Su Belshamil Pamplon Lectures improved. 1819.. Jag. vie Pag. 74 &c Dr. Marde 15 Leit. "Seshita - valuable ser to kennicot State of the Hebr. Cext. vol. üp. De Rossi var. Lect. vet Soft Proleg. p. 3 Wotton Proleg. p. 13. Indeaux Md &N. P. col. 780 td: by Driebergen in Folie I. D. Michaelis Eciel. v. P. dsa Prole, xe. p. 389-401 Ing. xvii. Mill'sed: Michalis opinion 4 quasi in Stetu lam Bingel's wit hos mi hi vo dorem codicum, ut ripi congen don probiontes ceemplantes mutem, sed ca quoque as 1 cutum fanam, an Liten't veram 1. Va Gom fectionem conjcitare avut commis 4 L erses of mark deemed spuriout by tare arked by Griesbach in his last edition urth the Sign of probable omission I not this decree have fully excuted grenius was foresnour of Syria-the Herod I death. to God in the highest- on earth pene good will ds men hought-less men, and backward to him Dr. Campbell. Gnisbach last ed. na-not from heaven. J. D. Michacles creop. Dis 192 1) in Griesbach last ed: £1 a/ rejected 11-14 comp. Rom. 1.25. xi. 36 & 2 Cor. xi. 31 bro que hatin, Scripto a Rabóschbrain. tha semplaria Luitse emendat " Su on this edition a Res, of the Improved version from the Sei's Boston by W. wells 181op.558. Rev. E. Neares Rem. on of the r. T. 1. We feel no the unitarian hesitation, in pronouncing the Ways Dr Hikint, a decided improvement that ba Sit (of arch-bishop Newcomey A 4 consequently, by far the most faith fue "entation, of the original seriphere, wie ritherto been put in to the hands of this we con authors as having a very elfentiat service to all, who Ann. Reg- of 1818 pag Let him Study the holy Seriptures, and espan the N. I there in are the wordsofeter It had god for hit aisther Salvater its end, und Amth onthout any mise ( of emor For itt matter (I Locke I Lett. to un The best way of us of the gently Locke's works 5.14 ag . . is, to read it assiduous by Id.b. p. 310 lets Devine origine, contains in ore sul *tant history, and Finer train if can be collected from an other over language they may be written ign mouth. och ser v. Dones P. 3741/1 د of agath absolutely many proofs from dered L nda, 201 00. ors may be produced peresccob - often in a good dent. 5 re erren – conproer & administered, even by Calvinists - examples on d, in Rotterdam at the time of kiades. ally For Me is tort of J. D. Michaely Com. 1 p. 1035 1708) ib. pag. 1003 ad 2 Pet. 144 15. The Dutch Frontlabon ל |