tholics to see certaiu important subjects in the same light that the catholics of the Church of England do, a very auspicious opening would be made for that long desired measure of CATHOLIC UNION, which formerly engaged the talents and anxious wishes of some of the best and ablest members of both communions." Charges, p. 443. A union, therefore, with the Syrian Christians, at a future time, ought not to be accounted a vision ary object. At present, however, they only want our countenance and the means of instruction. They are descended from the first ChrisLians at Antioch (at least with more certainty than we can trace the descent of almost any other people); they maintain a primitive character, and can boast of an antiquity to which we cannot pretend; aud al though, in respect of refinement and learning, they may not be deemed worthy to sit at meat with us, yet we may give to them, and it appears that they would thankfully receive, "the crumbs that fall from our table." Before we conclude this article, we wish it to be distinctly under stood, that we have no intention to censure the Society's missionaries. They, we doubt not, gave the best answer they could to the query that had been put to them. We think, however, that the query itself was ill-timed. The Society might have known that the members of a church, however apostolical that church may be in its constitution and in its creed, which is deprived of free access to the word of God, the grand fountain of light and knowledge, cannot be in a capacity to become the heralds of the everlasting Gospel to other nations. The inquiry ought rather to have been, What can we, as a society embodying within its pale the constituted authorities of the English episcopate-what can we do to raise this ancient, but fallen and oppressed, church to a participation of the privileges with which the Divine mercy has favoured us? Can any thing be done to enlighten her darkness; to rectify the errors produced in the long lapse of ages, by her isolated state, and by her destitution of the means of religious knowledge? Can any thing be done to protect her against the oppression of the native governments, and against the insidious arts of the Ro mish church, aided by the terrors of an inquisition? Such are the inquiries which the occasion called for; and these inquiries, we trust, will yet be effectually prosecuted, not only as a duty incumbent on the Society under any circumstances, but as doubly requisite in order to repair the injurious effect of the present publication. Of course, no injury could have been intended by the Society; that is altogether impossi ble; but an injury has nevertheless been done, by the mistatements which have thus been forced into circulation under an authority so generally venerated as that of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Had the purpose, however, of these mistaken representations been to excite the commiseration and the exertions of the members of the Society in favour of this suffers ing and destitute body of Christians, though we should still have regretted their incorrectness, we should have applauded the motive which gave them publicity. But we cannot discover that such is its intention; on the contrary, if any ipference may be drawn from the general colour of the Report, it would be, that the Society designed to justify itself for making no efforts to enlighten the Syrian Christians. This inference, however, will prove to be unfounded, and we shall rejoice to witness the proof of its injustice, in the early adoption of some measures on the part of the Society with a view to ascertain the practicabi lity of its beneficial interference in behalf of this people. If, on the other hand, no such measures should be adopted, we must then call loudly on all the members of the Church of England, who feel for her true charge the obligation which is im posed upon them, to employ their utmost exertions to raise from its present state of darkness and depression this most interesting commu honour, as a dispenser of the bless LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL INTELLIGENCE, GREAT BRITAIN. &c. &c. PREPARING for publication:-By subscription, Memoirs of the late Philip Melvill, Esq. Lieut. Governor of Pendennis Castle, prepared by a Friend: the profits to be applied to the benefit of his widow and family. The price to subscribers will be 10s. 6d. 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M. ;—Mr. Bullock's Catalogue (considerably enlarged) of the London Museum of Natural History, removing to the new building in Piccadilly; and The fifth edition of Cotterill's Psalms and Hymns adapted to the Festivals of the Church of England, with additions. The following are the subjects for Sir Wil liam Brown's gold medals for the present year at Cambridge:-For the Greek ode, -Crinemque timendi Sideris et terris mutantem regna Cometen. LUCAN. For the Latin ode, Honestæ paupertatis laus; For the Epigrams, Miraturque nihil nisi quod Libitini sacravit. HORACE. Several genuine MSS. (many of which are in the hand-writing of Oliver Cromwell) have been discovered in a chest containing records of the town of Haverford-west. The following is a comparative statement of the population of Great Britain, in the years 1801 and 1811; shewing the difference between the two returns. 3,987,935 4,343,499 8,331,434 257,178 284.368 541,546 734,581 864,487 1,599,068 4,555,257 4,944,143 289,414 317,966 825.377 979 487 1,804,864 470,598 640,500 640,500 Army, Navy, &c. 470,598 5,450,292 5,492,354 10,942,646 6,310,548 6,241,596 12,552,144 Difference in the Returns.-England, 1,167,966-Wales, 65,834-Scotland, 208,180 Army, Navy, &c., 169,902-Total, 1,611,882. Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocèse of Rochester, June 1811. 2s. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of All Saints, Derby, Oct. 7, 1811. By Mr. Gisborne. 2s. Conferences between the Danish Missionaries resident at Tranquebar, and the Heathen Natives of Hindoostan, now first rendered into English. 12mo. 5s.* Scripture Directory, or an Attempt to assist the unlearned Reader to understand the general History and leading Subjects of the Old Testament. By T. Jones. 2s. 6d. A Sermon on the Necessity of educating the Poor, before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, Dec. 1, 1811. By the Rev. G. Faussett, 1s. A Defence of Infant Baptism, and of Sprinkling, as a proper Form of Baptising. Serio-political Observations, or Thoughts on the Circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and on the British and Foreign Bible Society. By the Rev. L. J. Hobson, Master of the Grammar School, Doncaster. 1s. 6d. Memoirs of Joan D'Arc, or Du Leys, called the Maid of Orleans. By G. Ann Graves. 8vo. 7s. The Life of the Rev. J. Hough, D. D. By J. Wilmot, Esq. F. R. S. 4to. 1l. 11s. 6d.; fine paper, 21. 2s. A Narrative of the Persecution of Hippofyto Joseph da Costa, imprisoned and tried by the Inquisition for the pretended Crime of Freemasonry. 2 vols. 8vo. 20s. This work proceeds from some disciple of Voltaire's school, and is as paltry in its execution as it is mischievous in its intention. CAVETO. Caii Julii Cæsaris Opera omnia; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem Recensita, notulis sermone Anglicano exaratis illustrata, et indice Nominum propriorum uberrimo iustructa. In usum Scholæ Glasguensis. Studio Joannis Dymock. 12mo. 6s. bound. An Essay on the good Effects which may be derived from the British West Indies. By S. Gaisford, Esq. 8vo. 7s. The Poor Child's Library, designed as a Gift to Children on leaving the eleemosynary Schools. By the Rev. Jolin Barrow. 3s. 6d. A Father's Bequest to his Son, containing Rules for his Conduct through Life. Foolscap 4s. 6d. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. By A. De Humboldt. Translated from the French by J. Black. Vol. III. and IV. 8vo. 31s. 6d. A Concise History of the Moors in Spain, from their Invasion of that Kingdom to their final Expulsion. By T. Bourke, Esq. 4to. 21s. Mechanical Exercises, or the Elements and Practice of Carpentry, Joinery, &c. By P. Nicholson. 8vo. 18s. Designs of Modern Costume, &c. engraved in outline by Henry Moses, the Artist who so ably executed the Costume of the Ancients. By Mr. Hop. An Examination of the Mineralised Remains of the Vegetables and Animals of the Antediluvian World, generally termed Extraucous Fossils. By J. Parkinson. Vol. III. 4to. 3. 13s. 6d. manner, explained the occasion of the meeting, and stated, that, according to his view of the question, the only difficulty that existed on the subject must rest with those who were disposed to object to the formation of so truly excellent and important an institution. "The object," he observed, "is simple, totally unconnected with every question of politics, on which parties might be formed; and the means proposed to attain it, such as, in my opinion, every Christian might safely and conscientiously agree to unite in supporting. It has my cordial approbation." It Mr. Plumer then rose, and addressed the meeting in a short, but very impressive speech. He stated that this was probably the last time he should ever meet his friends and neighbours on any public occasion. He was glad that he had an opportunity of bearing bis testimony in so good a cause. would be a consolation to him, as he approached his last hour. Difference of judg ment must exist on many points, "but if we cannot reconcile all opinions," said Mr. P. (quoting Mr. Vansittart's letter to Dr. Marsh) "let us endeavour to unite all hearts." Mr. Plumer concluded by moving a series of resolutions, which were seconded by Sir John Sebright. The Secretaries of the parent society then proceeded to explain the nature, objects, and progress of the institution. Mr. Steinkopf forcibly stated the want of Bibles in various parts of the continent, and the great anxiety to obtain them. Among other interesting facts, which he mentioned, was the following. An offer was made by a person from Stockholm to the governor of Russian Finland, of some pecuniary assistance towards supplying the poor Finlanders with Bibles. The governor inquired from what generous hands the proposal came. When he learnt that they were indebted for it to England, he could not refrain from tears; but added, that without consulting the Emperor nothing could be done. The Emperor was consulted, and has contributed, from his private purse, five thousand roubles to the Bible Society now forming in Finland, Mr. Huglies entered upon a vindication of the nature and constitution of the parent society and its auxiliary associations. His speech was almost entirely argumentative, and, to the conviction of all who heard him, he established the expediency of such a union for such a purpose. Esq., seconded by Culling Smith, Esq. it was resolved, that Lord Viscount Grimston be requested to accept the office of President of the Society. His Lordship has acceded to the wish of the meeting. The following is the list of the Vice-Presidents. The Right Hon. Lord John Townshend, Hon. Thomas Brand, M. P. Samuel Smith, Esq. M.P. The Rev. Mr. Lidden entered at some length, and with considerable force, into the character and probable effects of the Bible Society. He considered it not merely as a powerful instrument of God, but as likely to become a permanent blessing. The Hon. Mr. Brand, in proposing the Secretaries of the Auxiliary Society, deliver ed a very manly and strong appeal upon the beneficial tendency of the institution. He adverted in terms of high and just encomium to Mr. Dealtry's "Vindication of the Bible Society," and gave it his warmest recom. mendation, as a most candid and unanswer able defence of the object and proceedings of the institution. The motion for the appointment of the Rev. William Dealtry and the Rev. C. Maslen, as secretaries, having been seconded by Nicholson Calvert, Esq. and adopted by the meeting, Mr. Dealtry rose to return thanks. We are happy that it is in our power to insert the substance of this excellcut speech, which has been printed at the particular request of the Committee of the Hertford Auxiliary Bible Society. It was as follows: “In rising to return my thanks for the distinction which you have been pleased to con * An extract was read from a letter of The resolutions were then read from the Lord John Townshend, at. Bath, expressive chair, and unanimously adopted. On the motion of Adolphus Meetkerke, of his cordial support, and regretting his unavoidable absence on account of his health, fer upon me, I feel myself called upon to express my warmest wishes for the prosperity of the great cause which has brought us to gether. So far as my humble exertions can promote its glorious object, they will not be wanting; and I think it an honour and a privilege to be thus employed. If facts of the most interesting nature can operate upon our minds, what facts can be more impressive than those which we have this day heard? If our reason is to be swayed by arguments, I have never heard arguments more cogent aud conclusive. To me, indeed, the whole range of argument, for the dispersion of the Scriptures, whatever else we distribute, appears to lie within a very narrow compass. If these records are indeed the revelation of God, and expressly intended to make us wise unto salvation, where is the Christian that shall dare to arrest their progress? The pretence, that the free circulation of the Bible can do harm, what does it amount to? That, in the most important of all concerns, Infinite Wisdom has devised means ill adapted to their end! That man is wiser than his Maker! That God is not to be trusted with the declaration of his own will in this world, which his hands have made! "When the disciples of John inquired of our Saviour what were the proofs of his divine authority, he crowns the catalogue by stating, that the poor have the Cospel preached to them. And what is the object of the Bible Society? It is to give that Gospel to the poor: it is to fulfil, as far as human agency may be permitted to fulfil it, the great end of our Saviour's mission. And who could endure the thought of refusing to a poor man the comfort of a Bible! What sort of consolation would any of us derive upon his death-bed from reflections like these: "I saw my poor brother hungering for the bread of life, and I withheld it: I perceived him thirsting for the waters of salvation, and I refused to give them: he was perishing for lack of knowledge, but I turned and pass ed by!" Is there in this assembly one person, who would not shrink with error and dismay, if addressed in that awful hour by the voice of conscience and in tones like these? Let us act now, as we shall then wish that we had acted. Are we command ed to make the Gospel known to every creature? Let us have the Christian courage to do so, and leave the consequences to God. Is there a member of the Church of England, who can reasonably entertain apprehensions for the Establishment from the widest dispersion of the Scriptures? As a minister of that church, I beg leave to say that I fear not the test; she is not built upon a fouuation of sand, but upon the firm basis of the everlasting Gospel. She has no need to hide herself in darkness: her goodly proportions are then best discerned, her pillars and her towers are then seen to the fairest advantage, when reflecting back the full blaze of the light of truth. "I would even venture to adopt the lan guage of a distinguished ornament of the university of Cambridge (Dr. Clarke) upon a recent occasion, and declare, So soon as it shall be proved' (what I am sure never will be proved) that the distribution of the Bible alone is hostile to the interests of the Established Church, then, and then only, be that church subverted.' "I have been led into these observations by a printed paper now in my hand, and which was yesterday circulated through this town and neighbourhood with considerable assiduity. It bears the signature of a “Churchinan:" and, with views not very friendly to the object of this meeting, presents us with a sort of parallel between the Bible Society, and another admirable institution, the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. I am myself a member of this latter society: other members have been admitted on my recommendation; and I heartily wish that every churchman in the land, who can afford to subscribe, would lend his assistance to both institutions. But for what end can any man wish to introduce jealousy and hostility in a cause like this? Why should there be any other rivalry between these great institutions, but the generous rivalry of conferring benefits on mankind? Here is a world lying in sin: here is a world to be evangelized; surely there is abundance of room for the labours of both; every heart and every hand should be pressed into the service, and invited to partake of the reward. In attachment to the Church of England, I will yield to no man living: but God forbid that I should fetter the liberal exertions of any benevolent mind, or seek to deprive my church of the distinguished honour of assisting and co-operating with good men, though not of my own communion, in the diffusion of universal blessing. "If the time would permit me, and if I considered the paper in my hand as likely to produce much impression in the county, I would enter more at large into a discussion of ins statements. My observations for the present shall be very concise. I would first call your attention to a question of fact. It is here asserted, that the British and Foreign Bible Society is patronised by "a small proportion of our bishops." I need not inform this as |