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case! I only suppose it, lest it should: and it is too common to render the supposition improper. From such a danger we cannot be too secure; and, therefore, having lately seen how soon "the night cometh when no man can work," let us seek to-day, in the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, that peace and safety which you must be conscious can never be found out of it, and which it may be too late to seek to-morrow.

Some things belonging to our important change, are wisely hid from us. Nothing, however, is more plain than that it is near, and therefore demands our most serious attention : that it is finally decisive, and therefore warns us to watch against those errors which eternity cannot rectify: and, that the hour is uncertain, and therefore calls us to stand prepared. With our loins girded, and our lights burning, may we thus wait for our Lord!

Impressed with such views, I have often wished to take the afflicted by the hand, and lead them to a Resource which their passions have obscured. I have wished them to see, that the Christian hope is then most alive and full of immortality, when every other hope perishes. These wishes, and the request of a friend, who was solicitous to obtain something of this kind more compendious than he had yet seen, have drawn from me some imperfect hints. Imperfect, however, as they are, like a few words, presented by the road side, to the eye of a weary traveller, they may afford you some present direction and relief. And should He, who is pleased to employ the feeblest means in his greatest work, conduct you by them, though but a single step on your way, towards a morning without clouds a house without mourning, the service of your affectionate friend will obtain a high reward.










IT is now more than seven months since it pleased the holy and wise God to visit my house with the plague, when some dear and Christian friends from London were with me, whereby he gently touched and gave warning to myself and whole family, consisting then of eight souls, but called away hence only three members of it, namely, two tender babes, and one servant, besides my beloved sister, and a child of my precious friend, that man of God, Mr. G. C. since also translated, who were of those citizens that visited me. You will easily believe, that I can have no pleasure to rake into the ashes of the dead, nor to revive the taste of that wormwood and gall, which was then given me to drink: and yet I see no reason but that I ought to take pleasure in the pure and holy will of God, which always proceeds by the eternal rules of almighty Love and Goodness, though the same be executed upon my dearest creature-comforts, and grate never so much upon my sweetest earthly interest: yea, I see all reason in the world why I should give to God the glory of his attributes and works before all the world,

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