before us. We can also, by memory, recal to our thoughts the same image, although it be absent. In the former case, we employ our vision, a bodily faculty; in the latter, our memory, a faculty of mind. The soul, therefore, possesses powers as well as the body, and hence, like it, must exist. If we consider the construction of mind, how it is able to embrace many intricate subjects, many abstruse sciences, how it delights in the continual acquisition of knowledge, and in the progress of ceaseless improvement. If we consider, that not only the inspired writers of the Scriptures, but many of the philosophers and princes of profane history have acknowledged the existence, powers, and quenchless love for new acquirements, of an undying principle within, shall we refuse our assent to the incontrovertible proposition, the soul of man is immortal? It is this immortality, this endless vitality of the soul, that gives so much interest to the matters of eternity, since it involves the momentous fate of an everlasting being. When we reflect that the eternity of that being must be either with God, as a reconciled God in the fulness of joy, or, awful thought! in everlasting punishment! it becomes us well to enquire, whether we may hope for a place in the "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Saint Paul, in the text, evidently alludes to a separation of the soul from the body, when that D union now existing shall be dissolved, when life's fitful fever shall terminate, and the once suffering saint shall find that welcome to his Father's house prepared for him, which he through faith could sometimes on earth, although faintly, anticipate. A crown of heavenly radiance. A melodious hymn of gratulation, a joyful entrance to the celestial mansions, are now his own, and these await all the true and faithful followers of Jesus. The hope of such an inheritance elevates the soul of the believer above all the trials and disappointments of life. It is an eternal inheritance that is promised. It is in heaven, whither Jesus hath gone. Earthly possessions are uncertain and insecure, but he who striveth to attain "a house not made with hands," desires to rear his hope on a surer foundation, than the unsubstantial acquisitions of a world that passeth away. Even when he sows in tears, God ere long enables him to reap in joy. Every sigh of sorrow is hushed, for God is his consolation. He lives in an exalted communion with his heavenly Father, and thus an exalting principle ever animates his heart. The Christian walks with God. At length death approaches undreaded. He that falleth asleep in Jesus, need fear no evil. The assertion in the text should also assist us in resisting temptation to sin. If in this life only we had hope, we truly would consult our own happiness by hating every appearance of evil; but those who think justly as to the importance of a future and enduring state, feel how greatly the inducements to a life of holiness are increased, by a knowledge of God's immutable law, that in the city of the blessed, sin shall never enter. By the unveiling to their souls of a holier and happier existence than the present, God thus raises their desires from earth to heaven, dims to their eye the allurements of worldly pleasures, and fills their hearts with rapturous prospects of blessedness above. The temptations of Satan become more feeble, when the soul thus delights itself in the enjoyment of God, and are altogether resisted, when by grace, Christ and his kingdom are the constant subjects of the believer's hopes. How truly then is the Christian privileged! The performance of his duty to God, through assisting grace, united to faith in Christ, with the glorious hope of eternal happiness in heaven, raises him alike above the fears and calamities, the sins and follies of time, and on earth disposes him to purer and holier aspirations, preparatory to a full enjoyment of that "house not made with hands," which shall be "eternal in the heavens." Consider likewise the nature of the Apostle's hope. He was a zealous preacher of that Gospel, which brought life and immortality clearly to light. He rejoiced in its doctrines-its discoveries and its promises. Its doctrines announce to man deliverance from the power of sin, and declare a scheme by which the repentant sinner may become a child of God. Its discoveries disclose, that upon this fallen world, he who was the brightness of his Father's glory, descended from heaven, and declared that through faith in his name salvation was offered to mankind. The promises of the Gospel may truly rejoice the heart of believers, and encourage them in their striving after a blessed immortality. The spark of heavenly affection, that on earth, alas! too often but feebly illumined the heart of the Christian, shall brighten every thought, when fanned by the air of paradise, and ascending before the altar of God, as it mingles with the radiance of heaven, shall be accepted as a token of love by Jehovah; while the soul, restored to more than pristine purity, shall commingle with the essence of the Eternal. Let us aspire to these blessings; Christ's mission could not be in vain. The redeemed no man can number. There is still room for true disciples at the table of Jesus, still efficacy in his purifying blood. O for that perfect faith which never wavereth! O that we may sincerely place all our hopes and trust on him, who is mighty to save! May we know in truth, and in spirit, that he that spared not his own Son but delivered him up to the death for us all, shall with him also freely give us all things! This was the true knowledge the Apostle attained. By this knowledge he looked for heavenly mansions of purity and peace, and these he now enjoys. Be it ours, like him, fully to experience, that when the earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved, we, through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, may have an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Amen. |