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demonstrations of duty and right fell upon the r What heathen or Christian philosophy never c plish, God proposes to do by his word.

THE BIBLE, AS A REVELATION FROM GOD, AND ONLY, CAN RESTORE MAN, AND REBUILD THE RUINS To this end it is expressly and PERFECTLY ada law of the Lord is perfect, CONVERTING THE Gospel of Christ is WISDOM and power.

It may not be unprofitable to bestow a few the perfect adaptation of this instrumentality to its recovery of the world to holiness and God; an in which it should be employed to promote that c

When the word of God challenges for itself must by no means be limited in our minds to a f inculcating errors in sentiment, or immoralities The moral code of Plato or Seneca might be as of the gospel, and yet be perfectly powerless men. Truth from their lips is truth; but it is t of the statuary; fair in its proportions, comely i the combination of all beauties in its design, with every grace; yet cold, motionless, lifeless stone. In the Bible, it is the production of the tect of the universe, who breathes upon a fabric it becomes a living soul. It is vivified by the inspiration which clothed the universe with life

ciple is wanting to constitute Him worthy t a passion ascribed to Him which can deexcellence.

es at once the center of attraction for all gent creation, which are controlled by the and the center of repulsion for all others. held up as so many brilliant elementary eautiful in themselves - glorious in comof promise - but which only become the ," when blended intimately and in their nmunicating life, and becoming the infalar and accurate perception of moral objects but one elementary ray be wanting, and 'hich the beam shall fall will be distorted. t but one perfection be abstracted from the nd he is no longer GoD. Power is not or wisdom, or justice, or benevolence; but perfectly and harmoniously united in one, cter which demands our homage. cion is built a perfect corresponding system hibitions. The keenest scrutiny of carpd no point at which its moral code is not dare not assail one of its provisions. d the imputation of ignorance or selfishLuestion one of its principles.

We may also notice the perfection of Revela velopment of human character, and adaptatic addresses itself to the work of recovering mar illuminating his darkness, and sanctifying his cor this end, it developes the whole depravity of I It searches every recess of the heart, "deceitf things and desperately wicked." It holds up of his guilt in all its darkness, conscious of its minister a healing balm to every wound. It sp not as a pure intellect, but as a moral being, lapse but capable of hearing and appreciating argumen It speaks to him not merely to please or startl and wonderful views of God, or to instruct his ur but to lay its hand upon his raging passions - to r principles-to dethrone his chosen divinities, and whole soul to God.

To give it such resistless energy, it is invested fect SANCTION. Not an inducement to obedienc universe affords, is wanting - not an appeal omitte earth, and hell are exhausted of all that is lovel and all that is fearful 'to awe - all that is winni Not an emotion, not a sensibility of human natu anaddressed or unsolicited to contribute its influ lue the reigning power of sin. “I HAVE LOVED Y doubles every joy in prosperity, and takes rsity. It folds in its embrace the poor and s the beggar from his extremity of misery ernal love. It speaks in tones of thunder ning to the secure in sin, and puts a cup mnipotent wrath, the dregs of which are r all the wicked of the earth. When atand agonizing fears excited, it opens anothbasing turpitude of sin is beheld in such at even personal danger is forgotten in conousness and guilt. When overwhelmed nd ready to sink self-condemned into a well-earned misery, Jesus of Nazareth, the ars, proclaiming the acceptable year of the d up the broken hearted, and cover the derobes of love. He smiles upon the first ing, and fans the kindling flame of penithe penitent in his embrace with assurance vermore it walks by his side-is a glory loud behind; and when flesh and heart rength of his heart and his portion forever. dation of its living energy, when compared hics. While they condemn the follies of › imperfect a substitute, and enforce their eeble inducements, that it is not wonderful, only to contemplate, but to study the Bible as a lation, namely, the RELATIVE FULNESS, with w the various departments of religious instruction. doubtedly be regarded as a perfect transcript of God, in regard to the proportions in which divin be mingled in the public and private instructions

Laying aside those portions which relate to cy of the theocracy, and that succession of hist which are serviceable mainly in substantiating its illustrating its changeless moral principles, it adopted as a measure of the importance which ev teacher should attach to its various parts, and th frequency with which they should be discusse not be measured by the abstract or relative in the topics merely, but by the NATURE OF THE TO be as important to believe in the Divinity of repent of sin. But while the former is simply incidentally alluded to, the latter forms the bu cry, and is urged in every variety of form and every variety of motive.

There is a natural reason for this. The decla requires belief is addressed to the understanding argument is conclusive, conviction is produced, ▾ abiding; but the argument which calls for repe dressed to the heart, whose impressions are evar

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