self, neither commanded he them to be baptized. Hence it is believed that Jesus Christ, by taking those children which were brought to him. up in his arms, laying his hands upon them and blessing them, that thereby the whole infantile race of the children of fallen Adam are blessed, saved, washed and cleansed, by his atoning blood, from the pollution of Adam's transgression, and thus made heirs of eternal glory, to the inexpressible consolation and joy of all believing parents. And, furthermore, That all manner of oaths are prohibited, according to the commandment of Christ, to Swear not at all : neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King: neither shalt thou swear by thy head; because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea, Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil. Matth, 5:34-37.-But above all things, my brethren, swear not; neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. James 5: 12. The preceding doctrines and religious tenets were believed, acknowledged, adhered to, taught and inculcated, both by precept and example, by many ancient believers and faithful witnesses of the truth; many of whom sealed it with their blood, in those times of darkness, superstition, idolatry and persecution; when the ht of the glorious Gospel was obscured and darkened, by that harlot, and mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, the church of Rome, who was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and was drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. These ancient Christians, and faithful witnesses of the truth, being persecuted and dispersed into different countries of the then known, world, were called by different names. Some were called by the names of their founders ; others were called by the names of the different places of their residence; and again, others had a name given them in derision. As Waldenses, Albigenses, Paulicians, Henricians, Petrobrusians, Bohemians, Apostolics, Lollards, Arnoldists, Leonists, Insabbatati, Gazares, and many more such names, which are not necessary to mention. Now, it is probable that the above named tribes or denominations of Christians were, some more and some less, genuine in the confession. of their faith, and in their practice; and that some, in consequence of the bloody persecutions having been dispersed into different countries, may have retracted from their first tenets; yet, so far as we can learn, their different creeds converge to this point: that wars of all kind are to be abolished among Christians; that adult persons are the only fit subjects for the administration of Christian baptism; and that oaths of all kind are prohibited by Christ and his Apostles. Also, that a non-conformity to the world, and its vain and fleeting fashions, is a characteristic of a true Christian. The above account is given to prove that the succeeding articles of our Christian Confession of Faith are no new thing; but, that they are based on a foundation as ancient, we presume, as any that can be produced by any Christian denomination. Yea, as we have the confidence to believe that they are based on the doctrine of Christ and his holy Apostles, may we not say, that their foundation is as ancient as the days of the Apostles? Notwithstanding, We freely acknowledge that we derived the name Mennonites, from that famous reformer, MENNO SIMON-of whom we are not ashamed to say, that he was a shining light in the time of the reformation, proclaiming loudly against the superstitions, idolatries and abominations, of the church of Rome; and that we adhere to the doctrine which he, by the co-operating influence of the Divine Spirit, advanced, taught and inculcated both by precept and example. But, at the same time, many circumstances prove that the doctrine which Menno taught, was but an echo to that which was advanced and taught by those ancient witnesses of the truth above described, and in perfect unison with it. So that his sentiments on the subject of religion and true piety may be considered materially the same, and in perfect concordance with theirs, save that it was then, in Menno's time, reduced to a more perfect system. And thus the different branches of that denomination of Christians have, since that time, been called Mennonites. For what has been advanced above, many respectable testimonials and evidences may be adduced, from a large German work of upwards of 900 folio pages. This work contains much matter of church history, and accounts of the Martyrs, throughout every century from the days of Christ and his Apostles, down to the year 1660. It was compiled with much care and attention, from the most ancient and authentic accounts and records of church history and chronology, by T. J. V. BRAGHT-entitled DER BLUTIGE SCHAU-PLATZ, oder MARTYRER SPIEGEL DER TAUFFS-GESINNTEN, oder WEHRLOSEN CHRISTEN, etc.--i. e. THE BLOODY THEATRE, or MARTYRS' MIRROR OF THE ANABAPTISTS, or DEFENCELESS CHRISTIANS, etc. This valuable work was completed in the year of our Lord 1659, and printed in the Low Dutch language; and, in process of time, it was translated into the German language-as also were the writings of MENNO SIMON and THEODORE PHILIP; in which language they are now extant, and have gone through several editions. Here also it will be proper to observe, that in the large work above referred to, are contained the thirty-three articles which comprise the subsequent Confession of Faith. And, As the English language has become so prevalent in our day and country, it was deemed necessary to have the articles of our faith translated into the English language, and of having them published therein, for the benefit and propagation of the church; hoping and believing that they will also be read with advantage by all Christian denominations; inasmuch as they are based on the word of God, and point out the narrow way that leadeth to life eternal.-And, should our English friends have heretofore taken up wrong and unfavourable ideas, concerning our religious professions, a knowledge of them now may have the favourable tendency of disposing them to change their minds, and to think quite otherwise. And, should the following pages be read with candour, which we sincerely desire, we doubt not they will be edifying to thousands of our fellow pilgrims on the road to heaven; and may be the means of pointing out, in some degree, that strait gate and narrow way which, according to the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is found but by few. Matth. 7: 13, 14. Now, as the German work above alluded to, which contains much authentic evidence to what has been advanced, is, as it were, inaccessible to many of our English readers, we will endeavor to adduce some testimony to prove the antiquity of our religious confession of faith, from DR. MOSHER'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, which is generally admitted to be a stand |