COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. BY LUCIUS R. PAIGE. VOLUME I. MATTHEW, MARK. Search the Scriptures.-JOHN V. 39. BOSTON: BENJAMIN B. MUSSEY, 29 CORNHILL. SOLD BY J. M. USHER AND ABEL TOMPKINS. EW YORK: C. L. STICKNEY.-PHILADELPHIA: GIHON, FAIRCHILD & CO 1849. 2341 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1844, By LUCIUS R. PAIGE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. In one important feature, at least, the following Commentary upon the New Testament differs from any other, heretofore published. It professedly illustrates the doctrine, that Divine Love is both universal in extent and effectual in operation; that it will triumph over sin and destroy it; that it will subdue and convert the hearts of sinners; and that it will secure the final holiness and happiness of all men, in the most unlimited sense of the phrase. The English Text adopted is that which is sanctioned by the American Bible Society; even the pointing, though often highly objectionable, has been scrupulously followed. In preparing the Commentary, I have freely used all the helps within my reach: endeavoring to give the results, rather than the process, of much critical labor bestowed upon the subject by many writers. Having uniformly given the proper credit, when I have used the language of others, it is unnecessary to enumerate the authorities consulted and quoted. Had I chosen, as the manner of some is, to omit the common marks of quotation, and the names of authors upon whose labors I have entered, my work might have appeared more original; but I do not feel inclined to appropriate to myself what belongs to others, or to claim credit for labor which I never performed. By "Selections," to which frequent reference will be found, is indicated a volume, compiled by me, several years since, entitled "Selections from Eminent Commentators," &c. I have attempted to express the truth in a plain and distinct manner, so that it may be comprehended by all classes of readers; and if this has been accomplished, my object, thus far, is fully attained. If the truth have not been developed, if the meaning of any passage have been misapprehended and misinterpreted, if any false doctrine or immoral sentiment have been inculcated, candid and manly criticism is invited. Truth is precious, and worthy to be sought at the expense of personal mortification. In other points, severe censure is deprecated. |