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" As Caesar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I honour him : but, as he was ambitious, I slew him. "
An Essay on Elocution: With Elucidatory Passages from Various Authors - Page 149
de John Hanbury Dwyer - 1843
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Critical Essays on Dramatic Poetry

Voltaire - 1761 - 214 pages
...Caefar %vere living, and die all flaves; than that Caefar were dead, to live all freemen ? As Caefar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him; but as he was ambitious, I flew him. There are tears for his love, joy for his fortune,...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1786 - 508 pages
...Caefar were living, and die all llaves ; than that Caefar were dead, to live all free men ? As Csfar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I 'honour him : but, as he was ambitious, I flew him : There is tears, for his love ; joy, for his fortune...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes ..., Volume 7

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 614 pages
...Csefar were living, and die all flaves ; than that Czfar were dead, to live all free men ? As Czfar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him: but, as he was ambitious, I flew him: There is tears, for his love; joy, for his fortune;...
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The Prose epitome; or, Extracts, elegant, instructive, and entertaining ...

1792 - 494 pages rather Cadar were, and die all (laves ; than that Czfarwcrc dead, to liveall freemen ? As Caefar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I lumnur him ; but, as he was ambitious, I (lew him. There are tears for his love; r>y for his fortune,...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ...

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 734 pages
...Caefar were living, and die all flaves ; than that Caefar were dead, to live all free men ? As Caefar loved me, I weep for him ,• as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I honour him : but, as he was ambitious, I flew him: There is tears, for his love; joy, for his fortune;...
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The beauties of Shakespeare, selected from his plays and poems

William Shakespeare - 1796 - 422 pages
...Crefar were living, and die all flaves, than that Cttfar were dead, to live all free men? As Cafar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I honour him ; but as he was .ambitious, I flew him. There are tears for his love, joy for his fortune,...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose ..., Volume 2

1797 - 522 pages
...rather Czfer were, and die all (laves ; than that Czfar were dead, to live all freemen ? As C<efar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him ; but, as he was ambitious, I flew him. There are tears for his love, joy for his fortune,...
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Works, Containing His Plays and Poems: To which is Added a Glossary, Volume 5

William Shakespeare - 1797 - 638 pages
...Caefar were living, and die all ftaves ; than that Caefar were dead, to live all free men ? As Caefar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I honour him : but, as he was ambitious, I ftew him : There is tears, for his love ; joy, for his fortune...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus ...

William Shakespeare - 1800 - 394 pages
...Cacfar were living, and die all flaves ; than that Caefar were dead, to live all free men ? As Caefar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I honour him : but, as he was ambitious, I flew him : There is tears, for his love ; joy, for his fortune...
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The English instructor; or, Useful and entertaining passages in prose ...

English instructor - 1801 - 272 pages
...this is my answer : Not that I loved Cfesar less , but that I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living , and die all slaves ; than that Caesar...fortunate , I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant , I honour him ; but as he was ambitious , I slew him. There are tears for his love , joy for his fortune...
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