| William Whiston - 1717 - 376 pages
...fill Heaven and Earth .<? faith thq Lord. M 3 Thus xxxi. 35. Thus faith the Lord, which giveth the Sun for a Light by Day, and the Ordinances of the Moon and of the Stars for a Light by Night, which dividcth the Sea when the Waves thereof roar ; the Lord of Hofts... | |
| William Whiston - 1725 - 370 pages
...fill Heaven and Earth ? faith the Lord. M 3 Thus xxxi. 55. Thus faith the Lord, which giveth the Sun for a Light by Day, and the Ordinances of the Moon and of the Stars for a Light by Night, which divideth the Sea when the Waves thereof roar ; the Lord of Hofts... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 454 pages
...that HE isjlrong in Power, not one faileth. Jer. xxxi. 35. Thus faith the Lord, which giveth the Sun for a Light by Day, AND the Ordinances of the Moon and of the Stars, for a Light by Night — Ver. 36. If thofe Ordinances depart from before me. Dan. iv. 35. —... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...day and night, (hall not ceaie. Jer.xxxi. 3j. Thus faith the Lord, which giveth the fun for a Jight by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the ftars for a light by night, which divideth the lea, when the waves thereof roar; the Lord of hofts is his name. Exod. xxi.31.... | |
| 1771 - 564 pages
...thereof in the earth ? And the prophet Jeremiah xxxi. 35. Thus faith the Lord, which giveth the Sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the Moon and of the Stars ror a light by night, We. Here you fee he calleth the Son, Moon, and Stars the ordinances of... | |
| Joseph Eyre - 1771 - 194 pages
...Accord* ing to that of Jeremy, chap. xxxi. 35, 36. (whi* ther this pafiage feems to have reference) Thus * faith the Lord, which giveth the fun for a light by c day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the flars * for a light by night, which divideth the fea... | |
| Thomas Taylor - 1789 - 364 pages
...How folemnly does he fpeak refpccting the veracity of his word !—Thus faith JEHOVAH, which gi'ueth the fun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the Jiars for a light by night^ which di-uideth the fca when the waves thereof roar ; The Lo RD of boJfi... | |
| Richard Watson - 1791 - 502 pages
...one day be recalled, the pa" tience of God fuffers all the reft, and his power preferves " them. " ' Thus faith the Lord, which giveth the fun for a light...ordinances of the moon and of the ftars for a light by night; *' which divideth the fea, when the waves thereof roar ; the Lord *' of Hofts is his name. If... | |
| Devout monitor - 1795 - 292 pages
...earth to another. 1 Great PRAYER FOR SATURDAY EVENING. GREAT, glorious and Almighty Father; who gaveft the fun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and the ftars for a light in the night fealon ; vouchfafe to receive me, this night, and for ever into... | |
| John Jamieson - 1802 - 488 pages
...this name with a declaration of his dominion over the hoft of heaven, in relation to the earth : " Thus faith the LORD, " which giveth the fun for a...ordinances of the moon and of the ftars for " a light by night, which divideth the fea when *' the waves thereof roar ; The LORD of Hofts is "his name'1." He... | |
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