Dan. II. 19-13. And Daniel answered and said : blessed be the name of God for ever and ever; for wisdom and might are his, and he changeth the times and the seasons; be revealeth the deep and Secret things; be knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him: I thank thee and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who baft given me wisdom and might, and haft made known unto me now, what we defired of thee; for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter. And we find him afterwards practising this duty, at a time when the performance of it was very dangerous. We read in the fixth chapter of Daniel, that at the instigation of fome noblemen who were Daniel's enemies, king Darius made a decree, that whosoever should ask a petition of any God, or man, except of him, should be cast into the den of lions. Yet Daniel, nothing daunted hereat, continued his wonted practice of prayer and praise. When he knew that the writing was figned, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber towards Jerufalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a-day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime; Dan. VI. 10. I shall mention but one person more as an instance of thankfulness; and that is the apostle Paul. See 1 Tim. 12, 13. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; who was before a blasphemer, a perfecutor, and injurious. And he did not give thanks for personal favours only, but for mercies bestowed upon others also. 'Tis a common thing with him, in the beginning of his epistles, to return thanks to God for the graces and virtues confpicuous in those to whom he wrote them, or fome benefit or other confered upon them. Thus in the epistle to the Romans, chap. I. ver. 8. First I thank my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. And to the Corinthians, chap. I. ver. 4, 5. I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ, that in every thing ye are enriched by him in all utterance, and in all knowledge. And to the Ephesians, chap. I. ver. 15. 1 alfo, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the faints, ceafe cease not to give thanks for you. And to the Philippians, chap. I. ver. 3, 5. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, for your fellowship in the gospel, from the first day until now. All these that I have mentioned were eminent for piety and virtue. And if they were so diligent in the practice of thanksgiving, we may well suppose that it is a duty of great excellence and importance. 6. The last motive that I shall use to excite you to thanksgiving is, because it will recommend our holy religion. Many perfons are prejudiced against religion from a conceit of its being a dull unpleasant thing, and an enemy to joy. If christians would be more hearty and frequent in this work of praise and thanksgiving, they would do a great deal towards the removing of this prejudice; for hereby they would demonftrate, that religion is not that gloomy and melancholy thing which it hath by some been represented to be. Men will be ready to imagine that there is something noble and beautiful in the christian religion, when they fee the professors of it so much disposed to joy and thankfulness. When they fee chriftians 2 tians more chearful and grateful than other men, they will impute it to something in the doctrine which they embrace, and to some peculiar instances of the divine favour. We shall hereby shew that we serve a kind and bountiful master, and shall allure others to his service. Therefore for the ho nour of God our creator, and of Jesus our saviour, and of that holy religion of which he is the author, let us always, and in every thing give thanks. But let us take special care that we honour God, not with our lips only, but also in our lives. To praise him for his mercies, whilst we rebel against his government, is vile hypocrify. Therefore let us evidence our gratitude by yielding a fincere obedience to his precepts, and leading sober, and righteous, and godly lives. Whoso offereth praise, glorifieth him; and to him who ordereth.bis conversation aright, will be shew the falvation of God. SER SERMON VI. The great blessing of an enlarged heart. ********* ***** Psalm CXIX. 32. I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. I Believe there never was a more pious man than David. A fpirit of true devotion breathes thro' almost all.the psalms which he hath composed; and discovers itself in none of them more than in this of which my |