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The Benefit of Fearing always.

PROV. xxviii. 14.

HAPPY IS THE MAN, THAT FEARETH ALWAYS: But he that hardeneth his heart, shall fall into mischief.




LL know, that a large part of the book of Proverbs consists of sentences unconnected, or observations and maxims independent on each other. Where that is the cafe, little light is afforded by the coherence. SERM. Nevertheless I shall read the verse immeXVIII. diatly preceding. And if any connexion was ~ intended, possibly we may perceive it, at lest hereafter, when we have considred the meaning of the words of this text.

Ver. 13. and 14. He that covereth bis fins, Shall not profper: but whoso confeffeth and forsaketh them, shall have mercie. Happy is the man, that feareth always: but he that bardeneth his heart, shall fall into mischief. In difcoursing on this text

I. I shall describe the fear here recommended.

II. I would shew the happinesse of him, who feareth always.

II. I shall endeavor to shew, how this fear conduces to a man's happinesse. IV. After which I intend to mention some remarks and observations upon this subject, and conclude.

I. In the first place I should describe the fear, here recommended: or shew, what is meant by fearing always.

There is a good counsel of Solomon in

the twenty third chapter of this book: Let


not thy heart envy finers: but be thou in the SERM. fear of the Lord all the day long. This is our XVIII. duty and interest. Whatever advantages Pr. xxiii. fome may gain by unrighteousnesse, we 17. should never be thereby induced to imitate their ways: but should still persevere in the service of God, and the way of virtue, which in time will be rewarded.

But it does not appear very likely, that this is what is here particularly intended by the Wife Man. The fear, here spoken of, seems to be apprehensivenesse, diffidence, with the fruits thereof, care, caution, and circumspection: as opposite to security, inconfideration, confidence and prefumption. In this text is meant a temper of mind, which is often recommended by the Wife Man in other words. The fimple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his goings. And, Keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life... Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look strait before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy paths be established. This property, of fearing always, may be expedient and useful in a variety of occafions:


... xiv.
... iv. 23.
.. 25. 26.

SERM. fions: in the things of this present life, and XVIII. in the great concerns of our salvation.

It would undoubtedly be of bad confequence, with regard to the affairs and bufinesse of this world, for men to be void of thought and confideration: to presume upon successe, and depend upon good treatment, and honest dealings from all men; and relye upon the kind and faithful assistances of friends, and servants, and others with whom we may be concerned, without any previous trial or examination.

And it must be expedient and useful for men, to be so far apprehensive of dangers and accidents, so sensible of the changes and viciffitudes that attend all earthly things, and so far aware of the unskilfulnesse, unfaithfulnesse, art and subtlety, of other men, as shall induce them to take care of their own affairs themselves, and use a prudent caution and circumspection.

A like temper may be very useful in the things of religion. And to this the words of Solomon may be applied, if they are not to be directly interpreted in this sense. Indeed there is a fearfulnesse, and timorousnesse of mind, which religion condemns: which is mean, and unreasonable, groundless SERM. and indiscreet: when we are too apprehenfive XVIII. of the evils and afflictions of this life, or fear men more than God. Then we are to be blamed, then we act indiscreetly: when for fear of the displeasure of men, and the small evils they can inflict upon us, we do that which will offend God, and expose us to the long and grievous pains and miseries of another state, with the loffe of all that happinesse, which we might have secured by resolution and courage in the way of religion and virtue.

But there is a fear and apprehenfion, which may be very useful. It is a fear of offending God, and a diffidence of ourselves and our own strength. It is founded in a perfuafion of the great importance of right behaviour in this world, and a fure knowledge of the consequences thereof, either happinesse or miserie in a future state. It is also owing to a confideration of the power of things sensible, good and evil, agreeable or difagreeable, to biass and influence the mind: and that, oftentimes ont a sudden, and to a degree beyond most mens expectations: whereby many are diverted from right


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