THE JACK O'LANTERN; (LE FEU-FOLLET;) OR, THE PRIVATEER. BY J. F. COOPER. LEIPZIG BERNHARD TAUCHNITZ 1843. PREFACE. THE question, of how much of the following legend is severely true, and how much fiction, is left in doubt, with the express intention, that such historians as have nothing useful to do, may employ their time in drawing the line for their own amusement. As to the scene chosen for this tale, no apology is deemed necessary. To invent excuses for carrying a man, either physically or in the imagination, into a sea like the Mediterranean, and on a coast like that of Italy, would be an affectation of which we have no idea of being guilty. It is true - nay, it is probable - that we may render the execution unequal to the design; but there can be no great harm in nobly daring, except to him who is injured by his own failure. We hope that they who have ever beheld the scenes we have faintly and so imperfectly described, will pardon 773 |