New Works; Cambridge, &c...New In- ventions: Steam Engine, &c. New RELIG. INTEL-British and Foreign Bible letins Peace: Russia and Turkey; Great Britain, Sweden, and Russia..America: Declaration of War..Great Britain: Prince OBIT.-Jacob Min, a Jew and the East: Church Missionary Asso- PUB. AFF.-Spain: Siege of Burgos, &c... MISCEL-On the sarcastic Application of .. Stewart's Philosophical Essays .. 577 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: BELIG. INTEL-New Auxiliary Bible So- United States of America: Capture of ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS ... 684 RELIG. COM.-On the Love of God.. Ode of Habakkuk, from the Hebrew.. On Dr. Clarke's Denial of the Brazen Serpent be- ing a Type of Christ. . Sermon on Ephes. vi. 10... Simeon's Defence of his Scrinons on the Liturgy.. Bishop Cicaver on the MISCEL.-Answers to a Friend to Fairness" .. On Scougal. . Means of impressing -713 REV. OF--Cottage Sketches.. Maltby on the Plans of the Bible Society.. Cunning- ham's Reply to Maltby Sixth Report of the African Institution.... 713-729 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works; Ronian Antiquities.. New Effect of Bibles near Neath and Bristol; RELIG. INTEL.-National Society for Edu- among Soldiery; among Prisoners of War 609-618 cation of the Poor.. Prayer-book and .... Raising Siege of Cadiz, &c... War in the North Sicily: New Constitution United States: Hostilities. Great Britain: Dissolution of Parliament; Suggestions on the View of a General Election, 617-619 RELIG. COM.-Of Abassinia.. Sermon on -631 gos; Retreat of Lord Wellington; Bal- ..On certain injudicious Expressions of Religious Persons.. Jerusalem Lost and A. Clarke on Deut. vi. 20... Sermon on 1 Cor. iii. 21... Collation of Bishops Tom- line and Tillotson on Regeneration . . Sir Matthew Hale on the Excellency of the Bible.. Lavater's Rules of Holy Living.. REV. OF-Hall's Sermon on the Christian MISCEL-Complaint of a neglected Female Ministry.. Stewart's Philosophical Essays 649-654 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: A Baptismal Ball.. Oath of Abjuration propagating Gospel in New England; New Works; New Publications.... 676 Wheelock's Indian School; Danish Mis- BELIG, INTEL-Mission Society to Africa sion in th6 East; Denon's Account of pious Clergymen Prayer-book and Ho- mily Society Society for Missions to Africa and the East. British and Foreign, Wallingford and York, Bradford, and Staffordshire Bible Societies Speech of Mr. Gisborne Society for Jews. Religi- ous Tract Society. Society for Observ- ance of Lord's Day Sunday Schools.. PUB. AFF.-Spain; Capture of Badajoz, &c. liament; Catholic Question; Orders in RELIG. COM.-Obligation of Great Britain to Christianize India. Rev. Henry Scou- gal Sermon on John xv. 8... 261-279 MISCEL-Letter, the Rev. C. F. A. Stein- kopff to the Right Hon. N. Vansittart.. Reeves's Common Prayer. Rev. Richard Greenham..Licensert Schoolmasters..On Mr. Hodgson's Use of the Phrase" sanc- tified Look".. Hymns for the third Sun- day after Epiphany.. ·····282-289 REV. OF-Report of Cambridge Bible So- ciety, Marsh's Address and Inquiry.. Clarke's, Dealtry's, Vansittart's, and Si- meon's Reply to Marsh. The Dog in the LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works; Mendicity; Cambridge; niversary Report Society for Missions to Africa and East..Prayer-book and Homi- ly Society. Baptist Missions in India.. Eclectic Review. Religious Intelligence PUB. AFF. - Spain Russia. Turkey. Prussia Sweden, &c. America: Orders in Council; Henry, &c... Great Britain: .. .. NUMBER VI. RELIG. COM.-Rev. Henry Scougal · nealogy of Messiah Hebrew Names de- scriptive of Properties. Dr. Barrow on the Work of the Holy Ghost in Regene- LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works; Oxford; Bibliomania; Stra- monium; Leslie's frigorific Process; Re- medy for Rats; Polyflame Lamp, &c. &c.; RELIG. INTEL.-Relief of the Manufac- turing Poor. Prayer-book and Homily PUB. AFF.-Spain France. Russia..Swe- African and Asiatic Society 389-400 den. United States. Caraccas. St.Vin- cent. Cuba. Great Britain: Parliament; New Administration; Conciliatory Mea- sures of Government; Revocation of the Orders in Council; Budget; Loan; New RELIG. COM.-Rev. Henry Scougal. . Cor- World's Estimate of Goodness. . Anec- REV. OF-Scow on Tomiline's Refutation of Calvinism.. D'Oyly's Letters to Sir Wm. LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works; Mungo Park; Hebrew Bi- ble; Revenue; New Publications...462 RELIG. INTEL.-British and Foreign Bible Society.. Bible Associations.. Circulation of Prayer-books.. Blackheath, Liverpool, Manchester and Salford Bible Societies.. Society for Conversion of the Jews. PUB. AFF.-War between Russia and France Baptist Missions in India.... 464—470 Offer of Peace to Great Britain.. Pro- gress of French in Russia.. Poland. Turkey.. Sweden. . Spain, &c. . . United States.. Great Britain: Parliament; Se- cret Committee and Law to repress Riots RELIG. Coм.-Rev. Dr. Bayley of Man- MISCEL.-Arabian Epistle, by Mark CVI. Patriarch of the Copts, to a Moravian Bi- shop.. On signing College Testimonials.. Supplication of Poor to King Edward VI, ..On the Declension of Politeness.. Dr. Goldsmith's Commendation of Public REV. OF-Simeon on the Liturgy. Scott on the Bishop of Lincoln's Refutation of LIT, AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: and the East: Church Missionary Asso- ciations; General Meeting of the Society PUB. AFF.-Spain: Siege of Burgos, &c... New Works; Cambridge, &c...New In- ventions: Steam Engine, &c. New RELIG. INTEL.-British and Foreign Bible Society Bath, Uxbridge, and South-West Essex Bible Societies. Religious Liberty ..Baptist Missions in India--St. Alban's, Clapham, City of London, and Naval and Military Bible Societies. Society for Sup- PUB. AFF.-Spain: Lord Wellington's Vic- .......... MISCEL. On the sarcastic Application of REV. OF-Gregory's Letters on Christianity .. Stewart's Philosophical Essays .. 577 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works, &c.; Trial for Non-residence; Vaccine Establishment; Mendicity Office; RELIG. INTEL.-New Auxiliary Bible So- cieties. Want of Bibles in Liverpool.. Effect of Bibles near Neath and Bristol; among Soldiery; among Prisoners of War ..Baptist Mission Society. Destruction of Printing Establishment at Serampore.. Southwark and Wilts Bible Societies Supply of Bibles and Prayer-books to the .. PUB. AFF.-Spain: Capture of Madrid, &c.; Raising Siege of Cadiz, &c...War in the North Sicily: New Constitution United States: Hostilities. Great Britain: MISCEL.-On our occasional State Prayers On certain injudicious Expressions of REV. OF-Hall's Sermon on the Christian Ministry.. Stewart's Philosophical Essays LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works; New Publications.... 676 RELIG. INTEL.-Mission Society to Africa United States of America: Capture of REV. OF--Cottage Sketches.. Maltby on the Plans of the Bible Society.. Cunning- ham's Reply to Maltby.. Sixth Report of the African Institution .... 713-729 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: New Works; Roman Antiquities.. New RELIG. INTEL.-National Society for Edu- RELIG.INTEL.-Missions of United Brethren at Cape of Good Hope, Surinam, Green- land, St. Croix, St. Thomas, Antigua, Bar- badoes, and South America.. Mission So- ciety to Africa and East: Sermon and Re- port.. Loudon Missionary Society: Ab- stract of Report.. Spitalfields Benevolent Society.. Sunday School Union. . Hiber- nian School Society. . Society for Observ- ance of Lord's Day, &c... Spiritual Wants of the Poor in the Forest of Deau.. Navy Chaplains... Poor Curates... Tract So ciety..Jews..Lascars.. United States.. Methodists.. Serampore.. Church Mis- sion Tracts.. Keynsham Association for reading Bible.. Newcastle, Suffolk, Shrop- shire, Blackheath, Henley, Hibernian, Sussex, North London, Hackney, Cam- bridge and Edinburgh Bible Societies 821 LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS...... 866 ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS.... 867 to read, and therefore she stayed mostly in her closet and gave herself much to reading, and still avoided the company of the servants, having an abhorrence of the profaneness and ribaldry with which they are ready to defile one another's ears, and pollute their hearts. And in this sense, one's great enemies are oftentimes those of one's own house; and children, in their younger years, are greatly corrupted by the example and speeches of servants. "Her parents, knowing how rea SOME MEMORABLE THINGS, ESPE dy young people are to corrupt one CIALLY OF THE LAST YEARS AND "ANNA late Countess of Seafield, the eldest daughter of Sir William Dunbar of Durn, son to the Laird of Grangehill, and Janet Brodie his wife, grandchild of the Lord Brodie, was born in the year of God 1672, and bred up virtuously from her infancy by her parents, and particularly by her grandmother Lady Dunbar, who was a virtuous and pious woman, and took care to instil into her grandchild's mind, a sense of piety and devotion from her very infancy. There appeared in her, from her childhood, a sweetness of temper and disposition which made her agreeable to all that saw her, and which was always observable in her to the last. "When she was a young girl with her parents, her mother would have had her to learn housewifery; but her inclination led her rather CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 121. another, and that one of the best means to keep them from evil is to preserve them from the occasion of it, chose not to send her to the city, to the women's schools, according to the ordinary custom, there to be trained up in the things which become those of her own age and quality to learn; but to keep a virtuous woman within their house to attend their daughter, and instruct her in such things as were fit for her to learn." She began very early to read good and devout books, and took delight to hear them read to her; and when a portion of some of them had been read, she would retire to her closet, and was often observed there on her knees in prayer to God. When she was about eight years of age, while reading the holy Scriptures, she happened to read these words, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.' On which, reflecting on her own sinful state, she was struck with great terror, looking on herself as one of those against whon this is threatened. In this state. B |