z Peter ii. 20. SERM. once enlightened, and have tasted the good word XII. of God, and the powers of the world to come. And St. Peter makes the supposition, that fome, who have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, may be again entangled therein, and overcome. And St. Paul with Philip. iii. grief speaks of many, who so walked, as to shew themselves enemies of the croffe of Chrift. 18. Tit. ii. 12. But these instances do not invalidate the truth of God, nor the power of the gospel of Chrift: which does very forcibly teach us, to deny all ungodlinesse, and worldly lufts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present word. St. Paul therefore was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: knowing it to be the power of God to falvation, both to Jews and Gentils. And he therefore gloryes in it, because thereby the world had been crucified to him, and be to the world. St. James Jam. i. 21. makes no hesitation, to exhort men, to receive with meeknesse the engraffed word, which is able to save their fouls. : Let us then esteem the doctrine of the gofpel, as a very precious advantage, teaching us how to act, so as to approve ourselves to God: God: how to perform the duties of our sta- SERM. tions: how to emprove the mercies and af- XII. fictions of this state, so as that we may lay up a good foundation against the time to come, and obtain everlasting life. Happy discoveries are pleasing and entertaining to men, whilst new and fresh. But they are really a good foundation of lasting joy. We have reason always to rejoice, and think ourselves happy, that we have the knowledge of God, and of Jesus Christ, and the way of salvation through him. It was the abiding frame of the Apostle Paul. And after that the gospel had cost him much of those things which are highly esteemed by the most, he declares, that he counted all Philip. things base and contemptible, for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus bis Lord. 10. Finally, this subject puts us in mind of the importance of our preaching and hearing. iii. 8. Says St. Paul to Timothie: Take heed to 1 Tim. thy-felf, and to thy doctrine. Continue in them. For so doing, thou shalt both fave thy self, and them that hear thee. This is the de fign of our preaching: to teach men the way of iv. 16. SERM. of salvation, and to perfuade them to walk XII. and perfevere therein. Such therefore must be the usual topics of our discourse, as explain the certain principles, and enforce the great duties of religion. And such things ought to be carefully attended to. And when men receive the truth in the love of it, and come under the power of it : when their affections are set upon things above: and they can be contented in every condition: when men live in love and friendship: and their moderation is confpicuous : and they are ready to offices of goodnesse of various kinds, to all men: this is the best recompense, the most defirable fruit of well meant endeavours, to instruct men in things of religion: greater than applauses for elegance of speech, and exactnesse of method, or any thing else that can be named. Such hearers are an honour to their instructors. And if they who speak, and they who hear, are saved in the day of the Lord, they will be mutually a crown of glorie and rejoycing, when the most splendid, and the most durarable things of this earth are no more. : SER SERMON XIII. The good Exercise of Faith. I TIM. vi. 12. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. Lay hold on eternal life : whereunto thou art also called, and haft professed a good profeffion before many witnesses. HERE are some texts of Scripture, that at first appear plain, T and easie to be understood: which yet are somewhat difficult and obfcure, and the precise meaning is not readily apprehended. And fometimes we are SERM. are liable to be diverted from the right mean XIII. ing by a translation. Which is not always owing to the mistake of the translators of the Bible: but rather to some defect in modern languages, which want words correfponding to the ancient original. Of this we feem to have an instance in the present text. Fight the good fight of faith. Many may be apt to think, that the Apostle's metaphorical expreffions are taken from wars and battles: and that he here recommends to Timothie, to behave as a valiant soldier in the service of the gospel. And they may be the more induced to this apprehenfion by some other exhortations to Timothie, where the allufion is manifest. 1 Tim. i. This charge I commit unto thee, fon Timothie, ...that thou mightest war a good warfare. 2 Tim. ii. And, Thou therefore endure hardnesse, as a good foldier of Jesus Christ. Moreover St. Paul has made use of the same allusion in an exhortation to Christians in general. WhereEph. vi. fore take unto you the whole armour of God.... 13.... 17. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousnelle: and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all ta 18. 34. |