Pierpont's Airs of Palestine, 23 IV. Reid's Essay on Hypochon- VI. Captain Riley's Narrative, driacal and Nervous Affections, 34 V. Original Communications, viz. Memoir count of the New-York Institution Talk-Dr. Akerly on the Hessian Fly, with a Cut-On the Verifica- tion of Presentiments-Power of VI. Transactions of Learned Societies, V. Museum of Natural Sciences, VI. Original Communications, viz. On the Cultivation of the Locust Tree- XVI. Miscellany, 243 ton and Ormond, 405 413 ९ 482 shoul -Lord Byron's Lament of Tasso, 422 XII. Thespian Register, V.- Manual of Botany for the North ern States, for hiv. Museum of Natural Sciences, OnVI. Original Communications, rate VII. Original Biography, W 460 XIII. Monthly Summary of Political Intelli 402 431 XIV. Domestic Occurrences, 468 442 XV. Monthly Catalogue of New Publica 446 tions, with Critical Remarks, 473 VIII. Transactions of Learned Societies, L 1 TO READERS. ON completing the first volume of their work, the Editors cannot withhold their acknowledgments for the distinguished encouragement they have received in an undertaking which is immediately dependent on the favourable opinion and liberal dispositions of the public. The unprecedented support which they have obtained in a few months, renders the establishment of at least one literary journal, in our country, on a broad and permanent basis, no longer problematical. Already the number of subscribers to this publication in the Northern and Middle States amounts to nearly three thousand, three fourths of whom are citizens of the State of New-York. But the AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE and CRITICAL REVIEW is intended for general circulation, and addresses itself to national patronage. The experience of the Editors assures them that this appeal will not be in vain. There is not a State, nor a Territory in the Union from which they have not received subscriptions. They trust that their exertions will secure not only a continuance, but an increase of favour. That they may be enabled to give a greater quantity of light reading without curtailing the other departments of the work, they contemplate adding another sheet, in another year, to each Number, to be devoted to miscellaneous selections of an amusive cha racter. 1 1 1 |