BY THE SAME AUTHOR. TEN DISCOURSES on the COMMUNION OFFICE of the CHURCH of ENGLAND; with an Appendix. 12mo. 7s. bds. "Eminently fitted to assist the blessed offices of family devotion.”— British Critic. EIGHT DISCOURSES on the BEATITUDES; also, Three Occasional Discourses. 12mo. In the Press. PRACTICAL EXPOSITION OF ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE то THE ROMANS. BY THE REV. ROBERT ANDERSON, PERPETUAL CURATE OF TRINITY CHAPEL, BRIGHTON; AND CHAP- RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD TEIGNMOUTH. THIRD EDITION, WITH AN APPENDIX. LONDON: J. HATCHARD AND SON, 187, PICCADILLY. 1837. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. SINCE the first publication of this volume, I have, as opportunities have occurred, consulted all such additional works, on the subject of the Epistle to the Romans, as have been placed within my reach. And although I have not felt myself called upon to depart, in any instance, either from the view which I have taken of the general scope of the apostle's argument, or from the interpretation which I have given of particular passages; yet I have selected, from these copious sources, many valuable extracts, tending to illustrate or enforce different portions of the Epistle. And these selections are now published together, in the form of an Appendix. As several of the extracts are from Calvin's Commentary on this Epistle, I am desirous of saying a few words as to the general character of his biblical labours. In forming our judgment of this eminent Reformer, we are accustomed to refer, either wholly or chiefly, to his 'Institutions of the 277091 |