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SERM. the world, and be the cause of much good,


both temporal and spiritual, to many perfons. You will promote the happinesse of men by kind offices. You may strengthen, encourage, and edify some good men: and may reclaim some finers by your counsel and example.

6. Early, and constant, and perfevering piety is very honorable. It is to the advanActs xxii. tage of Mnason, that he is called an old difSt. Paul speaks honorably of some,



Rom. xvi. who were in Christ before him. He humbles and abases himself, when he says: And

1 Cor. xv.


laft of all he was feen of me, as of one born out Rom. xvi. of due time. And the first fruits of any place unto Christ, they and theirs, are sometimes particularly mentioned by him in his 1 Cor. xvi. epistles, and affectionatly recommended to 15. 16. the special regard of others.

7. The coming to a full determination in this point, and turning our feet without delay to God's commandments, will contribute to the comfort and peace of our minds. For we are then fited for life, and for death: and prepared for all the events of this variable and inconstant state of things. It must be a great advantage, to know, and confider

this: to be able to view death, and all the SERM. evils of life, without terrour, or much dif- II. composure of mind.

8. Lastly, they who give themselves up to God in their youth, and serve him faithfully all their days, may hope for fome distinguishing honour in the great day of recompenie. Indeed some, who set out late, may outgo others, that began more early. They excel, it may be, in personal abilities and attainments: by which they are peculiarly qualified for important services in the cause of God and religion. But usually they who begin early, and perfevere to the end, will have the advantage.

And may these things be serioufly attended to, and confidered by all of us! Are we not grieved, that some things have been so long deferred? Let us not defer any longer. Let not this present exhortation be flighted, least we should not have another. Felix and Acts xxiv. Drufilla once defired to hear Paul of Christ's 24...26. doctrine, and Felix trembled. But he deferred for that season. And we do not know, that he trembled again : or ever gave Paul another opportunity of entering again upon the like argument,




Let us then beg of God, to incline our hearts to his testimonies: and to teach us his statutes, that we may keep them unto the end.




The several Branches of inoral Right



MICAH. vi. 8.

He hath shewed thee, o man, what is good. And what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercie, and to walk humbly with thy God?

N the preceding verses a very Serm. I.

1 important question is propofed:


the Lord, and bow myself before the most high God? It is answered in the words of the text. What God chiefly requires



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SERM, requires of men is, that they do justly, and love mercie, and walk humbly with him.


Ver. 1. 2.

This is the immediate occasion of the words. But I prefume it may be useful to take a more extensive and distinct view of the preceding context.

The chapter begins with these words. Hear ye now, what the Lord faith. Arife, contend thou before the mountains, and let the bills hear thy voice. Hear ye, o mountains, the Lord's controverfie, and ye strong foundations of the earth: for the Lord hath a controverfie with his people, and he will plead with Ifrael.

It is not unusual for God to bespeak the attention of inanimate creatures, and appeal to them for the justice of his proceedings, more emphatically to represent the stupidity and thoughtlessnesse of men. So by Mofes

of old: I call heaven and earth to witness iv. ii. 1. against you this day. Give ear, o ye beavens, and I will speak: Hear, o earth, the words of my mouth. So also by later Prophets: Hear, o heavens, and give ear, o earth. For the Lord has spoken: I have nourished up children, and they have rebelled against me.



H. i. z. fee also Ezek. vi.


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