| Arthur Young - 1792 - 586 pages
...little'houfes, built with each its garden, and one of two fields inclofed of moft wretched blowing June fund, naturally as white as fnow, but improved by induftry. The magic of PROPERTY turns fand to gold.——18 miles. The 8th. Leave Dunkirk, where the Concierge a good inn, as indeed I have... | |
| Arthur Young - 1793 - 710 pages
...of neat little houfes, built with each its garden, and one or two Oelds inclofed of moft \vretched blowing dune fand, naturally as white as fnow, but improved by induftry. The magic of pROPJiRTY furns {and to gold. 18 miles. "' 154 RETURN TO ENGLAND. The 8th. Leave Dunkirk, where the... | |
| Arthur Young - 1794 - 652 pages
...near the town, where Monf. le Brun has an improvement on the Dunes, which he very obligingly ihevved me. Between the town and that place is a great number...fand, naturally as white as fnow, but improved by induilry. The magic of PROPERTY turns fand to gold. 1 8 miles. The 8th. Leave Dunkirk, where the Concierge... | |
| John Stuart Mill - 1849 - 638 pages
...(near Dunkirk) " where M. le Brun has an improvement on the Dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields enclosed, of most wretched blowing dune sand,... | |
| Joseph Kay - 1850 - 680 pages
...(near Dunkirk), ' where M. le Brun has an improvement on the dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields inclosed, of most wretched, blowing, dune... | |
| 1851 - 462 pages
...(near Dunkirk), ' where M. le Brun has an improvement on the dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields inclosed, of most wretched, blowing, dune... | |
| Henry Fawcett - 1865 - 302 pages
...Rosendal (near Dunkirk), where M. Le Brun has an improvement on the dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields enclosed, of most wretched blowing dune-sand,... | |
| John Stuart Mill - 1870 - 140 pages
...(near Dunkirk,) "where M. le Brim has an improvement on the Dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields enclosed, of most vvretched blowing dune... | |
| Henry Fawcett - 1876 - 706 pages
...Dunkirk), where M. le Brun has an improvement on the Dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between I the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden and one or two fields enclosed, of most wretched blowing dune sand,... | |
| Joseph Kay - 1879 - 400 pages
...(near Dunkirk), 'where M. le Brun has an improvement on the dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields enclosed, of most wretched, blowing, dune... | |
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