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rendered more or less permanently barren would, I believe, astonish and affright us. How strikingly contrasted, both in their motive and results, are those noble works of planting or of irrigation which permanently increase both the beauty and productiveness of a country, and carry down their blessings to succeeding generations!

This brief sketch of some of the more salient features of the subject of mineral export will serve to show how many and various are the evil results which flow from allowing these invaluable treasures to be wasted at the dictates of mad speculation and the eager race for wealth. These considerations have a very practical bearing at the present time. The recent great rise in the price of coal has brought up the question of the advisability of an export duty upon it. The press, almost without exception, has opposed this as being "contrary to the principles of free trade; " and it has further been argued that such a duty would have little or no effect, because the real cause of the high price of coal is that so much is used in the excessive manufacture of iron. But it is evident, from the considerations here set forth, that the export both of coal and iron requires to be regulated or forbidden, and for the same reasons; and if the "principles of free trade" are opposed to this, so much the worse for those "principles," since they will be opposed not only to the true economy of human progress, but also to the clearest principles of social and national morality. Many persons will now ask whether those can be true principles which lead to the exhaustion of our coal-fields for the purpose of lighting South American cities with gas or for building railways in every insolvent South American Republic, while our own hard-working population has to suffer the pangs of cold in winter, in consequence of the high price of coal which such reckless projects tend to cause. And the fact that all parties concerned-landowners, colliery proprietors, speculators, and legislators are so far from seeing anything wrong in what they are doing that their one aim at all times is to secure a larger annual output, and an increased export, will be to many an additional argument for taking the property in land altogether out of private hands. Waiving that question, however, for the present, I maintain that it is a wrong to our own population, and a still greater wrong to the next generation, to permit the unlimited export of those mineral products which are absolute necessaries of life, but which once destroyed we can never reproduce. To do so is to sell and alienate for ever a portion of our land itself, and should no more be permitted to private individuals than the selling of the land surface to a foreign State.

Whether or not the period of the total exhaustion of our coal-fields can be approximately estimated, it is clear that the present vast and increasing rate of consumption must be stopped. The numerous evils of the present system I have briefly indicated-where are the benefits which counterbalance them? And the benefits, if they exist, must be large and clear and positive indeed to justify us in recklessly scattering over the whole world the mineral products of our land. It is to their possession that we attribute much of our wealth and power and national prosperity, yet we are doing our best to deprive future generations of any of the advantages we have derived from them.

It appears, then, to be clearly our duty to check the further exhaustion of our coal supplies by at once putting export duties on coal and iron in every form, very small duties at first, so as not to produce too sudden a check on the employment of labour, but gradually increasing them till, by stimulating an increased production in other countries, they may no longer be required. If other nations should see the wisdom and justice of following our example, each may in future develop and enjoy its own mineral products, may help to supply what is necessary to the welfare of those countries which do not possess these natural gifts, and may still leave an ample supply to their descendants.





THE proposition embodied in this heading will seem to most persons to be an absurdity; but I hope to be able to show from the statements and admissions of orthodox authorities that paper money, under proper regulations, would be the most permanent, and therefore the best, possible standard of value. I presume that the late Prof. W. Stanley Jevons was a trustworthy authority on the subject; and in his volume on Money and the Mechanism of Exchange he gives some important facts and principles bearing upon this question, and these I shall take as the basis of my argument.

1. He shows that gold has undergone great changes of value during the last hundred years, as determined from the average prices of fifty or a hundred of the chief necessaries of life. The difference amounted to a fall of 46 per cent. from 1789 to 1809; while from 1809 to 1849 it rose 145 per cent. Since 1849 it fell about 20 or 25 per cent.; while in the last twenty or thirty years all the authorities declare that it has risen considerably.

2. Having thus shown that gold does not even approximate to a permanent standard of value--though I believe the alleged fluctuations are enormously exaggerated, for reasons which it would take too long to give here-he goes on to explain the various proposals which have been made to obviate the evils of such fluctuations by means of a "Tabular Standard of Value." A Government officialwho might be called the Registrar of Prices-would collect



the market prices of the list of commodities fixed upon to determine the value of money, and would publish the result monthly or quarterly, and the value of money so determined would be used to regulate all payments of debts, salaries, &c. "Thus suppose a debt of £100 was incurred on July 1, 1875, and was to be paid July 1, 1878, and the Registrar's table showed that in that interval gold had fallen in value six per cent., then the creditor would claim to be paid an increase of six per cent., while, if there had been a rise in the value of gold then the debtor would have a right to pay proportionally less than the amount nominally due.”

He says there are only two difficulties the determination of the commodities chosen to fix the standard value, and the complexity introduced into the relations of debtors and creditors. The latter is, no doubt, a real objection, but it does not arise (as I shall presently show) when paper money alone is used. Neither is there any real difficulty in the former. What is needed is to take a representative selection of all the necessaries of life. These may be roughly classed as food, clothing, houses, fuel, and literature. For the first we might take meat, bread, potatoes, sugar, tea, butter, and beer; for houses timber, bricks, iron, glass, lime, cement, slates, and building land -and so on under the other headings. But the most important consideration is, that each item be taken in the proportion in which it is consumed in the country. The need of this was seen by the original proposer of the method-Joseph Lowe, in 1822-but has been neglected by some modern writers. It would, therefore, be necessary first to estimate the total quantities of each item consumed in the kingdom in a year, which could be done without much difficulty by experts, and then, representing the smallest quantity of the whole series by one or ten, to give all the others their due proportions. The prices of these several commodities being ascertained on the average of a number of years to be fixed upon, a table would be formed, giving the money-value of the due proportion of each of the commodities. Then, by adding up these values, we should have a sum total which would represent with considerable accuracy the average cost of all the chief necessaries of life in the proportions in which they are consumed by the whole community.

But in order that money may retain the same purchasing power, and thus constitute a real standard of value, this same amount of money must always purchase the same amounts on the average of all these commodities. This can never be the case with gold or silver money, or with the two combined, but I will now show that papermoney may be so regulated as to have always the same purchasing-power.

Prof. Jevons states the chief objections to inconvertible paper-money as follows:

1. The great temptations which it offers to over-issue and consequent depreciation.

2. The impossibility of varying its amount in accordance with the requirements of trade.

The first of these objections does not arise when the whole purpose of adopting a paper-currency is to secure a permanent standard of value, and definite arrangements are made to preserve that constancy. The second objection must have been stated without due consideration, since nothing is more simple than to produce this "variation of amount;" and when the variation is such as to keep average prices steady, that steadiness will exist because the quantity issued is in accordance with the requirements of trade. This objection, which is stated at length under the heading, " Want of Elasticity of Paper Money" (p. 237), is really completely answered by the method of the tabular "Standard of Value" (p. 329), but the two things are not brought together as parts of one system.

In order to show how Prof. Jevons's "impossibility" may be easily overcome, let us suppose the transition period to have been passed over: all gold coin having been called in or having ceased to be a legal tender, and papercurrency issued to the same amount. The Registrar of Prices, having determined that during the preceding year the purchasing power of this money is two or three per cent. greater than that of the standard as determined by

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