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" I have been something of a traveler in our own country — though far less than I could wish — and in Europe have seen all that is most attractive, from the highlands of Scotland to the golden horn of Constantinople ; from the summit of the Hartz Mountains... "
The American Travellers' Guides: Hand-books for Travellers in Europe and the ... - Page 1564
de William Pembroke Fetridge - 1883
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Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions, Volume 3

Edward Everett - 1859 - 872 pages
...attractive, from the highlands of Scotland to the golden horn of Constantinople, from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the fountain of Vaucluse ; but my eye...smiles around you as you sail from Weir's Landing to Senter Harbor. I have yet to behold a sublimer spectacle than that which is disclosed from Mount Washington,...
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Transactions of the New Hampshire State Agricultural Society

New Hampshire State Agricultural Society - 1854 - 416 pages
...from the highlands of Scotland to the golden horn of Constantinople ; from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the fountain of Vaucluse ; but my eye...disclosed from Mount Washington, when, on some clear, cool summer's morning at sunrise, the cloud curtain is drawn up from nature's grand proscenium, and all...
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The National Magazine, Volume 11

Abel Stevens, James Floy - 1857 - 586 pages
...Golden Horn of Constantinople ; from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the Fountain of Yiiueluse; but my eye has yet to rest on a lovelier scene than that which is discovered from Mount "Washington, wben, on some clear, cool summer's morning, at sunrise, the cloud-curtntn...
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The White Mountain Guide Book

Samuel Coffin Eastman - 1864 - 272 pages
...from the Highlands of Scotland to the Golden Horn of Constantinople — from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the Fountain of Vaucluse ; but my eye...than that which smiles around you as you sail from Weirs' landing to Centre Harbor." Should the traveller have leisure to spend npon this beautiful lake,...
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The Ladies' Repository, Volumes 39 à 40

1868 - 1048 pages
...Golden Horn of Constantinople — from the summit of the Hartz mountains to the Fountain of Vancluse, but my eye has yet to rest on a lovelier scene than that which is discovered from Mount Washington, when on some clear, cool summer's morning, at sunrise, the cloud-curtain...
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Appletons' Hand-book of American Travel: Northern and Eastern Tour ...

1873 - 322 pages
...Golden Horn of Constantinople, from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the Fountain ot'Vaucluse, but my eye has yet to rest on a lovelier scene than that which smiles around you as you sail from Wier's Landing to Centre Harbor." In the lake trip,'Belknap Mountain, with its two peaks 2,500 feet...
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The American Travellers' Guides ..., Volume 13,Partie 3 ;Volume 17,Partie 3

William Pembroke Fetridge - 1874 - 552 pages
...from the Highlands of Scotland to the Golden Horn of Constantinople— from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the Fountain of Vaucluse— but my eye...disclosed from Mount Washington, when, on some clear, cool summer's morning, at sunrise, the cloud-curtain is drawn up from Nature's grand proscenium, and all...
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Faxon's Illustrated Handbook of Travel to Saratoga, Lakes George and ...

1874 - 268 pages
...attractive, from the Highlands of Scotland to the Golden Horn of Constantinople, from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the Fountain of Vaucluse ; but my you sail from Weir's Landing to Centre Harbor." At Alton Bay is a good hotel, whence teams are furnished for the ascent of Mount Belknap, ten miles...
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Adventures of a Deaf-mute

William B. Swett - 1874 - 60 pages
...from the Highlands of Scotland to the Golden Horn of Constantinople, — from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the Fountain of Vaucluse ; but my you sail from Weir's Landing to Centre Harbor." At the Pemigewasset House, in Plymouth, where the train stopped for dinner, I met that prince of good...
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The Statistics and Gazetteer of New Hampshire with ... Statistical Tables ...

Alonzo J. Fogg - 1874 - 740 pages
...Golden Horn of Constantinople — from the summit of the Hartz Mountains to the fountains of Vauclure ; but my eye has yet to rest on a lovelier scene than that which smiles around yo.i as you sail from Wier's Landing to Center Harbor." What is- true of this trip is true of that...
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