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to the feelings of Jews it appealed yet more powerfully, since with the everlasting hills, reared by the Almighty hand, some of the most solemn - some of the most glorious events in their eventful history were associated; -so much did these feelings prevail, that the weary pilgrim always paused and worshipped, when in the distant horizon he first descried those hills, whereon the sacred temple, and the holy city of Jerusalem were reared. The pilgrim thought of Sinai, of its thunders and its fire, when Jehovah from his sacred pavilion, proclaimed those laws, in the fulfilment of which, worshippers were then hastening to enter God's courts with praise and thanksgiving. He thought of Moses, the servant of God, called to ascend that mountain from whence, for the first and the last time, he was to gaze on the beauty and fertility of the promised land, and in the neighbouring valley to find a mysterious tomb! The pilgrim also remembered, that God was to be "praised in the mountain of holiness," and grateful for experienced mercies he exclaims, " as the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people, from henceforth even for ever."

Although Zion's mountains appeared beautiful to the pilgrim's eyes, still more was he delighted, when some messenger of peace approached with signals of welcome, and words of encouragement. Now all his toils and dangers are forgotten; every

fear is dismissed; he is fondly hailed by many a long parted friend, as he ascends to the temple of Jehovah! and all his hopes of happiness are realised, as he unites in worship with the countless multitude assembled to praise in God's sacred


Whilst the Jewish pilgrim, sometimes came from distant countries to join in God's temple worship, the Christian, more highly favoured, has the Gospel brought to his home; where messages of peace have reached his ears; where the word of life hath been placed in his hands; where he is invited from the temple of God, to partake freely of the blessings of the Gospel, purchased for him by the blood of Jesus. To remove the sin that separated man from God - to disclose a gracious plan of forgiveness; to bestow new life and grace for the Christian course; to elevate him to the high calling of a Believer, and to raise him to the dignity of a child of God prophets were inspired, and messengers sent from heaven, and as typical of the great sacrifice, the temple rites ordained, so that in the fulness of time, the triumphs of the cross might be fully recognised, and the blessed Saviour hailed as the bright and morning star of hope, and the only source of safety and salvation.

When the services of the Jewish temple were concluded, and the pilgrim returned to his native home, how frequently would he reflect on the exalted privileges, which in that temple he had enjoyed, and on the beauty and goodness of the house of the Lord. He would delight to speak of the guiding power, which had not only fulfilled all his desires of a spiritual nature, but had also brought him in safety and in peace to his beloved home. Animated by a kindred spirit, the Christian delights not only to worship in the dwelling place of the Most High, but to meditate on its holiness, to treasure its doctrines, and thus happily to experience, even in retirement, that a day in God's courts is better than a thousand. He rejoices to recount the great things God hath done, as well for his temporal, as his eternal interests; and as he faithfully acknowledges "God in all his ways," so he trusts in him for continual direction. He fully experiences that as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is the mercy of God to them that fear him.

Legal worship ceased, when having descended from on high, Christ fulfilled the whole law, and made it honourable. But his mission on earth also embraced a more endearing object. He came into the world to bring good tidings, to "publish peace," to "save sinners." Whom Jesus saves, the Holy Spirit sanctifies. Christ at his altar, not only administers the benefits of his atoning blood, but a renewed heart is conferred on all who come unto him in truth. When that heart is changed from darkness to light, it aspires to holiest objects. Anticipating the prospect of celestial intercourse with God, it rejects an atmosphere of earthliness, and beats and pants for immortality!

Of the Jewish ritual, the benefits were conferred to a portion of mankind comparatively small, while the Christian messenger is appointed to preach "good tidings" and "peace" to "all nations." As the believer values his exalted principles, so he will be anxious to extend the glad tidings of salvation at home and abroad, even to dark and distant lands. Let the missionary then go forth, with glad tidings from God to man; cherish his object; encourage his heart. This is the method God approves, for turning men from darkness to light. Thus the Apostle argues, "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach without they be sent ? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things."

Scripture certainly anticipates a time, when the Lord will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and the house of Judah. When the scattered tribes of Jehovah's once beloved people, shall as a nation, return to Zion, shall revisit the scenes of their former greatness, and in peace

possess the land of their fathers. Then their recollections, so vivid, of Sinai and of Horeb, of Nebo, and the Hill of Elijah, shall give place to more affecting thoughts. They shall then behold that mountain, from which "God manifest in the flesh," promulgated to multitudes his heavenly precepts of genuine morality, purity, and truth. From thence they will follow him to the Mount of Transfiguration, and with reverence acknowledge the voice that proclaimed, "this is my beloved Son." But it is on Mount Calvary, that their hearts shall be indeed affected with God's miracles of long suffering, tenderness, and love. There Jesus died. At that sight nature was convulsed. At that hour, although the earth trembled, and mighty billows raged, and the heavens were darkened, and the heavenly host who sung the advent of the Messiah, lingered over his agony and suffering in deepest sympathy and veneration, -man, thoughtless man, remained unmoved, or mocked at the sufferer's sighs, as his persecutors reviled and insulted the scourged and bleeding Saviour. A day shall come, when the veil shall be removed from the eyes of God's ancient people. The glories of Eternal Love shall burst upon their view. Jehovah returns to his Israel, and Israel prostrate before the cross, acknowledges God's only and beloved Son. Grace reigns! Jesus triumphs! God is glorified! The Holy Spirit of peace descends, to guide, direct, and sanctify the people

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