offer themselves, saying: Here am foreign land for things which 'perish in the using.' And thus labouring in His service, God, even our own God, shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.'' Correspondence. [The Editors are not responsible for every statement or opinion of their correspondents; at the same time, their object is to open the pages of their Magazine to those only, who seek the real good of that Protestant Church with which it is in connexion.] To the Editor of the Christian Guardian. This gentleman must, according to his SIR,- In the “ Church Magazine," of view of the case, have been “spiritually January, 1842 (G. Bell), is a me regenerated” in his infancy; yet so moir of a clergyman well known for totally unproductive of any salutary his bitter hostility to dissenters. In effects was this “regeneration,” that the memoir occurs the following pas he was unconscious of its occurrence, sage (the italics of which are the au and actually came as an adult to rethor's own) :-“ The Rev. Mr. G- ceive“the sacrament of regeneration,” was born at East Dereham, in the in and by which he doubtless supposed County of Norfolk, in the early part himself to be then and there “ regeof the present century. Some little rated !” But lo! he afterwards found time after his conversion to the Ca that this was all a mistake, his “retholic faith, which happy event took generation” having taken place some 8 place, I believe, at the age of about twenty-five years before, though totwenty-five or twenty-six, he received tally unknown to himself, either at the holy sacrament of baptism (con the time, or by any salutary effects ditionally), as he was then uncertain upon his after life! whether he had been duly baptized, These facts may safely be left to or had been the unconscious subiect speak for themselves. But surely one of that profane mockery which dissent may reasonably ask, is a “regeneraers call baptism ; he was therefore bap tion” such as this all that our Lord tized, conditionally, by the Rev. W. W intended, when he so solemnly de * Barnes, M.A., then rector of Rich clared it to be necessary, in order to mond, Yorkshire. His parents and entrance “ into the kingdom of God.” friends were all dissenters; but, owing (John iii. 3, 5)? to some circumstance or other, he was I am, Sir, yours truly. duly baptized in his infancy by the M.A., Oxon. Rev. Mr. Preston, then curate of the Jan. 21, 1852. parish; and on his first visit to his native town, after he was in holy or To the Editor. ders, the worthy and excellent vicar surprised him with a copy of the re- Dear Sir,- What has become of the gistry of his baptism, taken from the proposal for the “Prize Essays," adparish registry. I have heard him vertised in your Magazine some time speak with fervent and pious gratitude since? I am one of those who are in consequence of his baptism, and of most ansious to see the questions the discovery of its record in the re- which were therein sketched out, at gistry of the parish.” (p. 2.) once taken into consideration; and I Now here is a marvellous case! have been looking for “ further parti culars," names of adjudicators, &c. &c., are found of literary eminence who but hitherto only to be disappointed. will undertake the adjudication. What is the difficulty? Are there no Yours, &c. D. clergymen of sufficient standing and [Our Correspondent has, in his coneminence,-are there no laymen of acknowledged ability and position, to cluding sentence, hit the right nail on undertake the task? Or are our clergy the head. We imagine it to be a matter and laity so indifferent to the proposed of no slight difficulty to name two or plan as to yield no response, either by three individuals who should at once pos. suggestion or pecuniary help? If you sess the confidence of parties likely to know the parties who have advertised, write, and be themselves willing to come do use your influence to urge them forward. Events are every day occur prominently forward on such a question. ring which more than demonstrate the The duty and advantages of the proposal necessity for such a work. Surely are obvious, and we shall be willing to means cannot be wanting to carry the do all in our power to aid in its accomidea into speedy effect, if only men plishment.--Ed.] Reviews, and Short Notices of Books. MEMOIR and Remains of the Rev. whole Christian community, there James Harington Evans, late could be but scanty material for an Minister of John Street Cha pel. i extended biography. Under almost all circumstances, it Edited by the Rev. James Joyce appears to be very desirable that any Evans, M.A. pp. 666. Nisbet & Co. other hand but that of a son should give to the world the portraiture of a The memorial of the late Mr. Evans father's life. The difficulty and deliis the common property of all Christ's cacy of such a task is more than ora people. Born and educated in the dinarily magnified when, as in the Church of England, and destined for instance before us, the father had for its ministry, by one of those hereditary a long period relinquished his office arrangements which has oftentimes and membership in the national but too grievously interfered with Church, in which his son and biograthe spiritual welfare of the Church, pher is now a conscientious minister. Mr. Evans was better known for the in common with the many who largest portion of his life as a seceder knew and highly valued the characfrom its communion, and as the Baptist ter of the late Mr. Evans, we confess Minister of a Chapel in John Street, that we were apprehensive that this Bedford Row. There was much in peculiar position might in some dethe life of Mr. Evans, both in his own gree hamper the editor of this Mecircle of friends, and among the con- moir, or lead him to discuss the progregation to which he ministered, that priety of the course which his honoured has naturally made them anxious for father thought it right to pursue. the appearance of this long expected Such, we are truly rejoiced to find, Memoir. For ourselves, while we has not been the case ; for in the acknowledge with ready gratitude the comparatively brief Memoir contained spiritual benefit we have often re- in this volume, Mr. Evans has wisely ceived from a ministry full of Christ delegated the chief, and to him the and the rich experimental and prac- most difficult, portion of the task, to tical doctrines of the Gospel, yet we one, who has given us what all who felt that in the case of a man who knew the man, will giadly recognize had not come prominently before the as a faithful, although it be but a rapid sketch of Mr. Evans, in his manner of attempt without some reasonable hope of life and ministerial character. success. However, as the event showed, Having premised thus much as to he had no reason to regret the determithe execution of the work. we shall nation. To the great surprise of all, his proceed to lay before our readers a son gained the scholarship. He was but brief sketch of the Memoir itself. fourteen years of age, and of course far junior to all his competitors; a disadThe late Mr. Evans was born at vantage not lessened by the fact that he Salisbury in the year 1785, and was came to Oxford as no candidate for the the son of the Rev. Dr. Evans, one of prize, and therefore without any direct the clergy of the Cathedral of that preparation for the ordeal. At fourteen. city. At a very early age he began years of age, then, we find him Scholar to give evidence of great natural of his College, and commencing residence ability, and soon acquired the first at Oxford in the following October.” position in the endowed grammar Great as is still the state of dissipaschool, of which his father was the tion amongst many of the men at our master. Universities, Oxford, -- and, as our bi“His father was" "a strict clergy. ographer affirms, Wadham College in man of the old school, the daily lessons particular, -" was at that time rather were read by him morning and evening, notorious in the University as a gay the appointed Psalms were accomplished College.” Exposed, while a mere in their monthly order, and the sermon boy, to the temptations of such a of orthodox morality, but questionable place, and unrestrained by any relidivinity, was added on the Sunday even gious feeling, we cannot be surprised ing. But he was immersed in the world. that the early part of his college Cards, dancing, routs, the theatre, were much in fashion in all country towns. life was spent chiefly on the river by He entered keenly into this circle of day and at the wine party by night.” amusements, and wished that his son, It is, however, an evidence that the equally with himself, should participate God of his after years was even then in these pleasures. Thus passed the ear- striving within his bosom, when we liest years of my father's boyhood.” read that At eleven the care of his education “ Conscience, though not savingly en lightened by the Holy Spirit, was not was transferred to his uncle, the Rev. altogether silent. In the midst of the Isaac Hodgson, who was very suc most hilarious scenes it told him this was cessful in carrying on the studies of not happiness; there was an aching void, his youthful relative. In 1799 Mr. which loud laughter and boisterous merEvans accompanied his father in a riment could not fill; and referring in visit to Oxford, and after-life to these College days, have I “On their arrival they were informned heard him say, when the last lingerer of that a scholarship at Wadham was vacant, the large and jovial party which had revelled in his rooms had left, he has and the examination was on the point of often looked round on the vacant seats commencing. " Dr. Evans's friends strongly advised and empty glasses, laid his head upon him to enter his son's name as a candi the table, and wept abundantly.” date. True he could not expect to be the Added to this inward feeling, there successful competitor, but it was good was another, and perhaps a then practice, and it would bring his name be- more effective principle, at work, that fore the Examiners, which could scarcely saved him from the commission of fail to be an advantage to him, when he “open iniquity," " the power of a moshould be of fitting age to enter upon his ther's love." The following incident University career. will be read with interest by those “It was not without considerable relucta who knew and loved the late William ance, as may easily be supposed, that his Howels, of Long Acre :father consented. Sensibly alive to all that affected his son's interests, he could “It was no uncommon thing in the not but feel the disadvantages under Univerity for a student who wished to which he must enter into the contest; escape chapels and lectures to have his and it was to him a matter of considerable name entered on the • Æger' list, though doubt whether it were politic to make an his health was good, an he had no shadow of title to the indulgence. This feelings and the resolutions departed list properly contained the names of such together. as had a fair claim to exemption from His mother's death first led him to duties on the plea of illness, and was kept think in earnest about the state of his by the Bible clerk of the college. My own soul. The anxiety he felt on her father had been really suffering from in account, and the distress consequent disposition when his name was, of course, rightly entered on the roll. I do not now upon her death, affected his own remember whether he was, strictly speak health; and it was after a change of ing, convalescent, when he asked the scene and bodily refreshment at proper officer to continue his name upon Cowes, that Mr. Evans returned to the paper. His reply was, • Mr. Evans, Oxford, with a spirit saddened and I saw you out on horseback yesterday, subdued. and I scarcely think I should be justified " It must have been shortly after this in returning you as æger to-day.' In that the first ray of light entered his vain my father replied that horse exercise mind, direct froin Him who said, 'Let was recommended to him. “Mr. Evans, there be light, and there was light.' In you will pardon me, I know you were bed, in the quiet stillness of the night, out at dinner last evening ; late hours his sins came before hin for judgment, are not good for invalids, I cannot report and he said inwardly to himself, • If I you as æger. The frank honesty of the pray, will God hear such a wretch as I man struck him much. There was an am ?' Like many another sinner whom integrity in the objection, and an upright Christ has afterwards drawn to Himself, candour in the explanation, which my he cast his soul on the venture, he began father respected instantly. In after-days to pray, and found soon that God heard to he loved him; he was the late William and answered prayer. He had no human Howels, of Long-acre Chapel." instructor. No Ananias to tell him what the will of the Lord was. Amongst his The first time Mr. Evans felt that College friends there were none who God was the hearer of prayer, was on could aid his imperfect sight or direct his the following occasion : upcertain feet. The Great Teacher “If it had not been for what were taught him ; the Guide into all truth Himself instructed him in the way tbat termed voluntary exhibitions, my father has frequently said, he should have been he should go. He led him to search the Scriptures, and there comparing his own a thoroughly idle man. But, to a certain heart and life with the perfect standard extent, preparation for these made him of the law of God, he was compelled to work, and what is more, when the hour of examination came they made him acknowledge himself a szner, while the pray. “The first time I think I knew way of salvation he knew not. Thus did the Spirit of God commence His work what prayer was, was just previous lo these examinations. They drove me to by convincing of sin." my knees.' Who can tell whether God Dr. Evans could not understand, was not at this time at work secretly upon and therefore could administer no his heart, drawing him to Himself, by showing He was a prayer-answering God, counselor comfort to his newly awakened son. The cold creed of when nothing more than tenipora) success was the subject of request ? Verily formal religion, mingled with the love He would cause him to see greater of the world, could supply no medithings than these.'” cine to heal the wound inflicted by the Spirit of God. He alone must In 1803 Mr. Evans took his B.A. bind up who has broken; and it is degree, being then just eighteen. still no marvel, that those who never Two years after this he became Fel- felt the power of the Gospel to break low of his College. But during his the stony heart, do not know what to residence at Oxford he felt but few, make of the new feelings, and the and those only transient, impressions new principles, which manifest themof the importance of religion. Pre- selves in those whose hearts the Lord parations for Sacrament Sundays has touched. The story of Dr. Evans' brought with them some feeling that treatment of his son's case, is but a change and amendment were neces- repetition of what is still attempted sary; but the celebration over, the by those fond parents who see a loved child thus suffering in the early Evans himself mourned over as afdevelopment of a new born exist- fording an instance of the wretchedly ence. But false comfort and a round loose and facile way in which men. of gaiety would not do, and Mr. were at that time admitted into the Evans sought and found in retire- ministry. We can only express the ment the peace God alone could earnest hope and belief that the prin ciple on which the examiner chaplain, “ The arrow of conviction once fixed at that time acted, when passing Mr. is not so easily to be taken out, and in Evans for orders, is, far from being lạter years he has pointed to a summer the same in the present day. house in his father's garden whither at “Mr. Evans, it is almost a matter of this time he loved to retire, and where, form to put a Fellow of a college upona unseen, saving by Him who seeth in his examination ; there can be little quessecret, the only relief that he could find tion as to his being well-qualified for orwas in pouring out his soul in bitter tears ders," to God. In this state of mind he continued for some time, and God all the Mr. Evans' ordination deepened in while was deepening His own work in his him his religious impressions, and soul. Failing human counsellor, he sought under these feelings he entered upon in books to find the peace he longed for, his ministerial duties at Worplesdon. and eagerly he turned over volume after in Surrey, and afterwards at Enville, volume in his father's library, hoping that a in Staffordshire. It was at the latter soine other once unhappy soul who had experienced the distress of mind through place that a recommendation from his which he was now passing might have easygo; easy-going Rector was of great serdescribed the means by which he found vice to his clearer perception of spicomfort at the last. It was a vain search. ritual truths. The books upon his father's shelves were “Shortly after my father commenced not likely to be of a class which could his labours, his rector anxious to give a teach an anxious inquirer the way of younger man than himself the benefit of acceptance. Whither must be go for his longer experience, said he thought he guidance ? Eagerly thirsting for know took much unnecessary trouble in coinposledge, longing to understand the secret ing and preaching his own discourses, and of forgiveness, to whom was he to appiy told him that be always read his sermon. for instruction ? Peace of soul he yearned from a printed book, adding that his library to obtain, but there could be no peace was at his service. “I usually preach without pardon--the pardon must pre- Blair's Sermons, Mr. Evans, but from cede the peace, or the peace could not what I have heard of your preaching I satisfy the want of his soul. About this should say that Cooper would suit you tine. however, he fell in with 'Dod- best.' He was a kind-hearted man (little dridge's Rise and Progress of Religion,' competent, as he showed himself to be, to and this book was made of essential ser advise a young minister), and fully meant vice to him. In what way he became that his counsel should be followed. Acpossessed of it does not appear, but none cordingly he sent him Doctrinal Sercan doubt it was the direct finger of God mons, by the Rev. Edward Cooper,' and which led him to that source of spiritual it was the perusal of this book which led instruction. He gained much insight his mind to comprehend and embrace the into evangelical truth by reading its blessed and fundamental doctrine of Juspages. He felt that it could teach himtification by faith alone.” what he sought for better than any other book he knew of. It formed his constant In 1810 his marriage took place companion in the summer-house. Page with that excellent woman who afler page unfolded the very truth he had proved to Mr. Evans a help meet inbeen labouring to discover, and in after- deed, not only in his own family cirlife, speaking of the means whereby God cle, but also in the duties of his pasbrought him in due time to the know- toral affairs, both in the Establishment ledge of Himself, he always referred to and after his secession. Not the least this book as having been made a great interesting portion of this volume, is help to him." the interesting Memoir of the late We must haste to the period of his Mrs. Evans, given to us from the pen ordination : an event which Mr. of her own husband. It was at this |