OR REFLECTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE, VIRTUE, AND HAPPINESS; CHIEFLY IN REFERENCE TO A LIFE OF RETIREMENT IN THE COUNTRY. By ELY BATES, Esq. Quid tibi vitandum præcipuè existimes, quæris? turbam.-Ego certè FIFTH EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, PATERNOSTER ROW. AND ORME, ADVERTISEMENT. BOTH the following PREFACE and REFLECTIONS were composed some years ago, during that period of republican frenzy, when the world, in its wild attempts to overthrow two of its greatest and most fundamental blessings, religion and government, seemed in a kind of conspiracy against itself: which is here remarked, in order to account for a few passages which might be thought less applicable at present, when so many hopeful symptoms appear of a return to social order and Christian piety. Why the publication of this small work was not made at the time above stated, or why it is made now, it is needless to explain; since its merits, whatever they are, depend |