The Dublin ReviewNicholas Patrick Wiseman Tablet Publishing Company, 1957 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 14
Page 10
... living worship of a Christian community . None of the various developments , described above , has occurred without bitter criticism from more conservative quarters ; in 1955 Paul Claudel , shortly before his death , spoke no doubt for ...
... living worship of a Christian community . None of the various developments , described above , has occurred without bitter criticism from more conservative quarters ; in 1955 Paul Claudel , shortly before his death , spoke no doubt for ...
Page 12
... of the clergy , that is , priests engaged on pastoral work living a full religious life with observances ( choir office , the common life ) adapted to the needs of their work , may well prove to be one 12 THE DUBLIN REVIEW.
... of the clergy , that is , priests engaged on pastoral work living a full religious life with observances ( choir office , the common life ) adapted to the needs of their work , may well prove to be one 12 THE DUBLIN REVIEW.
Page 164
... living prose of his ideas . In the first - ' Museum Without Walls ' - he examines the validity of a work of art for his consideration , for what it is in itself as distinct from any psychological aura which the onlooker may add , and ...
... living prose of his ideas . In the first - ' Museum Without Walls ' - he examines the validity of a work of art for his consideration , for what it is in itself as distinct from any psychological aura which the onlooker may add , and ...
Table des matières
A Message from M Chauvel I | 2 |
The Evolution in France Since | 16 |
The Position of the Church in France | 34 |
17 autres sections non affichées
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Abbé Pierre André architect architecture artistic Assembly of Cardinals atheistic attitude Barrault Bernanos bishops Bresson building Cardinals and Archbishops Catholic Action centre century Charles de Foucauld Christ Christian Church in France cinema Claudel clergy Comédie Française common contemporary critics dechristianization dramatic DUBLIN REVIEW Emmanuel Mounier English Europe European existence existentialism existentialist experience fact faith films Française François Périer French music Gabriel Marcel Gaulle homme human ideas influence inspiration intellectual Jean JEAN-CLAUDE RENARD Julien Green laity lay apostolate literary literature liturgical movement living Malraux Marcel Mauriac ment milieu missionary modern Montherlant Mounier never novel organizations painter Paris parish Père perhaps philosophical play poets political post-war present priest-workers priests problems produced recent religious responsibility Robert Bresson Sartre Sartre's schools seems situation social spiritual style temporal theatre thought tion tradition Unités d'habitation whole workers writers