4 Nov. 18.E.H.W. 6 PREFACE. A LTHOUGH these Sermons were preached in SCOTLAND, and have some reference to the cafe ✓ of that Church and land under her present divisions and backflidings; yet they are composed in fuch a strain, as to be useful and applicable to any church under the like distempers, which, alas, is the cate of the most part. What remedies can be so effectual to cure them of these evils, as these proposed in the following difcourses, to wit, the excellent Baim of Gilead, and The Glorious Ministration of the Spirit?If it were the gracious will of God to dispose all the bishops and ministers of Britain and Ireland, to make it their business to open up and recommend these noble remedies to their people, it would contribute greatly to heal their maladies, and increase the kingdom of Chrift in these lands. I can't help thinking but those who are confecrated to spiritual offices would be more suitably and profitably employed in this work, than in attending courts, and pursuing secular designs. Robert Rev. Seeing now the arm of the Lord is beginning to awake, and many are excited to run to and fro for increasing gospel-knowledge, and labour to propagate the doctrine of salvation thro' the imputed righteoufness of the flain Lamb of God: And feeing the Lord is pleased in sundry parts of the world to give countenance to these endeavours by the out-pouring of his Spirit, for awakening many fouls to an inquiry and search after true happiness thro' the blessed JESUS: It doth highly concern all gospel-minifters and preach... ers to concur in helping forward the Lord's work, by proclaiming the saving doctrine and offers of free gra A2 to the world, and to exert themselves for removing out of the way all letts and hindrances of the kingdom of Chrift, that fo his dominion may spread from fea to sea, thro' all nations of the earth In the following Sermons I have made some inquiry into the times and seasons of the increase of Chrift's kingdom: and because this is greatly connected with the deftruction of Antichrift, I have mentioned fome conjectures and calculations about the time of his fall : though I think none should be too bold or peremptory in fixing the precife time, but all ought to wait patiently until God's set time shall come. All may now perceive Antichrift visibly risen and discovered. Nay, we have seen him arrived at his pomp and height about 1500 years after Chrift: Since that time the Lord hath begun to waste and confume him, by the revival of religion and learning in the world. As his rife was gradual, so shall his confumption be. He hath now been labouring under a deadly confumption above these 200 years past. The wound given him is deep and mortal, so whatever pains be taken sometimes to heal it, all shall be in vain; for as Christ must increase, so Antichrift must decrease, and be quite ruined at length, as is thewed in the following discourses. May all the lovers of Christ pray fervently and look out for that blessed and joyful time. THE Upon JEREM. viii. 20, 21, 22. The harvest is past, the fummer is ended, and we are not saved. For the hurt of the daughter of my people, &c. Cautions about zeal for public things, Exhortation and motives to public spiritedness, The diseases of the foul infifted on, which greatly need the Balm of Gilead fuch as atheism, ignorance, hardness, earthly-mindedness, aversion to duty, prevailing corrup- tion, hypocrify, formality, inconftancy, wandering, back- Upon JEREM viii 22. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is Upon JEREM. viii 22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? &c. What are the evidences of a healing faith, Upon JEREM viii. 22. Is there no balm in Gilead? etc. The Application of the doctrine with a lamentation for the great multitude of drieases and diseased persons in Why Scotland's wounds are so long a-healing, Marks of Christ's healing work begun in fouls, 70 73 Upon JEREM viii. 22. Is there no balm in Gilead? etc. Exhortation to diseased souls to come to Christ for healing, 75 Advices for getting a right sense and feeling of wounds, Exhortations, and directions to those who are sensible of Upon JEREM vili 22. Is there no balm in Gilead, etc. Why God lets his people's distress come to extremity before he interposes for their help, 97 Encouragement to look to, and wait upon God in despe- rate cafes, 99 |