Cunningham's textbook of anatomyW. Wood, 1818 - 1577 pages |
À l'intérieur du livre
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Page xii
... Muscles of the Pectoral Region 369 The Muscles in the Sole of the Foot The Muscles on the Lateral Side of the Leg The Muscles on the Posterior Aspect of the Leg . 426 428 432 • Fascia of the Pectoral Region 369 Axial Muscles 437 ...
... Muscles of the Pectoral Region 369 The Muscles in the Sole of the Foot The Muscles on the Lateral Side of the Leg The Muscles on the Posterior Aspect of the Leg . 426 428 432 • Fascia of the Pectoral Region 369 Axial Muscles 437 ...
Page 215
... muscle . Proximal to this , and on the lateral surface of the neck , the supinator muscle is inserted , whilst distally this surface is overlain by the tendons of the brachio - radialis and the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis ...
... muscle . Proximal to this , and on the lateral surface of the neck , the supinator muscle is inserted , whilst distally this surface is overlain by the tendons of the brachio - radialis and the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis ...
Page 344
... muscle . The medial condylar facet is oval in outline , and distinctly concave both in its antero- posterior and ... muscle . Its specially named bands are not Tendon of adductor magnus muscle ( cut ) - Medial head of gastrocnemius ...
... muscle . The medial condylar facet is oval in outline , and distinctly concave both in its antero- posterior and ... muscle . Its specially named bands are not Tendon of adductor magnus muscle ( cut ) - Medial head of gastrocnemius ...
Page 345
... muscle . The epiphyseal line of the distal end of the femur is partly intra - capsular and partly extra - capsular ; that of the proximal end of the tibia is extra - capsular . Ligamentum Patellæ . The ligamentum patellæ or anterior ...
... muscle . The epiphyseal line of the distal end of the femur is partly intra - capsular and partly extra - capsular ; that of the proximal end of the tibia is extra - capsular . Ligamentum Patellæ . The ligamentum patellæ or anterior ...
Page 363
... muscle - cells , out of which the skeletal muscular system is constructed ; ( 2 ) the non- striated , involuntary muscle - cells , occurring in the walls of vessels and hollow viscera , etc .; and ( 3 ) the cardiac muscle - cells ...
... muscle - cells , out of which the skeletal muscular system is constructed ; ( 2 ) the non- striated , involuntary muscle - cells , occurring in the walls of vessels and hollow viscera , etc .; and ( 3 ) the cardiac muscle - cells ...
Expressions et termes fréquents
adductor amnion angle arch artery articular surface articulation aspect attached backwards body bone border brain brevis calcaneus canal capsule carpi cartilage caudal cavity cells centre cerebellum cerebral cerebral hemisphere cervical chorion cœlom column condyle connexion corpus corpus callosum crest distal dorsal embryo entodermal ethmoid extensor external facet fascia fasciculus fibres fissure foramen fossa fourth ventricle front frontal funiculus gray matter groove head hemisphere humerus inferior insertion interosseous joint lamina lateral side lateralis layer ligament longus lumbar margin maxilla medial side median plane medulla oblongata membrane mesencephalon mesoderm muscle nasal nerve neural notch nucleus obliquely occipital occipital bone orbital origin passes pelvic plantar pollicis pons portion posterior posteriorly primitive proximal pterygoid radial rectus region separated septum sinus sphenoid spinal medulla spine Sulcus superior suture temporal tendon thalamus thoracic tract transverse processes trigeminal nerve trophoblast tube tubercle upper ventral ventricle vertebral vesicle volar wall whilst zygomatic