HOW TO WRITE; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Composition and Letter Writing, with Hints on Penmanship and Writing Materials, and Practical Rules for Literary Composition, Newspaper Writing, Punctuation, and Proof Correcting, etc., etc. Price, paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. HOW TO TALK; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammatical and Graceful Style; with more than Five Hundred Common Mistakes Corrected. Price, paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Republican Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits; with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative Assemblies. Price, paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Practical Affairs and Guide to Success in Life; with a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Commercial Terms. Price, paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. THE GARDEN; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Practical Horticulture; or, How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Price, paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Practical Agriculture; or, How to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With an Essay on Farm Management, etc. Paper, 30 c.; muslin, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry, etc., etc. Price, paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. In Preparation THE HOUSE; A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Rural Architecture. Paper, 30 c.; cloth, 50 cents. Sent to any Post-Office by Return Mail, on Receipt of the Price. 0 RURAL HAND-BOOKS.-No. 3. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A POCKET MANUAL OF Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; OR, HOW TO BREED AND REAR THE VARIOUS TENANTS OF THE BARN-YARD: EMBRACING DIRECTIONS FOR THE BREEDING, REARING, AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF FOR DISEASES WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS; W. Mores. Bussey Institutions 1405- WITH A Chapter on Vee-Keeping. BY THE AUTHOR OF "HOW TO DO BUSINESS," "THE GARDEN," Ето. Our power over the lower animals, if rightly exercised, redounds to their elevation and hap- piness no less than to our convenience and profit.-THE AUTHOR. New York: FOWLER AND WELLS, PUBLISHERS, No. 308 BROADWAY. 1858. ENTERED, ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1858, BY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED DAVIES AND ROBERTS, Stereotypers, PREFACE. WE commenced this little manual with the intention of making the most useful compilation possible, within the space allowed us, from the great number of larger works on the subjects treated to which we had access. In the progress of our work, however, we found occasion to depart, in some degree, from our original plan, and introduce more new matter and re-write and condense more that is, in substance, derived from others, than we at first intended; but our claims on the score of originality will not be large. If the matter and arrangement of our book shall prove acceptable to the public, and serve the purposes intended, we shall be satisfied. The humble merit of having presented, in an attractive and available form a mass of useful information, practical hints, and valuable suggestions, on a number of important topics, is all that we purpose to insist upon. This the great public, for whose good we have labored, will, we are sure, readily accord to us. We have given credit in the body of the work, whenever practicable, to the authors from whom we have derived aid in the various departments of our labor; but we here gladly make an additional record of our indebtedness to the works of Youatt, Martin, Stuart, Randall, Wingfield, Dixon, Bement, Browne, Quimby, etc. The Country Gentleman, the American Agriculturist, the Southern Cultivator, and other agricultural papers, have been examined with satisfaction to ourselves and with profit to our readers. |