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paign. In Spain, the spirit of the people is represented as unsubdued, and the guerilla system of warfare, aided by our navy, and promoted by the force we have on their frontier, has been extended and improved, and this even in provinces chiefly occupied by the French forces. The Prince Regent hopes to be enabled by Parliament effectually to support the contest. The achieve ments of the British arms in the Indian Seas are spoken of in terms of appropriate commendation, whereby security has been given to the British commerce and possessions in India, and the colonial power of France has been entirely extinguished: and it is recommended to Parliament to consider "the propriety of providing such measures for the future government of the British possessions in India, as shall appear from experience, and upon mature deliberation, to be calcuJated to secure their internal prosperity, and to derive from these flourishing dominions the utmost degree of advantage to the commerce and revenue of the United Kingdom." The differences with America are stated to be still unadjusted; the difficulties caused by the affair of the Chesapeake have, however, been removed; and the Prince Regent assures Parliament, that every means of conciliation will be used consistent with the Crown's honour and the rights and interests of the empire. The attention of Parliament is again called to the finances of Ireland, which are stated to have improved in the last year. The speech thus concludes:-"The Prince Regent is satisfied that you entertain a just sense of the arduous duties which he has been called upon to fulfil, in consequence of his Majesty's continued indisposition. Under this severe calamity, his Royal Highness derives the greatest consoJation from his reliance on your experienced wisdom, loyalty, and public spirit, to which in every difficulty he will resort with a firm confidence, that through your assistance and support he shall be enabled, under the blessing of Divine Providence, successfully to discharge the important functions of the high trust reposed in him, and, in the name and on the behall of his beloved father and revered sovereign, to maintain unimpaired the prosperity and honour of the nation."

In the House of Lords, the address was moved by the Earl of Shaftsbury, and seconded by Lord Brownlow, and it passed without a division; Lord Grenville entering his protest against the present system, both of commerce and finance, and severely condenining the conduct pursued with respect to Ireland.

In the House of Commons, the address was to have been moved by Lord Jocelyn and seconded by Mr. Vyse; but Sir Francis Burdett rose without any previous notice, and after a long speech, in which he went over the various topics on which he is accustomed to dwell, moved a long address in which all those topics were enumerated : he was seconded by Lord Cochrane. This reduced Lord Jocelyn to the necessity of moving his address as an amendment. It was carried by a majority of two hundred and thirty-eight to one.

An examination of the physicians in attendance on his Majesty has been taken by both Houses of Parliament. The result is highly unfavourable. By all of them, his recovery is pronounced to be very improbable; and by one or two, a still stronger expression was used to denote the absence of hope .On receiving the Report of this examination, the House of Commons proceeded to arrange his Majesty's household and civil establishment, the whole of which it is intended to transfer to the Prince Regent; granting him, at the same time, 100,000l. for the purpose of defraying the expense attending his exercise of the regency during the last year, and for which no provision was made. For the care of his Majesty's person, and the household which he will require, and which is to be under the management of the Queen, 100,000l. per annum is to be allotted, together with an addition of 10,0001, a year to her Majesty's allowance.

Resolutions have been adopted in the House of Commons for stopping all distillation from grain in Great Britain, from the 15th of February next until the 31st of De cember, and for regulating the duties on sugar wash. This restriction not extending to Ireland, it became necessary to prohibit the importation of spirits from that country.

Lord Folkstone having brought under the notice of the House of Commons some cases of severe oppression, which had occurred in consequence of the proceedings of some of the interior ecclesiastical courts, a disposition was manifested by the House to apply some remedy to the evil; and Sir William Scott has consented to prepare a bill which shall have the effect of reforming the administration of those courts.

A Committee of the House of Commons has been appointed to consider the state of the Police.

By the returns under the Population Act, laid on the table of the House of Commons, it appears that there has been an increase of our population, since the last Census was

taken, to the astonishing extent of one million six hundred thousand souls. We hope to be able to lay an abstract of the returns before our readers in some future number.


We are happy to state, that the 5th day of February is appointed to be held as a day of public fasting and humiliation. We understand that it is the intention of many clergymen, in and near London, to make a collection on that occasion for the Naval and Military Bible Society, whose exclusive object it is to supply our naval and military force of 450,000 men with Bibles. By a recent inquiry, it appears, that, of the seamen who can read, only one in six has a Bible; and there are now upwards of 20,000 sailors who have applied to the Society for Bibles; with whose request, owing to the state of its funds, the Society finds it impossible, withcat further aid, to comply. The army is

equally, if not more, destitute. While we are annually expending such immense sums in preparing the weapons of destruction, let us not grudge to our countrymen, who stand for our defence in the perilous edge of battle, the means of spiritual health and salvation.


We are deeply concerned to state the loss of no less than one ship of 98 guns, two of 74, and one sloop of war, on their return from the Baltic. One of the 74s, the Hero, and the sloop of war, the Grasshopper, were wrecked on the coast of Holland. The whole of the crew of the former, and a great part of that of the latter, perished. The St. George, of 98 guns, and the Defence, of 74, were driven ashore on the Danish coast, and the crews of both, amounting to near 1400men, were drowned, with the exception of

six men.


Rev. John Tench, B. D. Great Rollright R. Oxon.

Rev. John Parsons, M. A. Oborne V. with Castleton, Dorset, vice Digby, deceased.

Rev. David William Garrow, M. A. and Rev. John Welboe Doyle, B. A. Chaplains in Ordinary to the Prince Regent.

Rev. T. T. Haverfield, B. C. L. Chaplain in Ordinary to the Duke of Sussex.

Rev. W. J. D. Waddilove, M. A. Prebendary of Ripou, Yorkshire.

Hon. and Rev. Armine Wodehouse, M. A. Barnham Broom R. with Bixton and Kimberton annexed, Norfolk.

Rev. Sherard Becher, M. A. East Markham V. with West Drayton, Notts.

Rev. J. R. E. Nelson, Congham St. Mary R. with St. Andrew, Norfolk.

Rev. W. Clarke, M. A. Sheckling V. with Burstwick, Holderness, vice Snaith, deceased.

Rev. J. Mackreth, Ottingham Perpetual Curacy, Yorkshire, vice Snaith, deceased.

Rev. Thorpe Fowke, M. A, All-saints V. Sudbury.

Rev. W. Karslake, Colmstock V. Devon.
Rev. J. Thexton, Beetham V. Westmor.
Rev. Jonath. Holmes, Kildale R.Yorkshire.

Rev. Mr. Mansfield, Chaplain to the Hon. Society of Gray's Inn, vice Raine, deceased. Rev. Charles Plumptre, Houghton R. Durham, vice Byron, deceased.

Rev. George Heywood, B. A. Ideford alias Iddesford R. Devon, vice Bradford, deceased.

Rev. Thomas Melhuish, sen. St. Ervan R. Cornwall, vice Molesworth, deceased,

Rev. Thomas Melhuish, jun. Ashwater R. Devon, vice Melhuish, resigned.

Rev. F. Belfield, juu. M. A. Tormoham and Cockingham Perpet. Curacies, Devon.

Rev. W, Bolland, M. A. vicar of Swines. head, Frampton V. Lincolnshire, vice Wheldale, resigned.

Rev. Robert Hales, M. A. Herringswell R. Norfolk.

Rev. Andrew Quicke, B. A. Ashbrittle R Somerset, vice Veale, resigned.

Rev. John Rouse, St. Breock R. Cornwall. Rev. Oliver Rouse, Tetcott R. Devon. Rev. Mr. Perney, Oxendon Perpetual Curacy, co. Glouc. vice Bradstock, dec. Rev. J. H. Hall, Risley and Breaston Perpetual Curacies, Derbyshire.

Rev. George Stanley Faber, B. D. rector of Redmershall, Long Newton R. Durham. Rev. Mr. Cleaver, Newton R. Montgomeryshire, vice Lewis, deceased.

Rev. Dr. E. Barry, rector of St. Mary's, Wallingford, St. Leonard's R. in the same town, with Satwell Chapelry annexed.

Rev. O. Cooper, Otterden R. Kent, vice Hawker, resigned.

Rev. C. Ord, M. A. vicar of St. Mary's, Lincoln, Gretton V. with Doddington, Northamptonshire.

Rev. J. Chilton, B. A. Easton R. Suffolk. Rev. Luke Booker, LL. D. vicar of Tedstone Delamere, Herefordshire, Dudley V. Worcestershire.

Rev. J. F. Williams, B. A. Buckland Denham V. Somerset.


PASTOR; I. L.; J.; and the corrected edition of a Hymn by E-Y D. R. will be inserted. PHILOCARITES; CHRISTICOLA; and Badures, have been received.

We beg to inform MARGARET DULL, that

although the British Review is a Quarterly Review, it is not The Quarterly Review. The works are perfectly distinct.

It is not consistent with the general plan of our work to insert the letter of OPPRESSORUM AMICUS.


Au IMPARTIAL OBSERVER Complains of us, we apprehend, without reason. We still think the attention which Lord Sidmouth has paid to the state of religion in this country, as well as many of his projected improvements, particularly with respect to the building and appropriation of places of worship, highly" laudable." It is not thence to be inferred, that we coincide with his Lordship in every thing which he proposed to effect with respect to the Toleration Act.-Our Correspondent assumes, that we have left it doubtful whether dissent or riot be the greatest evil, because we happen to have recommended an evening service in the church, on this ground, among others, that it will tend to counteract the growth of riot on the one hand, or of dissent on the other." Now it surely is not to be inferred from this, that we consider "riot and dissent evils of the same kind, or of the same degree. It is impossible to have read our work, and to think so. There is a difference between a typhus fever, and a tooth-ache; yet both are evils to be deprecated. So, though we infinitely prefer dissent to riot, we should like much better, in a parish committed to our care, to have neither. We certainly are no friends to dissent, as such; although we think it far better that men should be good dissenters than bad churchmen; and although we most cordially rejoice in beholding the union of churchmen with dissenters, for purposes in which they can conscientiously unite. But will our Correspondent himself say that there is no description of dissent, the growth of which in a parish it would be desirable to use such means as we recommend for stopping, even although those means should tend to stop the growth of riot also? What would even he say, in the case of an attempt to establish an Antinomian "interest” in a parish; or to form a society of Universalists, or Socinians, or Swedenborgians, or to gain adherents to Johanna Southcot? Would it be allowable to consider such cases of dissent as evils, the growth of which a minister might labour by all lawful means to repress? And supposing the case to be ever so favourable, in respect to the doctrines taught and the practice inculcated, can a faithful pastor, who is conscientiously devoting himself to the care and improvement of his flock, regard without uneasiness the progress of dissent and separation among them? We believe that no persons would feel the separation and disunion of their flocks more keenly than dissenting ministers themselves would do.

A valued Correspondent objects, and we think justly objects, to the reference occasionally made in the Advertisements on our blue Cover to the principles of the Christian Observer." And he says, " It is often asked, What are those principles? Are they those of the Church of Eugland? If so, why give them any other name? If otherwise, then I have done with the Christian Observer." We have only to observe, that it lies with the advertisers, and not with us, to discontinue such a mode of expression; and we sincerely wish they may discontinue it. But if they do not, we should think it hard that any one should thence infer that the Church of England and the Christian Observer are at variance. The Bishop of Lincoln has given us his interpretation of the principles of the Church of England; Dr. Haweis and the Editors of the Evangelical Magazine, have given us another; the Christian Observer agrees with neither, in the view which it takes of those principles. Now is this work to be condemned, because a person, wanting a situation, chooses to tell the public, and pays money for the privilege of telling them so, "I wish to afford you the means of appreciating my sentiments in religion. They are those of the Church of England, as held, not by the Bishop of Lincoln or Dr. Haweis, but by the Christian Observer?"

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No. 122.]

FEBRUARY, 1812. [No. 1. Vol. XI.




(Continued from p. 6.)

HE Countess of Seafield continued in a tolerable state of health for about a year after her former sickness; and she was then seized again with the same malady, and had the sentence of death in herself, that she might not trust in herself, but in God who raiseth the dead. She was deeply sensible how far short she had come in answering her former call from God and her engagements to him; and she had recourse to his infinite mercy, begging he would yet spare her to recover strength, before she went hence. Her prayer was again heard, and her spitting of blood was stayed. Recovering some degree of bodily health, and being desired by her lord to see him at Edinburgh, public affairs requiring his return to court, she went thither and staid for some time. She was here seized with a violent cough, which continued till she was delivered of a son. For a few days after this, she was more easy; but in a little time, the cough and the hectic returned. with more violence than ever.

"Soon after her return home, being low in health and in agony of mind, she happened to read that passage of loly Scripture, 1 Thess. v. 16, Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. She was thereby greatly comforted; and the duty of continual resignation to the will of God, and of continual CHRIST, OBSERr. No. 122.

prayer to him, was thereby so pressed upon her that she was led to more frequent prayer, and to the entire surrender of her heart to God. She complained, indeed, of frequent distractions, but she begged that He would accept the will for the deed; and in all her agonies and troubles she was enabled to resign herself to the Divine will, and to comfort herself thus: His wrath endureth but for a moment.

In his favour is life.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.'

"Some weeks after she was brought to bed, being under great pain and weakness of body, and agony of spirit, she asked her son, what apprehensions he had of death, when of late he was so low in his health at London and given over by the physicians; whether he thought he should then die. He replied, that he had not at that time any positive impression on his spirit that he should then die, as she seemed to have, but was very uncertain what the event might be. On this, she asked what he then thought of himself in case he should die. Το which he answered, that when he considered his own great impurity, and called to mind many instances of it, and also of his great ingratitude to God, notwithstanding God's tender and continual care of him, he judged that it was hardly possible he should ever be admitted into his presence, or have any communion with him; but that when he was in these thoughts, he happened, in reading his Bible, to meet with this passage of Scripture; Bat let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breast-plate of faith and love, and for an helmet the hope


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of salvation; for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us that we may live with him; that this immediately encouraged him to hope that, through the merits of Jesus Christ, his sins might be done away, and greatly comforted him; and that afterwards, looking a little farther, he observed these words,Rejoice evermore: pray without ceasing: in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you:' which words suggested to him how great reason he had to be thankful for whatever might be the will of God concerning him, since God had ever been so good to him notwithstanding his ingratitude and impurity; and since his will could not but be the best; that therefore he should never let grief or melancholy prevail over him, but should comfort himself with his being commanded to rejoice evermore, and in every thing to give thanks; and that in all his infirmities of body and heaviness of mind, and temptations from the devil, the world, and the flesh, he should always have recourse to the remedy which God himself had prescribed to him, viz. to pray without ceasing. He added, that on many occasions afterwards, when he happened to be in any of those circumstances, the remembrance of these passages of Scripture had comforted and supported him. On this his mother expressed a great deal of joy, and said, that when she herself, in the last winter, had been weak in health, and in great anguish of mind on his account, the same passages of Scripture had greatly refreshed her spirit. She confessed she had been far from rejoicing in God's will, and praying without ceasing; but she hoped God would mercifully look upon her infirmities, while she resolved, forgetting what was past, to do the best for the future. "She had now a prospect of her approaching end, and applied wholly to prepare for it. She abandoned the concern of all other things, and was

taken up wholly with the thoughts of death and eternity. She often said, that it was a quite different thing to meditate on death at a distance, and to behold it just at the door. She was struck with a deep sense of her undutifulness to God, of the mispending of her time, of her having been an unfaithful steward of what he had committed to her trust, of her unfaithfulness to her former calls and solemn engagements, and that now, when the cry was to go out and meet the bridegroom, she might have had oil in her lamp, but she had slumbered and slept. She continued for several days in great distress of mind, judging and condemning herself, confessing that she had sought to please herself more than God, and that selflove and the cares of the world bad occupied her thoughts more than God, and that she was not worthy of any regard from him. Thus she poured out her soul before God day and night, through a deep sense of her sins and a dread of the Divine judgment, often saying, There is no peace to the wicked, saith my God. And being told by some who visited her, that no repentance was acceptable to God, but that which flowed from the true love of God, and not from self-love and the dread of hell, and she, doubting if her's was any thing else, was ready to despond. And when to comfort her it was told her that she had led a very virtuous life, and so had no reason to entertain such fears, she said it was far from being so, and that she had sought only to please herself.

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Being in this state, and bewailing to one her sinful condition, and that although God bad preserved her from gross and scandalous sins, yet. when she placed herself in God's presence, and beheld his purity, she saw in herself nothing but vileness, having sought only to please herself, and not God; it was said in reply, that she had reason to bless God, who had opened her eyes to see her own sinfulness, and that this was a token of his great mercy to her, though her sins were great and

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