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country. 34 Now when the season of the fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, to receive the fruits of it. 35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. 36 Again, he




2 And at the season he men, that they might
sent to the husbandmen give him from the fruit
a servant, that he might of the vineyard: but the
receive of the hus- husbandmen beat him,
bandmen from the fruit and sent him away empty.
of the vineyard. 3 And "And he moreover sent
they took him, and beat another servant: and
him, and sent him a they beat him also,



way empty. And and having treated him again he sent unto them shamefully, him sent other servants more another servant; and away empty. 12 And he than the first and they him they stoned and moreover sent a third: did unto them likewise. wounded in the head, but they wounded him 37 But last of all he sent and sent him away also, and cast him out. unto them his son, say- shamefully treated. And 13 But the lord of the ing, 'They will reverence he sent another; and vineyard said, 'What my son.' 38 But when him they killed; and ma- shall I do? I will send the husbandmen saw the ny others; they beating my beloved son: perhaps son, they said among some, and killing others. when they see him they themselves, 'This is the 6 Still, therefore, having will reverence him.' heir; come, let us kill one son, his beloved, 14 But when the hushim, and let us seize on he sent him also unto bandmen saw him, they his inheritance.' 39 And them last, saying, 'They reasoned among themthey took him, and cast will reverence my son.' selves, saying, 'This is him out of the vineyard, 7 But those husbandmen the heir: come, let us and slew him. 40 When said among themselves, kill him, that the intherefore the lord of the 'This is the heir; come heritance may be ours.' vineyard cometh, what let us kill him, and the 15 And they cast him will he do unto those inheritance will be ours.' forth out of the vineyard, husbandmen!" 41 They And they took him, and and killed him. What say unto him, "He will killed him, and cast him therefore will the lord of wretchedly destroy those forth out of the vineyard. the vineyard do unto wretched men, and will 9 What therefore will them? 16 He will come let out the vineyard unto the lord of the vineyard and destroy these husother husbandmen, who do? He will come and bandmen, and will give will render him the destroy the husbandmen, the vineyard to others." fruits in their seasons." and will give the vine- And when they heard it, 42 Jesus saith unto them, yard unto others. 10 Have they said, "Far be this "Have ye never read in ye not read this scrip- from us!"+ 17 And he the scriptures, The ture; 'The stone which looked at them, and stone which the builders the builders rejected, said, "What therefore rejected, this hath be- this hath become the is this that is written, come the head of the head of the corner: corner: this is the Lord's 11 this was the Lord's dodoing, and it is wonder- ing, and it is wonderful

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The stone which the P. 118; 22. builders rejected, this hath become the head of the corner?"

Lit. Let it not be, μη γενοιτο.

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CH. XXII. And Jesus answered and spake unto them again in parables, saying, 2 "The kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a marriagefeast for his son, 3 and sent forth his servants to summon * them that had been invited to the marriage-feast: and they would not come. 4 Again he sent forth other servants, saying, "Tell them who have been invited, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and fatlings have been killed, and all things are ready : come ye to the marriage. feast. But some slighted the message, and went away, one to his farm, another to his merchan

ανθρωπῳ βασιλει

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• The verb is καλεω in both places. In ancient times the invitation was twice given; the second time when the feast was ready. See Kuinoel.

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dize: and the remnant took his servants, and treated them insolently, and slew them. the king, having heard thereof, was angry: and he sent his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city 8 Then he saith to his servants, 'The marriage-feast is ready, but they who were invited were not worthy.


Go ye therefore into the public places, and as many as ye find, invite to the marriagefeast.' 10 And those servants went forth into the streets, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the marriagefeast was filled with guests. But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who had not put on a marriage-garment: 12 and he saith unto him, 'Friend, how camest thou in hither not having marriage-garment?'



And he was speechless.


Then said the king to the attendants, 'Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into the outer darkness; there will be

weeping and gnashing

of teeth.' 14 For many are invited, but few



τους ανακειμένους


* Έπι τας διέξοδους των ὁδῶν. The most probable meaning of these words is those parts of a

city in which the streets or roads terminate. See Kuis oel and Schleusner.

§ 6.


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15 Then the Pharisees 13 And they send un. 20 And they watched went and took counsel to him certain of the him, and sent how they might en- Pharisees and of the He- suborned by them, hyposnare him in discourse. rodians, that they might critically pretending to 16 And they send to him catch him in discourse. be righteous, that they their own disciples with 14 And when they came, might lay hold of his the Herodians, saying, they say unto him, discourse, in order to "Rabbi, we know that "Rabbi, we know that deliver him up unto the thou art true, and teach- thou art true, and carest power and authority of est the way of God in not for any one : for the governor. And truth, and carest not for thou lookest not at the they questioned him, any one: for thou look- person of men, but teach- saying, " Rabbi, est not at the person of est the way of God in know that thou speakest men. 17 Tell us there- truth: Is it lawful to give and teachest rightly, and fore what thou thinkest: tribute unto Cæsar, or dost not respect the perIs it lawful to give not? 15 Should we give, son of any, but teachest tribute unto Cæsar, or or should we not give?" the way of God in truth: not?" But Jesus But he perceived their 22 Is it lawful for us to knew their wickedness, hypocrisy, and said unto give tribute unto Cæsar, and said, "Why do ye them, "Why do ye try or not?" 23 But he untry me ye hypocrites? me? bring me a dena- derstood their craftiness, 19 show me the tribute rius, that I may see it." and said unto them, money." And they 18 And they brought one. "Why do ye try me? brought unto him a de24 Show me a denarius. narius. 20 And he saith And he saith unto them, Whose image and inunto them, "Whose is "Whose is this image scription hath it?" They this image and inscrip- and inscription?" And answered and said, tion?" 21 They say unto they said unto him, "Cæsar's." And he him, "Cæsar's." Then "Cæsar's." 17 And Je- said unto them, "Render saith he unto them, sus answering said unto therefore unto Cæsar the "Render therefore unto them, "Render unto things which are Cæsar's, Cæsar, the things which Cæsar the things which and unto God the things are Cæsar's: and unto are Cæsar's, and unto which are God's. 26 And God, the things which are God the things which are they could not lay hold God's." 22 And when God's." And they won- of his words before the they heard these words, dered at him. people: and they wondered at his answer, and kept silence.

they wondered; and

they left him, and went away.




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In that day there And there come 27 Now certain of the came to him Sadducees, unto him Sadducees, Sadducees, who deny who say that there is no who say that there is no that there is a resurrecresurrection : and they resurrection: and they tion, came to him, and questioned him, say-questioned him, say- questioned him, saying, Rabbi, Moses ing, 19 "Rabbi, Moses ing, Rabbi, Moses said, 'If any one die, wrote for us, if the wrote for us, if the

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having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up off spring unto his brother.


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brother of any one die, brother of any one die, and leave a wife, and having a wife, and he leave no children, that die childless, that his his brother should take brother should take his his wife, and raise up off- wife, and raise up offspring unto his brother. spring unto his brother. There were seven 29 There were therefore brethren: and the first seven brethren: and the took a wife, and dying first took a wife, and left no offspring: 21 and died childless : 30 and the second took her, and the second took the died; neither left he woman, and he died any offspring: and the childless : 31 and the third in like manner: third took her and in and the seven took like manner also the her, and left no offspring: seven left no children, last of all the woman and died. 32 And In the resurrection, also died. In the last of all the woman therefore, whose wife resurrection, therefore, died also. 33 In the will she be of the seven? when they shall rise resurrection, therefore, for they all had her."

25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, after having married, died; and, having no offspring, left his wife to his brother: 26 in like manner the second also, and the third, to the seven: 27 and last of all the woman also died.


29 But Jesus answered and said unto them, "Ye do err, not know ing the scriptures, nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of

God in heaven.

31 But

tion of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,



again, whose wife shall whose wife of them doth
she be of them? for the she become? for the
seven had her as a wife." seven had her as a wife."
24 And Jesus answering 34 And Jesus answering
said unto them, "Do ye said unto them, "The
not on this account err, sons of this world mar-
not knowing the scrip- ry, and are given in
tures, nor the power of marriage : 35 but those
God? 25 For when they accounted worthy
rise from the dead, they obtain that world, and
neither marry nor are the resurrection from the
given in marriage, but dead, neither marry nor
are as the angels in are given in marriage:
nor indeed can they
die any more; for they



are like the angels; and

they are sons of God,

being sons of the resur

26 But rection.

37 But that the

concerning the resurrec- concerning the dead,
that they are raised,
have ye not read in the dead are raised, even
book of Moses, how in
the bush God spake unto
him, saying, 'I am the
God of Abraham, and the
God of Isaac, and the






Moses showed at the Ex. 8; 6.
bush, when he calleth
the Lord, the God of
Abraham, and the God
of Isaac, and the God of

32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob! God is God of Jacob?" 27 God Jacob.' 38 Now he is

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