If we listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture, from which we now turn our eyes with shame and regret. We may live to behold the natives... The African Slave Trade, and Its Remedy - Page 403de Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton - 1840 - 495 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
| William Belsham - 1795 - 566 pages
...listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture...Africa engaged in the calm occupations of industry, in the pursuits of a just and legitimate commerce. We may behold the beams of science and philosophy... | |
| William Belsham - 1796 - 572 pages
...prefcribe, fome of us may live to fee a reverie of that picture from which we now turn our eyes with fhame and regret. We may live to behold the natives of Africa engaged in the calm occupations of induftry, in the purfuits of a juft and legitimate commerce. We may behold the beams of fcience and... | |
| William Belsham - 1805 - 600 pages
...listen to the voice of reason artd duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture...Africa engaged in the calm occupations of industry, in the pursuits of a. just and legitimate commerce. We may behold the beams of science and philosophy... | |
| William Pitt - 1806 - 476 pages
...listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture,...natives of Africa engaged in the calm occupations of iadustry, in, the pursuits of a just and legitimate commerce. We may behold the beams of science and... | |
| Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - 518 pages
...listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture,...Africa, engaged in the calm occupations of industry, in the pursuits of a just and legitimate commerce. We may behold the beams of science and philosophy... | |
| William Pitt, W. S. Hathaway - 1808 - 496 pages
...listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture,...which we now turn our eyes with shame and. regret. " \Ve may live to behold the natives of Africa engaged in the calm occupations of industry, in the... | |
| Thomas Clarkson - 1808 - 612 pages
...of that picture, from which we now turned our eyes with sharne. We might live to behold the natives engaged in the calm occupations of industry, and in the pursuit of a just commerce. We might behold the beams of science and philosophy breaking in upon their land, which at... | |
| Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield - 1816 - 544 pages
...listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture...Africa engaged in the calm occupations of industry, in the pursuits of a just and legitimate commerce. We may behold the beams of science and philosophy... | |
| Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield - 1816 - 596 pages
...listen to the voice of reason and duty, and pursue this night the line of conduct which they prescribe, some of us may live to see a reverse of that picture from which we uow turn our eyes with shame and regret. We may live to behold the natives of Africa engaged in the... | |
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