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parts of good conduct, and readie to every SERM. good word and work.

3. They who fear God from their youth, especially, if it be with much steadinesse, are useful in the world many ways. Such men promote the good of fociety in their several stations. They also adorn, and recommend religion to others. By their means some are brought into a good liking of it's ways: or are induced to confider and examine it's pretenfions, till they find them just and reasonable, Others are confirmed, and they persevere with joy and resolution. It is very likely, that many pious Ifraelites were animated and encouraged by the example of Obadiah: though their circumstances were such, that they could not all act with the same opennesse that he did. They were obliged to greater privacie. But yet they did not bow the knee to Baal, or render him any act of homage.

4. They who fear God from their youth have the happinesse of being always prepared for the various events of providence. If they are removed hence, their end is peace, and their reward is sure. If they live, they go on to perform the duties of life: and are




Pf. cxlii.

5lxxiii. 25. 26.

SERM. the best qualified of any men to bear the troubles and afflictions of this state with a calm and composed mind, and comfortable trust in God. For God is their refuge, and their portion in the land of the living. They have none in heaven but him. Nor is there any upon earth, whom they defire in compariSon of him. And when flesh and beart fail, God is the strength of their heart, and their portion for ever.


What has been now observed should induce all, whatever is their age of life, to fear the Lord.

They who are in early age have encouragement to give up themselves to God now, without delay, and to fear and serve him henceforward all the days of their life. There is great virtue in so doing. And it will be attended with very defirable advantages. None will discourage them from being early in this design. They who have feared God from their youth, will readily affure them, that it is the wifest thing that

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can be done. They who are now serious SERM. and religious at length, after trying the ways of fin, will likewise assure them, that if they neglect the present opportunity, and defer to come to a full determination, and form effectual resolutions of obedience to all God's commandments; that delay will fome time be matter of grief and bitter lamentation.

This discourse then may be confidered as an invitation to young perfons, to be truly religious without delay: to weigh and confider the things of religion ferioufly, and to determine accordingly : to remember now Ecc. xii. their creator in the days of their youth, and to ferve him constantly with inviolable fidelity.

But it suggests no difcouragements to others, who have as yet deferred. It does indeed shew, in some measure, the evil of procrastination. But it does not infinuate, that there is no hope or remedie for those who have long delayed.

They who have feared God from their youth have some diftinction. They were early wise, and they have proceeded in Wisdom's paths. But they are not taught to boaft, or say scornfully: They are not, as other men.



SERM. They likewise have failings. And do own, IX. that if God were strict to mark iniquity, they could not be justified in his fight. Their hopes therefore are founded in the mercie of God. They believe, and it is what they would recommend to the confideration of others: That with God there is forgivenesse, that he may be feared and served by such weak and fallible creatures as we are.

Pf. cxxx.


If. lv. 7.

Goodnesse is as certainly a property of the Deity, as any other. If sinful men forfake the evil of their ways, and unfeignedly return to God, they will find rest for their fouls: for he will have mercie upon them, and will abundantly pardon.



A Future State provable by Reafon.

PSAL. lxxxiv. 11.

For the Lord God is a fun and Shield. The Lord will give grace and glorie : no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.


HE Lord God is a fun. He is not only glorious and excellent in himself: but from him issue

streams of knowledge and wif

Whatever the fun is

dom, joy and comfort. to the material world, that God is in the

most eminent manner to his people.


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