59 THE ALBIGENSES, A ROMANCE. BY THE AUTHOR OF "BERTRAM," A TRAGEDY: Sir, betake thee to thy faith, For seventeen poniards are at thy bosom. SHAKSPEARE'S All's Well that Ends Well. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HURST, ROBINSON, and co. AND A. CONSTABLE AND CO. EDINBURGH. 1824. THE ALBIGENSES. CHAPTER I. Oh, the Monks of Melrose made good kale, On Fridays when they fasted, They wanted neither beef nor ale, As long as their neighbours lasted. Old Ballad. NEITHER the deep and cautious silence which the Court of Rome preserved on the subject of the Bishop of Toulouse assuming the title of champion of the Church, and leading the army of the Crusaders-the refusal of King Philip to aid him with a single man-atarms, till that title was recognized by the Vatican-nor the desertion of the Crusaders' troops; nor ultimately the defeat he had sus |