| United States. Congress. Senate - 1849 - 1130 pages
...That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the following limits, to wit, bounded on the west by the State of California, on the north by the Territory of Oregon, and on the east and south by the dividing ridge which separates the waters flowing into the great basin... | |
 | 1850 - 744 pages
...all that part of the territory of the United States included within the following limits, to wit : bounded on the West by the State of California, on...summit of the Rocky Mountains, and on the South by the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude, — be, and the same is hereby created into a temporary... | |
 | United States - 1850 - 284 pages
...that part of the territory of the United States ™ 'fiS included within the following limits, to wit: bounded -on the west by the State of California, on the north by the Territory of Oregon, and on the east by the summit of the Rocky mountains, and on the south by the thirty-seventh parallel... | |
 | 1850 - 414 pages
...Utah. That part of the territory of the United States included within the following limits, to wit, bounded on the west by the State of California, on the north by the Territory of Oregon, and on the east by the summit of the Rocky Mountains, and on the south by the parallel of 37° N.,... | |
 | Charles Mackay - 1851 - 458 pages
...in the first section of the bill passed by Congress we find it enacted that the new territory is ', bounded on the west by the State of California ; on the north by the territory of Oregon ; and on the east and south by the dividing ridge which separates the waters flowing into the Great... | |
 | Utah (Ter.) - 1852 - 290 pages
...the territory of the United States included wiihin utahileiii '« d ' the following limits, to wit: bounded on the west by the state of California, on the north by the territory of Oregon, and on the east by the summit of the Rocky Mountains, and on the south by the thirty-«eventh parallel... | |
 | Henry Mayhew - 1852 - 362 pages
...the first section of the bill passed by Congress we find it enacted that tlie new territory is '• bounded on the west by the State of California ; on the north by the territory of Oregon ; and on the east and south 03- the dividing ridge which separates the waters flowing into the Great... | |
 | Robert Sears - 1854 - 668 pages
...authorizing its organization as a territory, with the following limits : on the west it is bounded by the state of California, on the north by the territory...summit of the Rocky mountains, and on the south by the thirty-seventh parallel of latitude. Congress reserved the right with Utah, as also with New Mexico,... | |
 | Edward Everett, Charles Sumner - 1854 - 234 pages
...On motion by Mr. DOUGLAS to amend the bill Ъv inserting in section five, bne five, after the word 'east,' by the summit of the Rocky Mountains, and on the south by the thirty-eighth parallel of north latitud^.' '' A motion was made • • ' adjourn ; and 1 A motion... | |
 | Elisha Smith Capron - 1854 - 380 pages
...harbors, and bays, along and adjacent to the Pacific coast." In more general terms, the state is bounded on the north by the territory of Oregon ; on the east, by those of Utah and New Mexico ; on the south, by Lower California ; and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.... | |
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