Staken by Chronologers, p. 141. The likeness of two Words may occafion Variations in Chronology, p. 142. The Numeral Letters were easily mistaken by Transcribers, ibid. Some Alterations of the Septuagint from the Hebrew Seem to have been made with design, p. 143. The Terms of Time Sometimes taken inclusively, and at other times exclusively, p. 146. CHAP. VII. Of the Obscurity of some places in the Scriptures, particularly of the Types and Prophecies. Hom Ow it comes to pass, that there are some things in the Scriptures hard to be understood, p. 147. Some Doctrines are difficult in themselves, p. 148. The Learning and Wisdom of ancient Times consisted in Proverbs and Parables, p. 151. Many places of Scripture, which are obscure to us, were not obscure in the Ages when they were written, p. 153. The main scope and design of Parables is to be observed, and not every word and circumstance to be insisted upon, p. 158. The Obscurity of Prophecies and Types confidered, p. 159. Differences in the Interpretations of Prophecies no Argument for the uncertainty of them, ibid. It is evident, and agreed by Interpreters, that Prophecies have been fulfilled, tho they differ about the Time when they were fulfilled, ibid. Some Prophecies purposely obscure, and why, p. 161. Some Prophecies had never been conveyed down to Pofterity, unless they had been obscurely written, p. 162. Others could never have been fulfilled, p. 163. If Prophecies had been plainer, it would have been thought that they had been fulfilled only by design and contrivance, р. 164. Men would have committed Sin, in many cases, to fulfil Prophecies, ibid. They may sometimes be obscure in Mercy to Men, p. 165. And at other times for a Judgment upon the Obstinate, ibid. The obscurity of Prophecies defigned to abate the Confidence, and exercise the diligence of Men, P. 166. Some Prophecies plainly delivered by all Prophets; those which are not so delivered, of e 2 great great use, even before the Accomplishment. This shewn of the Revelation of St. John, p. 168. The Nature and Certainty of Types confidered, p. 170. The obscurities of Scriptures is not such, as to be any prejudice to the end and design of them, p. 173. CHAP. VIII. Of the Places of Scripture, which seem to contradict each other. O reason to expect that the Scriptures should be fo nó fufpicion of Contradiction to injudicious and rash Men, p. 176. What Method ought to be taken, to make a true Judgment of any Author, p. 178. An Objection may imply too much, as well as prove too little, to be of any force, p. 180. Contradictions in Points of Chronology, and other things of little moment, tho' they should have happened by the fault and negligence of Men, would be no Argument against the Authority of the Scriptures, p. 182. CHAP. IX. Of the Creation of the World, and the Preservation of it. OF the F the Time, when the World began, p. 184. There is no Reason to Suppose the World to have been at first made by Mechanical Laws, tho' it was preserved according to fuch Laws, p. 185. Sufficient Reasons may be given for the Creation of the World in that manner, which we find related in the Book of Genesis, p. 186. with respect to the Angels, p. 189. with respect to Men, p. 191. The Preservation of the World is not performed according to Mechanical Principles, p. 195. The Mechanical Hypotheses grounded upon Mistake, viz. that there is always the same Quantity of Motion, p. 196. that there is a Plenum, ibid. They suppose it more Worthy of God to leave Matter and Motion to perform all by themselves, without his immediate Interpofition and Assistance, p. 198 The Ordinary and Extraordinary, or Miraculous Works of God confidered, ibid. The Laws of the Material, and and of the Moral Part of the World, compared, p. 200. The Mechanichal Hypotheses inconsistent with our Duty of Prayer to God, for deliverance in Sickness and Dangers, P. 201. The Mechanical Philosophy proceeds upon a mistaken Notion of God, p. 202. ALL things CHAP. X. Of other Habitable Worlds besides this Earth. LL things are alike eafie to God, yet Men are most inclined to admire and glorifie Him for the vaftness of his Works, p. 204. Wonderful Discoveries lately made upon Earth by Microscopes, as well as by Telescopes, in the Heavens : But Angels, who have no need of artificial Helps to discern them, glorifie God for his Works, more than Men, p. 205. The use and benefit of the Stars, p. 206. The Earth to be confidered as the Seat of Mankind in all Ages, under which Notion it is no contemptible Place, p. 207. The Planets not inhabitable, ibid. For what uses they may be designed, p. 208. CHAP. ΧΙ. That there is nothing in the Scriptures, which cantradicts the late Discoveries in Natural Philosophy. TH He use of popular Expressions implies neither the Affirmation, nor the Denial of the Philosophical Truth of them, p. 211. How the Sun is said to stand still, Jof. x. 12. p. 212. The Firmament in the midst of the Waters, Gen. i. 6. explained, p. 213. The Sun and the Moon how said to be Two great Lights, Gen. i. 16. p. 214. The Pillars of the Earth, 1 Sam. xi. 8. p. 215. The Sky strong, and as a Molten Looking-glass, Job xxxvii. 18. ibid. The Scripture speaks strictly according to Philosophy, p. 216. God, CHAP. ΧΙΙ. Of Man's being Created capable of Sin and Damnation. T His repugnant, neither to the Justice nor Mercy of p. 217. The Objection rightly stated, p.218. The Glory of God is more advanced, and the Attributes of his Wisdom and his Justice, and of his Goodness it self, are more displayed by leaving Men to a freedom of Acting, than they would have been by imposing an inevitable Fate upon Mankind, p. 219. Freedom of Action conduceth more to the Happiness of the Blessfed, than a neceffity of not Sinning could have done, p. 222. CHAP. XIII.. A Of the Fall of the Angels, and of our first Parents. The Fall of Angels how caused, p. 225. The Fall of Man. The Effects of it Visible, however the Thing may be disputed, P. 226. No Pre-existence of Souls, p. 227. Eve beguiled by the Serpent, p. 228. The Sin of Eating the forbidden Fruit, p. 231. Many Circumstances omitted in the Scripture concerning the state of our First Parents in Paradise, and relating to their Fall, ibid. Why a Commandment was given them concerning a thing of an indifferent Nature, p. 232. The Curse upon the Serpent, p. 236. The Curse of the Ground, ibid. The Punishment of our First Parents, p. 237. The Fall not Allegorical, p. 239. The effects of it upon all Posterity, p. 244. CHAP. XIV. Of the Eternity of Hell Torments. He Eternity of Hell Torments consistent a with the I Justice of God, because (1.) Rewards and Punishments are alike proposed to our Choice, P. 245. (2.) The Rewards are Eternal as well as the Punishments, p. 245. (3) It was necessary, that the Sanction of the Divine Laws should be by eternal Rewards and Punishments, neceffary that eternal Punishments should be inflicted upon the Wicked according to this Sanction, p. 250. Objections obviated, ibid. The Eternity of Hell Torments consistent with the Mercy of God, P. 254: , p. 248. (4.) It is 2 2 CHAP 3 CHAP. XV. OF Of the Cefsation of the Jewish Law. HE Types of the Law fulfilled in the Messias, p.279 TH The Strange Evasions and abfurd Opinions of the Jews, ibid. It was foretold by the Prophets, that the Law was to cease upon the coming of the Messiah, p. 287. It was afterwards to become impracticable, p. 294. How it is to be understood that the Mosaical Law was to endure for ever, p. 295. S CHAP. XVII. Of the Sinful Examples recorded in the Scriptures. Everal Places of the Scriptures, relating evil Actions, contain only matter of Fact, P. 301. The Rules of Good and Evil, by which we are to judge of Actions are plainly deliver'd in the Scriptures, ibid. The Relation of the Bad Actions of Good Men, may be of use; 1. to shew the Sincerity of the Pen-men of the Scriptures; 2. to difcover the Frailty of Humane Nature, and the necessity of imploring the Divine Grace; 3. to shew that God can bring Good out of Evil, ibid. 4. for the Glory of Gad's Grace, and for a Warning to future Ages, p. 303.. CHAP. X |