ACCOUNT of the payments made in the Year ended 31st December 1878, for the purchase of Silver Bullion and for worn ACCOUNT of the payments made in the Year ended 31st December 1878, for the purchase of Copper and other Metal for Bronze Coinage, including old Copper Coin; the amount received for Bronze Coin and old Copper sold; and the value of Bronze Coin and Metal in store at the commencement and close of the Year; showing the amount of Profit or Loss which has resulted in the Year. Value of bronze coin and metal in store at the commence s. d. £ S. d. - 26,843 19 11 Amount paid for old copper coin (at its nominal Silver Coinage Amount received in the year for bronze coin sold at its nominal value Amount received for sweepings Value of old copper coin transferred to Account (for alloy) Value of bronze coin and metal in store at the end of the year : 65 0 0 11 9 1 30,084 5 3 £ 69,394 5 3 * The value of bronze bars is calculated on the assumption that a proportion will be coined into pence and the remainder into halfpence and farthings. No. VI. CONSOLIDATED FUND ADVANCES AND REPAYMENTS. AN ACCOUNT of the sums advanced in each Year from the Consolidated Fund for the purchase of Bullion for Coinage; and of the sums paid in each Year to the account of Her Majesty's Exchequer at the Bank of England in repayment thereof. No. VII. MONEYS COINED, &c. IN THE LAST TEN YEARS. * STATEMENT of all Gold, Silver, and Copper (Bronze) Moneys of the Realm, coined, and of worn Silver Coin exchanged, &c., from the 1st day of January 1869 to the 31st day of December 1878. The amounts for 1878 shown in this Return differ from those given on page 4, as the latter give the number of good pieces actually coined, while the former show the amount of coin delivered to the public, or into store at the Mint Office, during the year. Tons. 1869 24 1870 53 1871 12 80 79 1872 1873 Weight. HALFPENCE. FARTHINGS. TOTAL Number of Pieces. Value. Weight. Number Value. BRONZE Old Copper Total Amount Paid for Bronze Bullion and Coin. £ Tons. £ s. d. Tns.cwt.qr.lbs. £ s. d. 2,580,480 10,752 18 3,225,600 6,720 0 0 9000 3,225,600 3,360 0 0 5,698,560 23,744 24 4,300,800 8,960 0 0 1,290,240 5,376 6 1,075,200 2,240 0 0 8,601,600 35,840 25 4,480,000 9,333 6 8 8,494,080 35,392 20 3,584,000 7,466 13 4 1874 109 11,719,680 48,832 35 6,272,000 13,066 13 4 1875 110 11,827,200 49,280 36 6,451,200 13,440 0 0 1876 103 11,074,560 46,144 38 6,809,600 14,186 13 4 1877 90 9,676,800 40,320 29 5,196,800 10,826 13 4 1878 23 2,472,960 10,304 8 1,433,600 2,986 13 4 683 73,436,160 305,984 13,618 9 6 30,997 8 10 69,813 6 8 24,000 2 7 61.450 13 4 51,146 13 17,024 0 0 1,162 3 7 14,663 14 19 9,392 7 9 419,850 13 4 111,012 6 4 |