NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPUTY MASTER OF THE MINT. 1878. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. QUIN DROIT LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1879. [C.-2319.] Price 5d. Part of Vic. 21, 1878-9 No. VI.-Statement of Consolidated Fund Advances for the Purchase of Bullion, and of Repayments to the Exchequer in respect of the same, No. XII. Report of the Deputy Master of the Melbourne Branch of the Royal Mint for the year 1878 No. XIII.-Report of the Commissioners appointed to represent Her Majesty's Government at the Monetary Conference held in Paris in No. XIV.-Monetary Convention between France, Belgium, Italy, NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPUTY MASTER OF THE MINT. SIR, In consequence of the continued depression of trade, the demand for coin during the year 1878 has again been below the average, and for the first time since 1870 the Mint has been able itself to meet all demands for imperial coin, and to undertake the execution of the Colonial coinages required, without having recourse to contracts with private firms. It is unnecessary to state that even the limited amount of work devolving upon it has been sufficient to keep the machinery of the Department in constant occupation. The coins struck during the year 1878 were of twenty-two Coinages exedifferent denominations, namely :— cuted during the year. Five Cents. L 596. Wt. 903. A 2 |