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to the public. All his entries upon the world of letters are in the shape of ovations; and he drags at the wheel of his car the spoils of many books, and languages, and people. But, having once determined to forsake the beaten path, and to "drive the chariot of the sun," behold the consequences of his temerity. We have no hesitation in saying, that a greater mass of profound nonsense has seldom or never, in one volume, burdened the presses of our country. Whence, then, is this, but that the Great Author of the Bible is resolved it shall not be traduced with impunity? It is, that as God (however Sir William has condemned the passage)" hardened the heart" of the refractory monarch of Egypt, he blinds the eyes of those monarchs in literature who oppose their wisdom to his own. It is, that he suffers those who "profess to be" eminently "wise," "to become" eminently "foolish." It is because God abandons the proud to the obliquities of their mind, and punishes their resistance to His word by permitting them to talk their own nonsense. If any of our young friends should ever for a moment be tempted to forsake the cloud of witnesses by whom they are surrounded, and to soar upon wings of wax into the regions of original interpretation, let him see inscribed upon a pillar, at the gate of that region, the name of the Right Hon. Sir William Drummond; inscribed, like the names on the stones in the Alps, to warn the traveller by the fate of those who perished upon the same spot. John Zisca's skin was made into a drum, and continued to terrify his old enemies: and Sir Wil liam Drummond, we doubt not, will continue (if his name survive him self) to alarm the rash of all ages, and will light up a perpetual beacon on the fatal rock of scriptural inno


But Sir William must allow us next to say a word to himself. He arrogates to himself the rank of a philosopher. Now, does he remem

ber any philosopher, really entitled to be "so called," who thought that a state could subsist without religion? Does he not know that Socrates deemed it necessary to uphold the popular superstition, though he had no faith in it? That Solon, and Lycurgus, and Numa, all felt it essential, even by fraud, to invest their laws with the sanctity of religion? That Livy attributed the triumphs of Rome to her reverence for an oath? That Machiavel, in his interpretation of Livy, confirms this judgment by his own? That numerous individuals, distinguished at once for moral virtue and profound learning, have rejoiced to cast their spoils at the foot of the Cross-to build up, out of the materials of their chosen science, an altar to Jehovah,-and to exclaim, in the glowing language of the volume so dishonoured by Sir William, " righteousness exalteth a nation; yea, happy is the people who have the Lord for their God?" And, knowing all this, does this bold apostate from philosophy, as well as faith, never ask himself what he is doing? Does he never fear, lest the hand should wither that he thus stretches out against the altar of his country? Does he never tremble at the idea of a whole world, should they believe in him, staking their souls, their eternal existence, upon the dictum of an almost solitary teacher? Would he allow us to address him, we should say-Sir William, you are too well acquainted with the errors of others, not to have ground for suspicion that you yourself may be wrong and if you should be wrong, what flood-gates of misery are you endeavouring to open upon your country? How are you, in that case, also calling down the denunciations of the Almighty on your own head? How are you kindling a spark which may involve an universe, and that through all eternity, in its dreadful blaze? But do you say, "What I believe I must speak?" Then what becomes of your honesty? You are a privy-coun

sellor; a manwho, besides being pledged on oath, to support the religion of your country; to carry no counsel to the throne which will not establish the constitution in church and state, in the form delivered to us by our ancestors; must have solemnly attested his sincerity, by partaking of the symbols of the body and blood of Christ. Now, cast your eyes, where we should be glad to know no one else would cast them, upon the pages of your book. See in it an open and scurrilous attack upon the faith of your country; an invasion of all our religious hopes and joys; a prostitution of the sacred vessels of our temple to the purposes of your indecent merriment. Is this the conduct we should expect even from a man of truth? You think the world can do without religion. Is such conduct as this any proof of it? Is such honour a fair barter for religious integrity; and such a casuist a good substitute for a Christian? There are two men, who, even in your own department of science, demand your homage, Sir William Jones and Jacob Bryant. The testimony of the one to the Bible has been already produced, and you must be acquainted with that of the other. You know that his Ancient Mythology was one vast mo nument to the truth of religion; that he ever approached the Scriptures like a man coming into the presence of God; and that the writer of his epitaph deemed it the discriminating feature of his writ ings, that they were Exquisite quædam et reconditæ, quas non mi nore studio quam acumine, ad illustrandam SS. veritatem adhibuit." These stars, alas! are set, and we regret to say, that, amidst the crowded galaxy of their successors in this particular sphere, few are found to shed the same sacred light and heat on the temples of our country.


Finally, we wish to observe to those who, awed by the charges of credulity so prodigally launched forth by the sceptical writers at the head CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 127.

of the orthodox, begin to be "ashamed of Christ and him crucified"that there is nothing, even in the extravagancies of Christian enthusiasm, which approaches the credulity of Sir W. Drummond, or of any deluded creature who believes a page of his book. Hear his creed put into plain English:-" I believe that a plain history is an allegory; that the Jews, who exist to this moment, never existed; that all the writers who mention them are liars; that all the monuments existing of this fabulous people, exist but in idea; that writings penned long before the real reform of the calendar, were an allegorical history of it; that a book in every page condemning idolatrous worship, was a treatise upon it; that thousands living in the very age when (I pretend) these books were written, lived and died to defend a false meaning of them." Such is the nature of this sceptic's credulity. But is he never incredulous? Indeed he is: and let us see what credit his general incredulity lends to his religious scepticism. His negative creed may be conceived to run thus: "I do not believe that my own body, or any other body, or any other mind, or my own mind, at any but this precise moment; or my pen, or my ink, or God, or the universe, or any thing in the heavens above, or the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth, exists." Shall we wonder, then, if he adds yet one more article to his creed? "I do not believe in the authenticity of the Jewish Scriptures."

We cannot conclude without returning our thanks to Mr. D'Oyly for his successful refutation of this scandalous production. It is, we believe, his first offering to the public since the dignity of "Christian Advocate to the University of Cambridge was conferred upon him. We trust, that, in virtue of his high commission, he will persist, under God, in the good work he has begun; that he will feel his duties to 30

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extend beyond the defence of the outworks of the temple; and that he will not only guard its walls, but also watch over the fires on its altar. It will little benefit us, that the walls stand, if the lamps are gone out; that the priest remains, if the ark is departed; that the pillars are unshaken, if the glory of the Lord shine no longer upon them. It has always deeply affected us, when we have been obliged to draw the sword against any of his predecessors. It is, thank God, now in its sheath; and we shall never unsheath it, un

less the Christian Advocate, which
we have no reason to anticipate,
should betray the cause he is now
pledged to defend.
How much ra-
ther should we fight under his shield,
and sharpen our puny arrows at his
forge; march with him under the
standard of the Cross; conquer with
him and every true soldier of Christ ;
and, at length, through Divine mer-
cy, sit down with all the company
of the saints and martyrs of Chris-
tianity, at the right hand of the
throne of God.


GREAT BRITAIN. In the press: The Life and Administration of Cardinal Wolsey, by J. Galt;-A volumé of Village Sermons, by the Rev. T. Kidd; A translation of Michaelis's celebrated work on the Mosaic Laws, by the Rev. A. Smith; -Rules, to enable Teachers to remove De fects of Utterance, and to train young Persons to a distinct Pronunciation, by Mr. B. H. Smart.

The Journal of Mr. Mungo Park, from the commencement of his last expedition, to the time of his quitting Sansanding to prosecute discoveries on the Niger; together with the Journal of Isaac, an African, who was sent to procure intelligence of this traveller's fate; will be published under the direction of the African Institution, for the benefit of the relatives of Mr. Park.

The next part will complete the first volume. The second volume will be accompanied with à Lexicon, containing all the roots in the Hebrew and Chaldaic languages, with a Latin and English translation, and will be delivered gratis to all subscribers who may subscribe before January 1813. Mr. Frey has also in the press, his Hebrew and English Grammar; and a Dictionary in two parts, the first containing all the primitives and derivatives in the Hebrew and Chaldaic languages, with a Latin and English translation; the second, the principal words in Latin and English, with a Hebrew translation.

By a return made to the House of Commons, it appears that the following sums have been raised for the service of the United Kingdom, for the following years, ending the 5th of January in each year; viz.; 1802, 78,441,000l.; 1803, 73,546,000l. ; 1804, 58,500,000l.; 1805, 68,893,000l.; 1806, 84,823,0004; 1807, 84,226,000l.; The first five parts of the Rev. H. Frey's 1808, 88,895,000l.; 1809, 94,747,000l.; Hebrew Bible have been published. The 1810, 97,203,000l.; 1811, 99,109,000!;

The Rev. J. W. Cunningham, vicar of Harrow, is preparing for the press, An Examination of the Thoughts of Dr. Maltby on the Circulation of the Scriptures.

work will be comprised in twelve parts, each 5s. 3d. on common, or 7s. 6d. on royal paper.

1812, 105,718,000l.



Occasional Considerations on Various Passages of Scripture, By the Author of Sunday Reflections.

Pious Selections from the Works of Thomas a Kempis, Dr. Doddridge, Miss Bowdler, &c. &c. &c. By Miss Marshall, Translator of Extracts from Fenelon into English.

Scriptural Christianity recommended; a

Sermon preached at the New Chapel, Lynn. By Thomas Finch. 2s.

A Sermon on Fickleness in Religion. By Rev. John Liefchild. 1s. 6d.

The Design of God in blessing us; a Sermort preached at Salter's Hall. By John Styles. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Sermons on various Subjects, and Letters to an Undergraduate at the University. By the late Rev. William Alphonsus Gunn. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life, by Isaac Saunders, A.M. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Essay on the Misrepresentations, Ignorance, and Plagiarism, of certain Infidel Writers. 2s. 6d.

Sermons at Leicester, February 5, 1812. The Duty of National Thanksgiving. By the Rev. J. Berry. 1s.

Essay on the Authenticity of the New Testament. By the Rev. I. Gyles. 8vo. 4s. A Sermon, preached in St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh, February 21, 1812. By the Rev. S. Welwood. 2s. 6d.

The Fathers, Reformers, and Public Formularies of the Church of England, in Harmony with Calvin, and against the Bishop of

Lincoln. 8vo. 6s.

A Father's Reasons for being a Christian. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Discourses delivered at the Bampton Lecture, at St. Mary's, Oxford, 1812. By the Rev. I. Brant. 8vo.

A devout Meditation on the Death of Friends. 3d.

Sermons on important Subjects. By the Rev. O. Manning. 2 vols. 8vo. 16s.

Devotional Family Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with Notes and Illustrations. By the Rev. S. Fawcett. 2 vols. 4:0. 51. 5s, royal 81.8s.

A Method of Self-Examination under the Ten Commandments. 1s. 6d.


A Letter to Mr. Cobbett, and Sermons. By the late Rev. Thomas Clarke, M.A.

Three Dissertations on the Pernicious Ef

fects of Gaming, Duelling, and Suicide. Richard Hey, Esq. L.L.D.


The second edition of the Christian Spectator, or Religious Sketches from Real Life. By the late Rev. W. Wilton, M.A.

Essays on the Principles of Political Philosophy, designed to illustrate and establish the Civil and Religious Rights of Man. By Thomas Finch. 8vo. 12s. boards.

An Historical Sketch of the last Years of the Reign of Gustavus Adolphus the Fourth, late King of Sweden. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Lite and Administration of the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. By Charles Verulam Williams. 68. boards.

The Elements of the Art of Drawing in its various Branches; illustrated with fifty-one Engravings, plain and coloured, containing one hundred Subjects from the greatest Masters, for the Use of Schools and Students in

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China, its Costume, Arts, and Manufactures: edited from the Collections of M. Bertin, with Additions, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. 8 plates, plain 31. 3s., coloured 41. 4s.

A compendious System of Modern Geography, historical, physical, political, and descriptive; with a Series of correct Maps. By Thomas Myers, A.M. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 7s. 6d.

The History of the Royal Society. By Thomas Thompson, M.D. F.R.S. Author of the System of Chemistry. 4to. 21.2s. A few copies on large paper, 31. 12s.

A succinct History of the geographical and political Revolutions of the Empire of Germany, or the principal States which composed the Empire of Carlemagne, from his Coronation in 814 to its Dissolution in 1806. By Charles Butler, Esq. 8vo. 12s.

The Friend: a series of Essays. By S. T. Coleridge. Royal 8vo. 18s.

Pretensions to a final Analysis of the Nature and Origin of Sublimity, Style, Beauty, Genius, and Taste. By W. Barrett. 8vo.

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Cottage Sketches; or, Active Retirement. By the Author of an Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life, Talents Improved, &c. vols. 12mo. 9s.

Public Disputation of the Students of the College of Fort William, in Bengal, before Lieutenant-General George Hewett, VicePresident and acting Visitor of the College, in the Absence of the Governor-General; together with the Lieutenant General's Discourse, 17th August, 1811. 8vo. 1s. 6d.

An Account of a particular Preparation of Salted Fish to be used with Boiled Rice or Boiled Potatoes, for the purpose of lessening the Consumption of Wheaten Bread. By Richard Pearson, M.D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians. 8vo. 1s. 6d.

Outlines of Natural Philosophy; being Heads of Lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh. By John Playfair, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. 1 vol. 8vo. 9s.

The Emerald Isle; a Poem, with Notes, historical and biographical. By Charles Phillips, Esq. Containing a highly finished Portrait of Brian, King of Ireland. 1 vol. 4to. 16s. in boards.

The Country Pastor, or Philanthropists. By W. Holloway. 12mo. 5s.

The Second Part, containing Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land, &c. of Travels in various Parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D. Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cam bridge. 4to. 21. 12s. 6d.


BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. SOME enlightened friend of this Institution has recently published a pamphlet éntitled "The Advantages of distributing the Holy Scriptures among the Lower Orders of Society, chiefly by their own Agency*." If our limits admitted of it, we should be glad to transcribe the whole of this small but interesting work into our pages. We must, however, content ourselves with drawing the attention of our readers to the subject by laying before them, in a concise form, the chief suggestions of this writer.

"Whoever is acquainted with the history of the Reformation, cannot fail to have ohserved the extreme anxiety displayed by our Martyrs and Reformers for the free circulation of the Bible. The same feeling has been found to animate wise and good men in every age, since the promulgation of the Gospel."

"One of the most important and effective institutions, in this view, is the British and Foreign Bible Society. The efforts and utility of such an institution can be limited only by its means; and in proportion to the augmentation of its funds, will it extend the empire of knowledge and of truth. The assistance which has been afforded by Auxiliary Societies in many parts of the country, can hardly be estimated at too high a rate. By calling the attention of the opulent to the want of Bibles in their own vicinity, they have contributed very essentially to the be nefit of thousands, who might otherwise have. remained in ignorance; and, by aiding the funds of the parent institution, they have enabled it to carry on its foreign operations with great and increasing success."

"That a project of this tendency should he checked or narrowed by the want of resources, is a circumstance deeply to be lamented. Yet nothing is more certain, than that the efforts already made, however unex. ampled, are not commensurate with the magnitude of the case. Here is a world in ignorance! a world to be enlightened and evangelized!"

"To complete the system, no measure seems to have occurred of such reasonable

It is sold by Seeley, and Hatchard; and, in a cheap form, by the Printers of this work, at 17s. 6d. for two hundred and fifty, ar 14, 14s, for five hundred,

promise as Bible Associations. The contributors to the Institution in London, and to its Auxiliaries and Branches in different parts of the country, consist in general of that class of persons, who are somewhat elevated in the scale of society. It is the object of Bible Associations to bring into action also the inferior classes; to collect subscriptions not merely from the opulent, but likewise from that large body of the people, who are unable to give much, and are yet not unwilling to give a little. If the number of contributors be great, the accumulation even of small sums will not be contemptible; and it may be presumed, that most persons who are not absolutely in the lowest walks of life, can afford a subscription of a penny a week."

"Many are the evils, both of a public and private nature, to which human legislation can apply no remedy: they are to be removed by that influence alone which can reach the heart; by those sacred principles which are developed and enforced in the records of unerring wisdom. The Scriptures have ever been acknowledged, by good men, as the best foundation of morals; and those who labour to give them general circulation, and to excite a general interest for the perusal of them throughout the great body of the people, must be considered as rendering no common service both to individuals and to their country.

"Let it be granted, that by any means the Holy Scripture is perused with diligence by every poor man who is able to read it; what would be the consequence? Is it too much to hope, that the noise of tumult and disorder may be hushed in peace? that men may be taught to fear God, and to honour the king? to do unto others as they wish that others should do unto them? and to dis

"Bible Associations have been established in many places. The Auxiliary Bible Society for Blackheath and its neighbourhood, has ten within its district and one within the town of Darlington, produces after the rate of seventy pounds a year, being more than adequate to supply the deficiency of the Scriptures amongst the poor of that town; thereby completely liberating the fands of the Auxiliary Bible Society for Darlington and its vicinity, so far as relates to the town of Darlington itself, for the supply of foreign parts."

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