Agricultural EconomicsJ.B. Lippincott Company, 1921 - 448 pages |
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Page 9
... crop of 1911-12 increased by four million bales over the 1910-11 crop , the price received by the planter was over one hundred million dollars less . On the other hand , the crop of 1909-10 showed a falling off in production over 1908 ...
... crop of 1911-12 increased by four million bales over the 1910-11 crop , the price received by the planter was over one hundred million dollars less . On the other hand , the crop of 1909-10 showed a falling off in production over 1908 ...
Page 14
... crops and live stock . Show significance of these figures ( Fig . 5 ) . 9. Show at what periods of our history we have followed the doctrines of " exploitation " and " conservation " respectively . Explain these terms . 10. According to ...
... crops and live stock . Show significance of these figures ( Fig . 5 ) . 9. Show at what periods of our history we have followed the doctrines of " exploitation " and " conservation " respectively . Explain these terms . 10. According to ...
Page 16
... crop was thirty - seven million bushels less . And ten years later , with another ten million mouths to feed , the crop has increased by over three hundred million bushels . Eight years later , and the crop has increased by one ...
... crop was thirty - seven million bushels less . And ten years later , with another ten million mouths to feed , the crop has increased by over three hundred million bushels . Eight years later , and the crop has increased by one ...
Page 17
... crops ? It is impossible to forecast demand , and it is clearly impossible to forecast or control the 100 日 ... crop , as well as to the European , is often caused by " winter- killing . " The winter may be too mild , too severe ...
... crops ? It is impossible to forecast demand , and it is clearly impossible to forecast or control the 100 日 ... crop , as well as to the European , is often caused by " winter- killing . " The winter may be too mild , too severe ...
Page 18
... crop . In 1902 the Australian crop fell from 42,500,000 bushels of the previous year to 19,800,000 bushels . The 1903 crop rose to seventy - five million . This drouth had the effect of raising the price of wheat in the Pacific Coast ...
... crop . In 1902 the Australian crop fell from 42,500,000 bushels of the previous year to 19,800,000 bushels . The 1903 crop rose to seventy - five million . This drouth had the effect of raising the price of wheat in the Pacific Coast ...
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Expressions et termes fréquents
acre agricultural press American Argentina average banks beef better Board of Trade Bulletin bushels capital cash cattle cent Chicago cold storage Commerce Commission committee Company competition consumer coöperative corn cost of production cotton County Agent crop dealers demand Department of Agriculture dollars economic Experiment Station exports Farm Bureau farm labor farm land farm products farmers Federal grain exchanges Grain Growers grain trade Grange Harvester income increase industry interest Iowa Kansas loan machinery manufacturing meat meat packing industry ment middleman milk Minnesota mortgage National North Dakota operation organized owner packers packing population potatoes price fixing problem profits question railroads rent Report retail rural selling Show single tax soil speculation supply supply and demand Swift & Company tariff tenants tion United Grain Growers United States Department wages warehouses Washington wheat York
Fréquemment cités
Page 379 - Section 1 provides that every contract combination in the form of a trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared to be illegal.
Page 316 - Agriculture, the general design and duties of which shall be to acquire and to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture, in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants.
Page 33 - Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock, and he will turn it into a garden ; give him * Arthur Young's Trtnelt m francl, ml. ip 88. « Ibid. p. 61. a nine years lease of a garden, and he will convert it into a desert.
Page 31 - The mobs of great cities add just so much to the support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body.
Page 399 - To all the arguments which are brought to evince the impracticability of success in manufacturing establishments in the United States, it might have been a sufficient answer to have referred to the experience of what has been already done. It is certain that several important branches have grown up and flourished with a rapidity which surprises, affording an encouraging assurance of success in future attempts: of these, it may not be improper to enumerate the most considerable.
Page 325 - That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriation for any purpose specified in this Act the State board shall prepare plans showing the kinds of vocational education for which it is proposed that the appropriation shall be used ; the kinds of schools and equipment ; courses of study ; methods of instruction; qualifications of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural subjects the qualifications of supervisors or directors; plans for the training of teachers; and, in the case of agricultural...
Page 117 - Thus my father had among his slaves, carpenters, coopers, sawyers, blacksmiths, tanners, curriers, shoemakers, spinners, weavers and knitters, and even a distiller. His woods furnished timber and plank for the carpenters and coopers, and charcoal for the blacksmith ; his cattle, killed for his own consumption and for sale, supplied skins for the tanners, curriers and shoemakers, and his sheep gave wool and his fields produced cotton and flax for the weavers and spinners, and his orchards fruit for...
Page 33 - An activity has been here, that has swept away all difficulties before it, and has clothed the very rocks with verdure. It would be a disgrace to common sense to ask the cause; the enjoyment of property must have done it. Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock, and he will turn it into a garden ; give him a nine years...
Page 405 - ... to enable their own workmen to undersell and supplant all competitors in the countries to which these commodities are sent. Hence the undertakers of a new manufacture have to contend not only with the natural disadvantages of a new undertaking, but with the gratuities and remunerations which other governments bestow. To be enabled to contend...