior pyloric, of Mayo, 1416
appendicular, 1421

aquæductus vestibuli, 853
arciform, of kidney, 1267
auditory, internal, 853

auricular, anterior, 830, 967

posterior, 967

axillary, 977

abnormality of, 1447
development of, 1042
relations of, 977

surface anatomy of, 1447

tributaries of, 978

azygos, 960

abnormality of, 1058

development of, 1041

morphology of, 1049

basilic, 979

basal, 971

abnormalities of, 1059
development of, 1042
morphology of, 1050

surface anatomy of, 1447, 1448
basis of vertebræ, 976

of bones, 87
brachial, 977

of brain, 970

bronchial, anterior, 961
posterior, 961
morphology of, 1049
canaliculi cochleæ, 965
canalis pterygoidei, 968
capillary, 867

cardiac, anterior, 960
great, 959
inferior, 960
middle, 960

oblique, of left atrium, 960
small, 959
smallest, 960

cardinal, anterior, 69, 1038
morphology of, 1049
posterior, 69, 1041

cava inferior, 980, 983, 1042
abnormality of, 1058
development of, 70, 1041
fossa of, 1192, 1195
morphology of, 1049
orifice of, 873, 875

surface anatomy of, 1426

superior, 960

abnormality of, 1058

development of, 70, 1035, 1036

morphology of, 1049

orifice of, 873, 874

surface anatomy of, 1405

centralis retinæ, 818

cephalic, 978

abnormality of, 1059

development of, 1043

morphology of, 1050

surface anatomy of, 1448

cerebellar, 971

deep, 971

cerebral, 970, 971

anterior, 971

basal, 971
deep, 971

middle, 971

inferior, 971

[blocks in formation]


colic, left, 992

middle, 992
right, 992


comitans, 959, 1049, 1059
conjunctival, 824

coronaria ventriculi, 991, 998
of corpus striatum, 970
of cranium, 969-976
cystic, 990, 992

deep, of trunk and limbs, 963
development of, 1035
digital, of foot, 988

morphology of, 1049

of hand, 978

diploic, 969

frontal, 969
occipital, 970
temporal, 969
dorsal, of clitoris, 942
linguæ, 965
of penis, 985
deep, 985
superficial, 985

duodenal, 992

elastic layer of, 869

emissary, 975

parietal, 968

endothelium of, 869

epigastric, inferior, 988

superficial, 986

superior, 968

of extremities, development of, 1042

facial, anterior, 965

surface anatomy of, 1391

common, 965

surface anatomy of, 1392

posterior, 968

deep, 965

femoral, 986

morphology of, 1049

tributaries of, 987

of forearm and arm, superficial, 978

frontal, 967, 969

gastric, right, 992

gastro-epiploic, 992

gluteal, inferior, 984

superior, 984

great cerebral, 970

hæmorrhoidal, inferior, 984

(media), 984

superior, 992

of head and neck, 964

of heart, 959

morphology of, 1048

hemiazygos, 961, 1041, 1049, 1058

accessoria, 961, 1041, 1049, 1058

hepatic, 982

abnormalities of, 1058

development of, 1037

Vein or Veins (contd.)—

hepatic (contd.), morphology of, 1049
interlobular, 1200

sublobular, 1200
hypogastric, 984

development of, 1040, 1041

morphology of, 1048
ileo-cæcal, 990
ileo-colic, 990
iliac, common, 983
abnormalities of, 1059
development of, 1041
left, 983

morphology of, 1048
right, 983

surface anatomy of, 1427

tributaries, 983

external, 986-988

ilio-lumbar, 983
infra-orbital, 968
innominate, 962
left, 962

development of, 1040

morphology of, 1048
right, 962

development of, 1040
intercostal, 961

anterior, 961
left superior, 961
development of, 1041
morphology of, 1048
posterior, 961
first left, 961
first right, 961
right superior, 963
morphology of, 1049
right superior, 961
interdigital, of foot, 954
of hand, 924

interlobar, of the kidney, 1267
interlobular, hepatic, 982
of the kidney, 1267
internal cerebral, 970
interosseous, of hand, 978
interventricular, inferior, 960
intervertebral, 976
intestinal, 992, 1210
jugular, anterior, 967

abnormalities of, 1058

external, 966

abnormalities of, 1058
development of, 1040
surgical anatomy of, 1394

internal, 964

abnormalities of, 1058

bulb of, 964

development of, 1040
morphology of, 1049
surgical anatomy of, 1391
posterior external, 966
primitive, 1040
labial, 1109

of large intestine, 992, 993
lingual, 965, 1130

surgical anatomy of, 1382
of liver, 980, 990
of lower limb, 985
abnormalities of, 1060
deep, 986

development of, 1042
morphology of, 1050
superficial, 988, 990


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

sacral, 983

middle, 983

saphena magna, 988, 989

abnormalities of, 1060

development of, 1043

morphology of, 1050

parva, development of, 1043

morphology of, 1050

surgical anatomy of, 1459, 1463
of scalp, 967

surgical anatomy of, 1357
scapular, transverse, 967
sciatic, 984

of scrotum, 1298

segmental, 1048, 1049
sigmoid, 993

special dorsal digital, 978
special volar digital, 978
spermatic, 983

abnormalities of, 1059

development of, 1040

surgical anatomy of, 1430

spheno-palatine, 968
spinal, 977

longitudinal, anterior, 977
posterior, 977

of spinal medulla, 977
splenic, 992
sternal, 963

of stomach, 991, 992
striate, inferior, 971
structure of, 869

subcardinal, 1041

subclavian, 965

abnormalities of, 1059

development of, 1040

[blocks in formation]

Venous sinuses of cranium, development of, 1039
system, portal, 990

primitive development of, 68
valves of heart, 874, 875
Ventral aorta, 1026, 1027

Ventricles, cerebral, development of, 514, 517
fourth, 36, 549

acoustic area of, 551
area postrema of, 551
calamus scriptorius of, 550
chorioid plexuses of, 674
eminentia medialis, 551
floor of, 550

fossa rhomboidea of, 550
fovea, inferior of, 550
superior, of, 551
funiculus separans of, 551
lateral apertures of, 553
recess, 549

locus cœruleus of, 551
medial apertures of, 553
obex of, 579

roof of, 549, 578

striæ medullaris of, 550

substantia ferruginea of, 551

tegmen of, 549

trigonum acustici of, 551
hypoglossi of, 551

vagi of, 551

lateral, 621, 632

anterior cornu of, 632, 634

body of, 633

chorioid plexus of, 636

cornu posterius, 633, 635
bulb of, 635
calcar avis of, 635
development of, 621

eminentia collateralis of, 636
floor of, 636

foramina of, 621, 632
hippocampus of, 636
horns of, 633, 635

surgical anatomy of, 1359
inferior cornu of, 633, 635
nuclei of, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639
pars centralis of, 633, 634
shape of, 633
trigonum of, 636

third, 616

anterior wall of, 617
chorioid plexus of, 674
floor of, 616

foramina of, 618
infundibulum of, 616

development of, 616
massa intermedia of, 617
recessus opticus of, 618
pinealis of, 618
suprapinealis of, 618
roof of, 617
side wall of, 617
sulcus hypothalamicus, 618
tela chorioidea of, 617
walls of, 617

of heart, 876

development of, 1032
left, 877

aortic orifice of, 878
valve, 878

mitral cusps of, 878

orifice of, 878
valve of, 878

[blocks in formation]

conus arteriosus of, 876
infundibulum of, 876
moderator band of, 877
musculi papillares of, 877
pulmonary orifice of, 877
valve, 877

trabeculæ carneæ, 877
tricuspid valve, 877

septum of, 876

abnormality of, 1051

development of, 1032

of larynx, 1071

Ventricular septum of heart, 876, 898

Ventriculus terminalis of spinal medulla, 526

Vermiform process, 1215

in animals, 1217

blood-vessels of, 1217, 1421
cavity of, 1216

development of, 48

at different ages, 1216
lymph nodules of, 1217
vessels of, 1217
mesenteriolum of, 1216
morphology of, 1217
orifice of, 1216
position of, 1421
size of, 1216
structure of, 1217

surgical anatomy of, 1421
valve of, 1216
vessels of, 1217
Vermis cerebelli, 572, 574
Vernix caseosa, 862
Vertebra or Vertebræ, 87
accessory process of, 96
anticlinal, 101
arch of, 88
architecture of, 81
articular processes, 89
cervical, 90, 91

characteristics of, 90
coccygeal, 88, 99

ossification of, 106

common characters of, 88
epiphyses of, 104
false, 85

fixed, 88

fifth lumbar, 96

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

internal urethral orifice of, 1273

peritoneal relations of, 1272

position of, 1272

vertex of, 1274

Vesical arteries, 939

inferior, 939, 1284, 1295
middle, 939

of obturator, 940

superior, 1284, 1295

plexus of nerves, 766

venous, inferior, 985

superior, 985

Vesicle, auditory, 506

cerebral, 514
germinal, 22

optic, 825

otic, 51, 853

recessus labyrinthi of, 853
umbilical, 55

Vesico-vaginal artery, 939

Vesicula seminalis, 1286, 1290, 1295

development of, 1327, 1336

structure of, 1286

vessels of, 1289

Vestibular area, 846

ganglion, 785

gland, greater, 1326, 1327

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