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of Abraham's offering up his Son Ifaac; of Jephtha's Vow; And of the Divine Vengeance executed by the People of Ifrael upon Heathen Nations.


TEither Example of Abraham, that N tha, authorizes or countenances humane Sacrifices.

An Angel Sent from Heaven to prevent the slaying of Ifaac, and a Miracle wrought to substitute another Sacrifice in his stead, fufficient Evidence of God's disapproving Such Sacrifices, p. 304. Jephtha's Vow rash, and the manner of performing it not certainly known, p. 306. If by facrificing his Daughter, he acted contrary to the Law of Mofes, ibid. 'Tis suppos'd she was not put to Death, but only obliged to live in a state of Virginity and Solitude, p. 307. The Ifraelites being made the Executioners of God's Wrath upon the Heathen Nations, most proper to raise in them an Abhorrence of their Idolatry,p.309.


Of the Imprecatians in the Pfalms, and other Books of the

Old Testament.

of these Expressions are used in reference to the M Nations, on whom God had commanded the Israelites to execute his Judgments, p. 311. David being a King, was a Revenger to execute Wrath upon him that did Evil, p. 312. 12. It is lawful to pray, that Malefactors may be punish'd, ibid. The Jews might appeal to God as their Political Legislator and Governour, ibid. Those which seem Imprecations, are oftentimes Predictions, and Denunciations of Judgment, p. 314. Divers Places are to be understood of Judas, or of others like him, P. 315. This Supposition is imply'd in Imprecations, if they will perfift in their Sins, if they will not repent, ib. What Charity was required under the Law, and what was

meant by the Word Neighbour,




CHAP. XX. Of the Texts of the Old Testament cited in the New. in the Scriptures of the Old Te

THE Apostles cited

stament according to the Exposition of them then asknowledg'd by the Jews, p. 319. A remarkable Passage from F. Simon to this purpose, p. 321. The Epistle to the Hebrews much admired by a Learned Jew, for the sublime Sense therein given to the Texts of the Old Testament, p.322.


Of the Incarnation and Death of the Son of God. 1.THE neceffity of the Incarnation of the Son of God

confider'd, p. 323. 2. Though it should be fuppos'd, that God could have pardon'd the Sins of Men upon other Terms, yet the Incarnation and Death of the Son of God is so far from implying any thing unworthy of him, that no other way of our Reconciliation with him (as far as we are able to apprehend) could so much have become the Divine Wisdom and Goodness, p. 324. 1. There is nothing in this whole Dispensation unworthy of God, ibid. which is prov'd by shewing, (1.) The Unreasonableness of this Supposition, that the Union of the Divine and Humane Nature in Christ should cause the Godhead to suffer with the Manhood, p. 325. (2.) The Humiliation of the Son of God in assuming our Nature may be accounted for without supposing, that the Godhead suffer'd, p. 328. (3.) The Satisfaction of Christ by dying for our Sins, may be explain'd without supposing it, ibid. 2. No other way (as far as we can apprehend) could have been so proper and expedient, as the Incarnation of the Son of God to procure the Salvation of Mankind, P. 334. (1.) The Doctrine and Preaching of the Son of God was of more Power and Authority, than the Preaching or Doctrine of a Man or Angel could have been, ibid. (2.) His Example is of greater Perfection and Holiness, p. 336. (3.) His Mo diation and Intercession is of greater efficacy, p. 338. (4.) The Incarnation and Death of the Son of God is the



most effectual means to excite in us Faith, Hope, and Charity, and to dispose and engage us to all Vertue and Piety, p. 339.



Of Chrift's being tempted by the Devil. N Account of this wonderful Difpenfation P. 350 II. Obfervations upon it, P.354. 1. This Temptation of Christ had never been known, but by the Relation of the Evangelists, ibid. 2. By this Temptation, bis Goodness towards us is magnified, p. 355. 3. He is bereby an Example of Patience to us under the Temptations of the Devil, p. 356. 4. We have from hence the greatest comfort and encouragement under fuch Temptations, p. 357. CHAP. XXIII.

Of the Fulness of Time, or the Time appointed by God for the Incarnation of our Blessed Saviour.

OD bad before-band used all other means, to shew at last, p. 361. The Reception of the Gospel had been much more difficult, if it bad not been foretold in so many feveral Ages by the Prophets, p. 363. The Time of Chrift's coming might depend upon the Duration of the World, p. 365. The World was then prepared for his coming, p. 366. The particular Temper and Difpofition of that Age, in which our Saviour was born, made it the most seasonable, p. 368.

G the necessity of fending his Son


Of the last Days, and of the last Day, or the Day


of Judgment.



laft Days of the World Seldom mentioned in express Terms in Scripture, but under the Refemblances of other Events, p.371. The Destruction of Jerufalem, typical of the Day of Judgment, ibid. This appears from Matth. xxiv. p. 372. The last Days of the Jewish Difpenfation, p. 375. The Times of the Gafpel meant by the last Days, p. 376. St. Paul did

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not suppose that the Day of Judgment was approaching in his time, p. 377. There is no reason to suppose, that the last Judgment must be confined to one Day, p. 381.


Of Sacraments.

The Nature and Design of Sacraments, p. 383.

1. They are outward and visible Signs of our Entrance into Covenant with God, or of our Renewing our Covenant with bin, ibid. 2. They are Tokens and Pledges to us of God's Love and Favour, p. 388. 3. They are Means and Instruments of Grace and Salvation, p.389. 4. They are Federal Rites of our Admiffion into the Church, as a visible Society, and of our Union with it, as such, b, p. 391. The Sacraments of Baptism, and the Lord's Supper, fully answer the End and Design of the Institution of Sacraments, ibid.

There is no

CHAP. XXVI. Of the Blessed Trinity. Contradiction in this Mystery of our Religion, p. 395. The Distinction of the Three PerJons in the Deity, p. 396. The Unity of the Divine Nature, p. 397. The Difference between the Divine Persons and Humane Persons, p. 398. Other things are and must be believed by us, which are as little understood as this Doctrine, p. 401. The neceffity of the Belief of this Doctrine explained and defended, p. 403. This Do&rine exceedingly tends to the Advancement of Vertue and Holiness, and has a great Influence upon the Lives and Conversations of Men, р. 406.





Of the Resurrection of the Dead. OD is certainly able to raise the Dead, p. 407. Bodies after their Corruption, and the Diffolution of the Parts, which compose them, may be restored to Life, by the Reunion of these Parts again, p. 412. We may rise again with the same Bodies, which we bave here, notwithstanding any Change or Flux of the Parts of our Bodies, while we live, or any Accidents after Death, p. 413. It is not only credible and reaJonable to believe that God can, but likewise that be will raise the Dead, p. 417.


Of the Reasons why Chrift did not shew himself to all the People of the Jews, after his Refurrection. THere are Reasons peculiar to this Difpenfation of Refurrection, why Christ should not Shew himSelf to all the People, after he was risen from the Dead, p. 421. It had not been fuitable to the other Dispensations of God towards Mankind, for him to have done it, p. 422. Great Numbers of the Jews being given over to hardness of Heart, would not have believed, thơ they had seen Chrift after his Resurrection, p. 423. If the Jews had believed in Christ, their Conversion had not been a greater Proof of the Truth of bis Refurrection, than their Unbelief has been, p. 424. The Power of Christ's Resurrection manifested in the Miraculous Gifts bestowed upon the Apostles, was as great a Proof of bis Resurrection, as the Personal Appearance of our Saviour himself could have been,



Of the Forty Days, in which Chrift remained upon the Earth after bis Resurrection, and of the manner of bis Afcenfion.

Many things in the Life of Chrift before

his Paffion

omitted by the Evangelifts, p. 428. And like

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