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3. This historie teaches us the right of young perfons, to be present at the worship of God: and feems to hold forth the duty of those under whose care they are, to bring them early to it. Some brought little children to Chrift, that he might lay his hands on them, and bless them. And he received them, and did as he was defired. Though children do not understand every thing that is faid, yet they have ears to hear, and eyes to fee, and will observe. And gradually a reverence for the Divine Being, and an apprehenfion and perfuafion of invisible things, will be formed in their minds, and such principles implanted in them, as will bring forth good fruit.

4. We may infer from this historie, that it is not below persons of the greatest eminence for wisdom and piety to shew affection and tendernesse for little children. Jesus Christ is a good pattern of imitation in all his condescensions. And his disciples should do, as he has done. Let us receive kindly, and, as we are able, recommend to the divine favour and protection such little children, as Jesus himself, when on earth, received and blessed.

5. We hence learn, that all of us, ar- SERM.

rived to years of knowledge and understand- VII. ing should fee to it, that we bear a resemblance to little children. For of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Let us be always like them in freedom from prejudices, being open to conviction, disposed to learn, and make farther emprovement by all discoveries proposed to us.

Let us resemble them also in humility, or freedom from pride, and high conceit of ourselves: which obstructs emprovement, excites to a haughty and imperious behaviour, and disposes to strife and contention, anger and resentment.

Let us resemble them in indifference about worldly things, or a freedom from an inordinate affection for riches, honour and preferment, pre-eminence and authority.

Lastly, let us resemble them in innocence, being as free from all evil practises, as pof


In a word, according to this observation of our Lord, we should always endeavor to be, in many respects, what we once were, and what we still fee little children to be. So hall

SERM. shall we do no evil. So shall we be Ifraelites VII. indeed, in whom is no guile.

6. This historie affords encouragement to young perfons, arrived to the use of reason and understanding, to come to Chrift, and offer up themselves to God in and through him. Jesus received the little children, who were brought to him: and he proposed them to others as patterns of resemblance, they being free from customs of fining. But after all, they were rather emblems of virtue, than virtuous themselves. Much more then will they be received by him, who being still without guile, have an actual propensity and disposition to virtue and goodnesse. If you should neglect yourselves, when you have attained to the use of your rational powers, and are entering into the world; bad principles and habits will grow up, like weeds in a rich foil, of which no care is taken: and you will foon lose all that innocence and fimplicity, which endears little children to the Lord Jesus.

Let me therefore propound to you the few following counsels and directions. 1.) Be induced to give up yourselves to God with deliberation, and with all the feriou snesse


riousnesse and folemnity you are able, engag- SERM. ing and refolving, that you will not fin a- VII. gainst him, or do any thing contrarie to his holy commandments, so far as you are acquainted with them. Such a fixed and deliberate purpose and resolution of mind, once formed, may be of great and lafting advantage to you.

2.) Be diligent, and emprove your time for gaining knowledge. You are not to be like little children in every thing. You should resemble them in innocence: but in under-1 Cor. xiv. 20. ftanding you are to be men. Befide attending to the inftructions you receive, in order to qualify you for fome honest and reputable employment, whereby you may gain a subfiftence, without being burdensome to any, and may be useful to others: as you have opportunity, employ yourselves in reading the Scriptures, especially the historie of the Patriarchs in Genefis, and the Pfalins, the Proverbs, the Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles: and indeed all the books of the New Teftament, and alfo other useful and instructive books. You may likewise endeavor to emprove by conversation with persons of fobriety and difcretion, and, if it may be, of



SERM. such as are somewhat advanced above you in years and knowledge. Hereby the mind will be enlarged. You will gain generous sentiments. Your usefulnesse, when you are settled in the world, will be more extensive. You may have the greater influence and reputation. And you will certainly lay a foundation for a great deal of entertainment and satisfaction within yourselves, which some others

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3.) Pay a regard to every branch of duty: not doing one thing, and neglecting others, as many do, but, aiming at every part of holinesse. You know that St. Paul says: The grace of God which bringeth falvation teaches us to deny all ungodlinesse, and to live foberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.

Live godly: Fear and reverence the divine majesty in your thoughts. Frequent the afsemblies of divine worship, and forsake them not: as some do, who fansy themselves wiser than others, without really being fo.

Live foberly: Govern your affections, and take care, not to be led by evil examples to any excesse, or indulgence, contrarie to strict fobriety.

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