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and triumph upon that which they conceive is fo miferably overcome: but alas the Victory is over themselves; nothing is either the more or the less true for their believing or disbelieving it, and Religion is always the fame, how profanely foever it may be spoken of.

We have no design to impose upon any Man's Faith; but if there be Reason in what we say, it may well be expected from Reasonable Men, that they should hearken to Reason. Religion is Reafon and Philosophy, as the Fathers often speak, the best and truest Philosophy. And I am perfuaded, how much soever I may have fail'd in the Performance, that the Christian Religion iscapable of being prov'd with such clear and full Evidence, even to ordinary Understandings, as to make all Pretences of arguing against it, appear to be as ridiculous as they are impious.

Ref. pag. 6. Marg. l



r. Populo. p. 11. 1. 4. r. clxxviii. p. 13.

1. 9. (from the bottom) r. intus. Book. pag. 75. 1. 7. r. Jer. x. 11. p. 89. 1. 17. r. Generation. p. 103. 1. ult. r. Epiftle was. p. 104. 1. 1. f. had r. was. P. 134. 1. 2. (from bottom) f. have r. hath shewn. p. 213. 1. 6. r. word. p. 146. Marg. r. Autolych. p. 343. 1. 21. r. Disciple. p. 381. 1. 7. . Grace. p. 474. 1. 7. (from bottom) r. Amelius. p. 484. Marg. Το πανήζυς εἰς Βάβυλ. λογ. β. p. 486. 1. 4. r. Philoponus. P. 492. 1. 2. for lying, r. dying. p. 496. 1. 10. r. hath.




Scripture indefinitely, and without any positive Assertion or Determination; this is no proof against their being written by Divine Inspiration, p. 33. In things which might fall under Humane Prudence and Observation, the Spirit of God seems to have used only a directive Power and Influence, p. 35. This infallibe Assistance was not permanent and habitual, p. 37. It did not prevent Personal Failings, p. 38. No Passage or Circumstance in the Scripture Erroneous, ibid.


Of the Style of the Holy Scriptures. THE Grammatical Construction and Propriety of Speech,

p. 40. Those, which are look'd upon as Defects in the Scripture-Style, were usual in the most approved Heathen Authors, ibid. Metaphors and Rhetorical Schemes and Figures, P. 44. The Style different of different Nations, p. 45. The Titles of Kings, p. 46. What Arts were used by Orators, to raise the passions, ibid. That they sometimes read their Speeches, p. 48. The Figurative Expressions of the Prophets, and their Types and Parables were fuitable to the Customs of the Places and Times wherein they liv'd, p.49. Several things related as Matter of Fact, are only Parabolical Descriptions or Representations, p. 50. The Prophetick Schemes of Speech, ufual with the Eastern Nations, p. 52. The want of distinguishing the Persons speaking, has been a great Cause of misunderstanding the Scriptures, p. 53. The Antiquity and various ways of Poetry, ibid. The Metaphorical and Figurative use of Words, in speaking of the Works and Attributes of God, p. 56. The Decorum or Suitableness of the Matter in the Style of Scripture, p. 63. The Method, p. 69. Some Books of Scripture, admirable for their Style, p. 71. Why the Style not alike excellent in all the Books of Scripture, p. 74.


Of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures. NY Controversy concerning the Authority of fome of Holy Scripture no Prejudice to the rest, P.77.

A Books of


The uncontroverted Books contain all things necessary to Salvation, p. 78. The Dispute concerning the Apochry pha, falls not here under Confideration, p. 80. No Suppression or Alteration of the Books of the Old Testament, by Idolatrous Kings, &c. ibid. The Book of the Law, in the Hand-Writing of Moses, found in the Reign of Josiah; p. 82. No Books but those which were written by Inspiration, received by the Jews into their Canon, p. 83. What Opinion the Ten Tribes had of the Books of the Prophets, &c. p. 87. Neither the Samaritans, nor the Sadduces reje Eted any of the Books of the Old Testament, p. 88. Of the Books, whereof mention is made in the O. Tests ibid. Why the Books of the Prophets have the Name's of the Authors express'd, and that there was not the Same Reason, that the Names of the Authors of the Hi ftorical Books should be express'd, p. 90. A wonder ful Providence manifest in the preservation of the Books of the Old Teft. for so many Ages, ibid. The New Test. confirms the Old, p. 91. The Caution of the Chri Stian Church in admitting Books into the Canon, p. 92. The Primitive Christians had sufficient means to examinez and distinguish the Genuine and inspired Writings from the Apochryphal or Spurious, p. 93. The Gospel of St. Matthew in Hebrew, how long preserved, p. 96. The Greek Version of it, ibid. The Canon of Scripturé finished by St. John, and the Books of the other Evange lifts, &c. reviewed by him, p. 97. The Testimony of the Adversaries of our Religion, p. 98. Copies of great An tiquity still extant, ibid. How it came to pass, that the Authority of some Books was at first doubted of, P. 998 The Canon had been fix'd and confirmed in Councils in Tertullian's time, p. 104. The Canon of Scripture ges nerally received by Christians of all Sects and Parties p. 1078



Of the various Readings in the Old and New Testament. N extradinary Providence manifest in the prefer


vation of the Scriptures from fuch Casualties, as have befallen other Books, p. 118. The Defect in the Hebrew Vowels, and the late invention of the Points no prejudice to the Authority of the Bible, p. 119. The change of the old Hebrew Characters into that now in use, is no prejudice to the Authority of the Hebrew Text, p.122. The Keri, and the Ketib, no prejudice to it, ib. The Difference between the Hebrew Text and the Septuagint, and other Versions, or between the Versions themSelves, no way prejudicial to the Authority of the Scriptures, p. 124. It is confessed by the greatest Criticks, both Protestants and Papists, that no difference is to be. found in the several Copies of the Bible, which can prejudice the Fundamental Points of Religion, or weaken the Authority of the Scriptures, p. 127. No tess may be faid in behalf of the New Testament than of the Old. The great Care and Reverence which the Primitive Christians had for the Books of it. Hereticks could not corrupt the Text, and pass undiscovered to the Orthodox, or even by other Hereticks, p. 130.


Of the Difficulties in Chronology, in the Holy Scriptures. of Chronology in general, p. 135. Differences in Chronology, do not infer uncertainty in the Matters of Fact themselves, ibid. They do not infer, that there was any Chronological Mistake made by the Pen-men of the Holy Scriptures, p. 138. The total term of Years is not always exactly distinguished from all the Particulars, of which it is composed, and this has been the occasion of Mistakes in Chronology, ibid. Another occafion of Mistakes has been, that sometimes the Principal Number is set down, and the odd or lefsfer Number is omitted, which is added to the principal Number in other places, p. 139. Sometimes an Epocha is miStaken

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