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" Hundred and Sixty Sleeping Apartments, elegant Sitting-rooms, and a Garden for the use of visitors. Extensive and airy Dining-room, and a comfortable Public Sitting-room, with Piano and Library. It is conducted under the Immediate superintendence of the... "
The American Travellers' Guides: Hand-books for Travellers in Europe and the ... - Page 86
de William Pembroke Fetridge - 1883
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A hand-book for travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy ..., Partie 2

John Murray - 1838 - 356 pages
...SEJOUR.— A. ROESSLER, Proprietor. This favourite and first-class •^- Hotel, situated near the Kureaal, Promenade, and Theatre, commands one of the most charming views in Baden. The Hotel and Dépendance consist of One Hundred and Sixty Sleeping Apartments, elegant Sitting-rooms,...
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Bradshaw's illustrated travellers' hand book in [afterw.] to France, Numéro 10

George Bradshaw - 1855 - 388 pages
...HuLLANDE.— A. ROESSLER, Proprietor.— This favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, Promenade, and Theatre, commands one of the most charming...rendering it necessary to enlarge the Hotel, which now consuls of more than a hundred sleeping apartments, elegant sitting-rooms, and a garden for the use...
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Bradshaw's illustrated travellers' hand book in [afterw.] to France, Numéro 9

George Bradshaw - 1855 - 372 pages
...HOLLANDE.— A. ROESSLER, Proprietor. —This favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, commands one of the most charming views in rendering it necessary to enlarge the Hotel, the Proprietor, in extending the premises, has introduced additional improvements, and has placed conveniences...
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Bradshaw's illustrated travellers' hand book in [afterw.] to France, Numéro 7

George Bradshaw - 1855 - 356 pages
...This favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, commands one of the moat charmine views in Baden. The increase of business rendering It necessary to enlarge the Hotel, the Proprietor, in extending the premises, ' has introduced additional im pro vein en ta, aud lias...
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Bradshaw's illustrated travellers' hand book in [afterw.] to France, Numéro 5

George Bradshaw - 1855 - 342 pages
...favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, commands one of the moat charming vlewB in Baden. The increase of business rendering It necessary to enlarge the Hotel, the Proprietor, In extending the premises, hai Introduced additional improve, , ments, and has placed...
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Bradshaw's illustrated travellers' hand book in [afterw.] to France, Numéro 14

George Bradshaw - 1855 - 386 pages
...SEJOITR.— A. SOESSLKI, Proprietor. This favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, Promenade, and Theatre, commands one of the most charming views in Baden. The Hotel ami Dependance consists of one hundred and sixty sleeping apartments, elegant sitting-rooms,...
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Bradshaw's illustrated hand-book to Switzerland and the Tyrol, Volume 5

George Bradshaw - 1857 - 230 pages
...Promenade, and Theatre, commands one of the most charming views in Baden. The inerease of bnsiness rendering it necessary to enlarge the Hotel, which now consists of more than a hundred sleepIng apart meat a, elegant sitting rooms, and a garJen for the ure of visitors. It is conducted under the...
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A Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy: Including Lucca, Tuscany ...

John Murray (Firm) - 1864 - 598 pages
...Proprietor, A. Roessler. rPIIJS favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, Pronn mule, and Theatre, commands one of the most charming rendering it necessary to enlarge the Hotel, it now consists of more than a hundred sleeping apartment*. elri:iint killing-rooms, and a garden for...
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Handbook for travellers in central Italy [by O. Blewitt].

Octavian Blewitt - 1864 - 568 pages
...Roessler. S favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, Proménade, and Theatre, commanda one of the most charming views in Baden. The rendering it necessary to enlarge the Hotel, it now consute of more than a hundred sleeping apartments, elegant sitting-rooms, and a garden for...
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Hand-book for travellers in France [by J. Murray. 1st] 3rd-14th, 16th, 18th ed

John Murray - 1864 - 754 pages
...Roessler. S favourite and first-class Hotel, situated near the Kursaal, Proiirvlt-, and Theatre, command« one of the most charming views in Baden. The Increase of business rendering it пеоеавлгу to enlarge the Hotel, it now consiste oT more than a hundred Bleeping apartments,...
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