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GREAT BRITAIN. In the press: The Life of Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, by C. Butler, Esq.;-The Life of the Rev. T. Lindsey, by the Rev. T. Belsham;-An improved edition of the Rev. W. Bennet's Essay on the Gospel Dispensation; and A new 8vo. edition of the entire Works of Dr. Watts.

Preparing for the press: A Catalogue Raisonneé of the early printed Books in the Library of the Earl of Spencer, with Notes, Fac-similes, &c. by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, in 2 vols. super royal 8vo., price to Subscribers five Guineas;-A Review of the Financial Operations of the Court of Brazil, since its Establishment in South America; A Translation of Michaelis's work on the Mosaic Law.

An office has been opened at No. 25, Artillery Place, Westminster, under the superintendence of Matthew Martin, Esq. the primary object of which is, to obtain information on the causes, nature, and extent, of Mendicity, with a view to the introduction of a plan, for the suppression of beggary, the diminution of parish burthens, and the relief of the poor, on more favourable terms to the public. "But though, (says Mr. Martin), the object of the inquiry be, professedly and primarily, the acquisition of information on the causes and extent of the evil, with a view to the adoption of a regular and permanent plan, for general relief of the objects, and the eventual suppression of beggary, rather than to furnish a mere tempo

rary palliative of individual distress; yet, in looking into so many cases of complicated and extreme misery, many must occur, in which some immediate relief will be indispensably requisite." Contributions, therefore, will be received, and tickets may be had, at the office, and at Mr. Hatchard's, No. 190, Piccadilly, in parcels of ten, twenty, thirty, &c. at the price of three-pence each, to be distributed to beggars, and serve as directions and tickets of admission to the office. No beggar to be admitted at the office without a ticket, and each beggar, so admitted, to receive the value of the ticket at least.

The Chancellor's two gold medals, for the best proficients in classical learning amongst the commencing Bachelors of Arts, at Cambridge, have been adjudged to Mr. T. S. Gussett, of Trinity College, a scholar on Lord Craven's foundation, and Mr. C. Neal, of St. John's, the senior wrangler.

Mr. Bullock has re-opened his Museum in Piccadilly, for the advancement of the science of Natural History, under the title of the London Museum, in a style of magnificence which has added an ornament to the metropolis. In most departments, the subjects have been doubled in number; the specimens are choice, in the highest possible preservation, and are arranged according to the Linnean system. They consist of about 15,000 species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, insects, corals, &c. collected during twenty years of unwearied exertion, and at an expense exceeding 30,000l.



Answer to Ward's Errata of the Protestant Bible. By the Rev. Mr. Grier. 4to. 15s. fine paper, 21s.

Vindication of Churchmen, who become Members of the British and Foreign Bible Society. By the Rev. J. Otter. 1s.

Twelve Sermons on various Subjects. By the Rev. Dr. Stokes. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Observations on select Places of the Old Testament. By the Rev. J. Vansittart. 5s. The Bishop of Chichester's Sermon before the House of Lords, Feb. 5, 1812.

Scripture History, or a brief Account of the Old and New Testament. 12mo. 3s.

History of Dissenters, from the Revolntion in 1688 to the Year 1808. Vol. IV. Sve. 13s,

Lectures upon Portions of the Old Testa: ment, intended to illustrate Jewish History. By the Rev. Mr. Hill. 8vo. 12s.

Reports of the General Meeting at York for the Purpose of forming an Auxiliary So ciety in Support of the British and Foreign Bible Society. 1s. 6d.

Glory of Israel: a Sermon. By J. Col lyer. 1s. 6d.

Heaven's Alarm, or the World and the Latter Sign in Two Sermons, preached at Boston, New England. By W. Mather, 1s. 6d.

Prayers for private Families, By II. Worthington. is.

A Defence of Modern Calvinism; containing an Examination of the Bishop of Lincoln's Work, entitled a Refutation of

the Church, in which the Divine Right of Episcopacy is maintained. 4s.

Calvinism. By E. Williams, D. D.


Village Sermons.

8vo. By the Rev. G. Burder, vol. IV. 12me. 2s. fine paper, 8vo. 3s. Letters to a Friend on Fashionable Amusements. 1s. 8d., or fine paper, 2s. 6d.

The Sermons of Dr. Edwin Sandys, formerly Archbishop of York; with a Life of the Author. By Thomas Dunham Whitaker, L. L. D. F. S. A. Vicar of Whalley, in Lan

A Treatise on the Government, &c. of cashire. 8vo. 15s.


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On the 6th instant, the British and Foreign Bible Society held its Eighth Anniversary at Freemason's Hall. The attendance was so numerous, that the Hall was filled almost immediately after the doors were opened; and many hundreds, among whom we regret to say were the Earl of Hardwicke, and several members of Parliament, and other gentle

men, were unable to obtain admission. At

12 o'clock, Lord Teignmouth, the president, opened the business of the day by reading the Eighth Report; which, from the variety and importance of the facts it enumerated, and the very animated and impressive sentiments with which it concluded, may justly be considered the most interesting and valuable of those compilations for which the Society is indebted to the able, pious, and indefatigable exertions of its truly Christian president. His lordship having brought it to a close, delivered a brief and impressive address; and proceeded to read a letter from the Bishop of Dutham, wherein that excellent prelate expressed his deep regret at being prevented, by the state of his health, at so advanced a period of life, from attend. ing the meeting of a society in which he took so cordial an interest, and desired that a draft for 501. might be accepted as his proxy. The Bishop of Kildare, a vice-president of the society, then moved, that the Report should be adopted and printed. The Bishop prefaced this motion by an admirable speech, in which he stated the want and acceptability of the Scriptures, according to the authorised version, not only among the Protestants, but also among very many of the Roman Catholics in Ireland, and spoke in terms of high commendation of the exertions made by the Hibernian Bible Society of Dublin to meet the exigency. The Bishop asserted, that the ignorance which prevailed in that country on the subject of religion was not to be conceived, that the doctrines of the Reformation were utterly unknown in many parts of it. His lordship then described, in a very feeling manner, the recent accession of a Professor of Maynooth to the Protestant Established Church; and concluded by an affecting appeal on behalf of a people who needed so greatly the assistance of the Society, and were so prepared to profit by it. The Earl of Hardwicke, having been prevented by the crowd from entering the Hall, CHRIST. OBSERY. No. 125.

dispatched a letter (which was read to the regret at being compelled to retire, and the meeting), wherein his lordship expressed his

more so because it had been his intention to move the resolution of thanks to the presi dent. Mr. Wilberforce, after adverting to the suddenness with which the duty of making that motion had devolved on him, declassed with the happiest of his effusions on livered a fpeech which would deserve to be any preceding anniversary. He complimented the noble president on being the centre of the largest religious circle which the world had ever witnessed. ship expect," said Mr. W., " when you re"Little did your lordturned to your native country, to enjoy that bours in so arduous a government had earnease and retirement which your public laed, that so high and useful a destination was reserved for you as that to which your lordship has been called." Mr. W. then proand feeling, on the scene which he now had ceeded to descant, with his usual eloquence the satisfaction to witness, contrasting it with the stormy and tumultuous scenes in which so great a part of his time is spent. He seemed to have entered a higher region,

and to have left the clouds and storms of this lower world beneath him. The institution appeared to him very aptly described in those beautiful lines of Goldsmith : As some tall cliff, that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the


Tho' round its breast the rolling clouds are spread,

Eternal sunshine settles on its head.

The Bishop of Cloyne seconded the mo


The Rev. Dr. Winter, in moving the thanks to the vice-presidents, delivered a judicious and candid speech, in which he described, in very appropriate terms, the happy union of Christian parties which this society exhibited. Lord Calthorpe and Sir Thomas Baring, in severally seconding this and a preceding motion, delivered their sentiments briefly, but in a very feeling and impressive manner. The Bishop of Meath, a vice-president, moved the thanks to the Committee, in a speech of great energy. His lordship concurred with the Bishop of Kildare in representing the state of Ireland as deeply needing the benefit which it was in the power of 2 T

this society to impart. The Bishop remarked, that only the skirts of that cloud charged with fertilizing showers, to which the noble president had compared this benevolent society, had yet extended to Ireland. His lordship expressed the warmest satisfaction at witnessing so numerous a meeting, united thus cordially and ardently on an object of so much importance, and assured them that he should endeavour to impart a similar impression to the clergy of that diocese which constituted the sphere of his labours.

The Right Hon. N. Vansittart, M. P. seconded the motion of thanks to the Committee in a speech distinguished by his customary candour, ability, and discrimination. He bore the strongest testimony, from his own personal experience, to the industry and - harmony of the Committee, and the uniformity with which, merging all peculiarities of religious sentiment, they pursued the great object of their appointment.

The thanks to the Treasurer were moved by C. Grant, Esq. M. P. and seconded by T. Babington, Esq. M. P. in a short but pertinent speech, delivered under the inconvenience of a cold which almost suppressed his utterance.

The Bishop of Norwich then rose, and moved the thanks to the Secretaries. His lordship stated, that he could bear his tes timony to their zeal; and proceeded to expatiate on their services, to which himself had been witness, with that simplicity, feel ing, and liberality, by which he is so much distinguished.

Mr. Steinkopff, in returning thanks, addressed the meeting briefly with that Christian pathos which characterise all his addresses.

Dr. Brunmark, (Chaplain to the Swedish Embassy) then caine forward, and after appealing, as a foreigner, to the indulgence of the audience, delivered a very sensible, pious, and impressive address. He particularized the services which the Society had rendered by promoting the printing of the Scriptures in the Swedish, Laponese, and Finnish languages; and described the value of these services, and the gratitude with which they were felt, in a most interesting manner.

The Rev. Mr. Hughes followed, and offered his thanks to the meeting on behalf of himself and his colleagues, to whom he was not more united in office and in labour, than in respect and affection. Mr. Hughes closed an excellent address by glancing at the advantages which would result from this society to Britain, whatever might be her destination. If she were to remain the arbitress of na

tions, she would have the means of extensive usefulness, and be a source of happiness to the world. If, on the contrary, her connection with other nations should be destroyed, if she should experience such a reverse as to cut off the means of her commercial wealth and greatness, she would have within herself those resources which would sustain her under calamity, and make national adversity contribute to her improvement.

The Bishop of Salisbury expressed the cordial satisfaction with which he took a share in the duties of this interesting occasion; and moved the thanks of the meeting to the Synod of Glasgow, and the several Synods, Presbyteries, &c., in North Britain, for their liberal contributions and support. This motion was seconded by the Rev.T.White, M.A.

Henry Thornton, Esq., M. P. then came forward, and moved thanks to the several Auxiliary Societies, &c. In doing this be entered into a detailed and very judici ous consideration of the advantages arising both to the funds and operations of the institution from the establishment of Auxiliary Societies. He appealed to the prodigious item in the cash account of 24,8131. 5s. 10d. furnished by Auxiliary Societies alone, in justification of his statement; and after explaining, in a variety of ways, the solid and permanent benefits connected with this system of localization, concluded a very able, luminous, and highly satisfactory speech, by representing the several Auxiliary Societies as possessing claims to the warmest gratitude of the meeting.

Lord Gambier then rose, and moved the thanks to the Corresponding Committee in Bengal. In doing this, his lordship apologised for his inability to support the motion as it deserved. The profession of arms, his lordship observed, was not favourable to habits of public speaking. He did, however, consider it a great honour to perform the lowest office in this society: and, therefore, trusting that his feelings would be accepted as an atonement for the deficiency of his expression, he should satisfy himself with simply offering the resolution which he held in his hand to their adoption. C. Grant, Esq., M. P., seconded the motion.

The Rev. John Townsend (of Bermondsey), in moving the thanks to those gentlemen who had contributed books to the library, delivered a very candid and pleasing address. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Simeon (of Cambridge), who adverted with much feeling to those labourers in the East, Messrs. Martyn and Thomason, who had commenced their pastoral duties in the service of his own

church, and whom he regarded with the affection of a brother.

The Bishop of Norwich having moved the thanks to Lord Teignmouth, for his Lordship's conduct in the chair, Mr. Owen came forward, and closed the business of the day by an animated address. He congratulated the meeting on the services which had been rendered this day to the cause of the Society, by Irish and English prelates, by the defenders of our country (alluding to Lord Gambier), and (pointing to Messrs. Vansittart, Wilberforce, and H. Thornton,) by the enlighteners and liberators of mankind. Mr. O. then called upon the meeting to take a view of the Society in reference to the agents which it had called into employment, the various scenes in which it was acting its dignified part, and the objects on which its kindness was extended. The direct advantage of this society was, he said, scarcely greater than the contingent benefit which resulted indirectly from it. While civil polity and social happiness were ultimately promoted, it was impossible not to see and admire in what degree religion profited by the influence of such an association. The correspondence which it elicited, and the testimonies which it collected from every part of the world, were so many depositions from independent and concurring witnesses to the truth, the power, and the excellence of Chris. tianity. After a train of remarks, illustrative of these positions, Mr. O. concluded, by urging the members to take encouragement from the triumphis which they had witnessed this day. Be ye steadfast," said Mr. O. "unmoveable—always abounding in this work of the Lord: forasmuch as ye know that your labour has not been, is not, nor ever will be, in vain-ia the Lord."

Thus terminated the eighth anniversary of this great institution. The multitude, amounting to between 2 and 3000 (and which would, had there been space, have amounted to almost double the number) were literally of one heart and one mind. Never did the countenances of men indicate more visibly the strong feelings of joy and affection. So perfectly had the great subject absorbed all subordinate considerations, that not an expression dropped from any speaker which betrayed a controversial feeling. A stranger to what has appeared in print would have supposed that in this institution of pure and vast benevolence there is (as we trust there soon will be) but one opinion and one feeling throughout the British empire, and the Christian world. And when the substance of the Report which we are about to give, shall have been_read,

we scarcely think we assume too much in claiming for an association so employed and supported, the contributions, the co-operation, and the prayers of those who are sincerely desirous" that all men should be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth."

The following is a brief abstract of the Report of the Committee which was read on this occasion:

The success which has attended the exertions of the Society has been established in the former Reports. The Report of proceedings during the eighth year of its existence will prove not less gratifying.


1. Finland.--It appears that the number of persons who speak the Finnish language is not less than 1,300,000, and that the various editions of the Scriptures printed in it have never been adequate to their supply. No edition either of the Old or New Testament has been published for the last thirty years; and scarcely a single perfect copy of the former is to be purchased, On the ground of this information, the printing of the Finnish Scriptures has been encouraged by grant of 500l. The result has been, that the Governor General, and the Bishop of Finland, have most cordially approved the mea. sure; and that the Emperor of Russia, in testimony of his approbation, added to the Society's grant the sum of 5000 rubles from his own privy purse. "Thus," to adopt the words of the Bishop of Finland, “ in the Lord's name, a foundation is laid for a work, from which religion in general, and the Finnish Church in particular, will, by the help of God, derive a certain and lasting advan tage." A society has been formed in Finland, on the suggestion of the Committee, for the continued circulation of the Holy Scrip


2. Lapland. The Laponese Testament; stated in former Reports to have been printing under the superintendence of Bishop Nordin, is now completed; and 2500 copies have been sent into Swedish Lapland. The Royal Chancery of Stockholm bas addressed a letter to the Committee of the Stockholm Society, expressing the satisfaction of the King with the exertions made for improving the religious knowledge of the Swedish Laplanders, The Russian government has issued a proclamation authorising the importation of the Laponese New Testaments into Russian Lapland. Measures. have been adopted for the distribution of 1000 copies in Danish Lapland.

The disposition manifested by the Russian

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