commendations, every reader will judge for himself. But it can give no occafion of offence, to inform form thoje those who knew not the author, that through the course of his life he discovered the same seriousness, which in his fermons he recommended to others that he delighted in shewing a profound respect to his creator and governor; and could not forbear expreffing his diflike to any thing that favour'd of irreligion, from what quarter foever it came: that in matters relating to the Christian relating religion, he adhered strictly to what he believed to be the mind of Chrift the Lawgiver, retaining at the same time generous fentiments with regard to those who differed from him: that tho he was not forward in conversation, but rather too fearful of speaking 7 A his mind; yet he had a very great fluency, joined to an uncommon Strength and justness of expreffion, when he address'd his maker, whether in public or in the family; to which last service he was called very early, upon an extraordinary occafion, which once in the year brought the whole family together: and that both in prayer and in preaching, his manner was exceedingly graceful, and fitted to command attention. A He compofed no more fermons than these few which are here published. It was with difficulty that he was prevailed on to deliver them when prepared: and so diffident was he of himself, that he never could be brought to a stated course of preaching. But notwithstanding this backwardness, he gave a prospect of much ufe : It is in useful fervice, when it pleased And unto man he said: behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to de- part from evil, is understanding. Page 1 |