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made man upright : but they have fought out SERM.

many inventions.


We should not be offended. The fault is not in the doctrine itself. Nor has Providence been wanting in any thing requifite for the good of men. And our Lord foresaw and foretold what has fince happened. Good Matt. xiii. grain was fowed in the field. But whilft men were negligent, an enemie has caft in tares, which have sprung up, and mingled with the good corn.

This should excite our care and diligence. And with a fincere love of truth we should study, and endeavor to understand, the religion of Jesus Christ. It is not, in it's original form, the most mysterious, loaded with doctrines hard to be believed: either almost, or quite contradictorie. The worship, which it teaches, is not the most showy and pompous, that ever was contrived: confifting of a long and tedious ceremonial, in which a hypocrite might be as exact and punctual, as any man. But it is undissembled virtue, from a respect to God, and hope of his fa



If all men would receive this excellent doc

trine, and come under the power of it; the world

X 4


SERM. world might be happy, and our life here on XIV. earth cafie and comfortable. But as fuch an ~ agreeable scene has not yet appeared, and

2 Cor. iv. 17.


we are not able to reconcile all men to truth and virtue; the knowing, and pious, and zealous for God, will often meet with difficulties. But then here comes in to their aid the prospect of a great joy set before them. Hence this struggle and contention, this holy warfare: which we must refolve upon, if called out to it, and should acquit ourselves like


Here is a difficulty. But this contention gives occafion for the exercise and emprovement of virtue: and so lays the foundation of transcendent glorie and happinesse hereafter. And our light affliction, which is but for a moment, according to the fublime apprehenfions of the Apostle, worketh for us a far more exceeding, and eternal weight of glorie.

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A Recommendation of Things virtuous, lovely, and of good Report.

PHILIP. iv. 8.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatSoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report : If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think of these things.



Nothese words, and those which follow, we have the concluding exhortations and advices of the Apostle to the Christians at Philippi. They are brief and concife, yet full and comprehenfive. And in them, if any thing of moment had been hitherto omitted, every branch of conduct that has in it any real excellence, or outward comelinesse, would be included. And the well disposed and intelligent Philippians would bring it to mind.

The words of the text may be partly explained in this short paraphrase: "Finally, " to conclude, and fumm up all, my bre"thren, whatever things are true, or fincere: "Whatever things are honest, or grave, and "venerable: Whatever things are just, or " righteous between man and man: What" ever things are pure, or chaste: Whatever "things are lovely, agreeable and amiable: "Whatever things are of good report, gene" rally well-spoken of, and commended: if "there be any virtue, if there be any praise: " and whatever is virtuous and reasonable, "worthie of praise and commendation : think " of

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"of these things: Such things do you attend SERM. " to, and reckon yourselves obliged to observe XV. " and practise."

In farther discoursing on this text I shall

I. Shew, what is meant by thinking of
these things.

II. I shall endeavor to explain and illuf
trate the several particulars here men-

III. After which I intend to add fome re-
flections by way of application.

I. I would shew what is meant by think-
ing of these things.

And doubtless every one presently perceives, that the Apostle does not barely intend meditating on them, and contemplating them in a speculative way, but in order to practise. This must be the design of such an exhortation as this. And it is rendered more manifest by the immediatly following words. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and beard, and feen in me, do. And the God of peace shall be with you.



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