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" The social arrangements of modern Europe commenced from a distribution of property which was the result, not of just partition, or acquisition by industry, but of conquest and violence: and notwithstanding what industry has been doing for many centuries... "
Principles of Political Economy, with Some of Their Applications to Social ... - Page 274
de John Stuart Mill - 1870
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The North American Review, Volume 67

1848 - 544 pages
...the community in its benefits. The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country...modify the work of force, the system still retains many traces of its origin. The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications ..., Volume 1

John Stuart Mill - 1849 - 638 pages
...economical well-being of the mass. The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country...the system still retains many and large traces of its origin. The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the justification...
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The Contemporary Review, Volume 53

1888 - 934 pages
...this country. "The principle of private property," said Mr. Mill, "has never yet had a fair trial in any country, and less so perhaps in this country than in some others. The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the justification of private property...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications ..., Volume 1

John Stuart Mill - 1881 - 624 pages is, but as it might be made. The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country...commenced from a distribution of property which was tEe result, not of just partition, or acquisition by industry, but of conquest and violence : and notwithstanding...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social ...

John Stuart Mill - 1885 - 624 pages is, but as it might be made. The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country...the system still retains many and large traces of its origin. The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the justification...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications ..., Volume 1

John Stuart Mill - 1892 - 628 pages, but as it might be made. The - principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country...the system still retains many and large traces of its origin. The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the justification...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social ...

John Stuart Mill - 1894 - 644 pages is, but as it might be made. The principle of private property has never yet bad a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country than in some others. The social arrangements of modem Europe eommenced from a distribution of property which was the result, not of just partition,...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications ..., Volume 1

John Stuart Mill - 1900 - 506 pages is, but as it might be made. The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country; and less so, perhaps, in this country...partition, or acquisition by industry, but of conquest and I violence: and notwithstanding what industry has been doing for many centuries to modify the work...
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Readings in Industrial Society: A Study in the Structure and Functioning of ...

Leon Carroll Marshall - 1918 - 1130 pages
...PROPERTY HAS NOT HAD FAIR TRIAL' The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country; and less so, perhaps, in this country...the system still retains many and large traces of its origin. The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the justification...
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Some Aspects of the Inequality of Incomes in Modern Communities

Hugh Dalton Baron Dalton - 1925 - 404 pages
...dust in the balance. But . . . the principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country ; and less so, perhaps, in this country than in some others. . . . The laws of property have never yet conformed to the principles on which the justification of private property...
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