Westminster Papers: A Monthly Journal of Chess, Whist, Games of Skill and the Drama, Volume 111879 |
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Page 9
... Q Kt to B 3 4 P to Q 4 5 B to Q 3 6 Kt to B 3 7 Castles 8 B to K Kt 5 9 R to K sq 10 Kt to K 2 11 B to R 4 Black ... KB 5 27 Q to Q7 ( h ) 29Q takes BP 29 K to B sq 30 R takes B 30 K takes R 31 Q to R 7 ch 31 K to B 3 32 R to KB sq ...
... Q Kt to B 3 4 P to Q 4 5 B to Q 3 6 Kt to B 3 7 Castles 8 B to K Kt 5 9 R to K sq 10 Kt to K 2 11 B to R 4 Black ... KB 5 27 Q to Q7 ( h ) 29Q takes BP 29 K to B sq 30 R takes B 30 K takes R 31 Q to R 7 ch 31 K to B 3 32 R to KB sq ...
Page 10
... KB 4 3 Kt to KB 3 How- 4 P to KR 4 5 Kt to K 5 ( f ) Ingenious , but not beneficial . P to Kt 4 , threatening P to B ... Q to R 8 ch , followed after R to K sq , by Q to Q5 , while if 35 P to Kt 3 , P to Kt 4 , 36 R to K 6 , Q to R ...
... KB 4 3 Kt to KB 3 How- 4 P to KR 4 5 Kt to K 5 ( f ) Ingenious , but not beneficial . P to Kt 4 , threatening P to B ... Q to R 8 ch , followed after R to K sq , by Q to Q5 , while if 35 P to Kt 3 , P to Kt 4 , 36 R to K 6 , Q to R ...
Page 11
... KB 3 3 P to Q 4 4 Kt takes P 5 Kt to B 5 6 Kt takes P ch 7 Kt to R 5 8 Kt to Kt 3 9 P takes P ( c ) 10 P to KB 3 11 B to K 2 12 Kt to B 3 13Q to Q 2 ( d ) 14 K to sq 15 K Kt takes B 16 Kt takes Kt 17 Q to B 4 ( f ) 18 K to Q 2 Professor ...
... KB 3 3 P to Q 4 4 Kt takes P 5 Kt to B 5 6 Kt takes P ch 7 Kt to R 5 8 Kt to Kt 3 9 P takes P ( c ) 10 P to KB 3 11 B to K 2 12 Kt to B 3 13Q to Q 2 ( d ) 14 K to sq 15 K Kt takes B 16 Kt takes Kt 17 Q to B 4 ( f ) 18 K to Q 2 Professor ...
Page 26
... K B 3 , Kt to Q B3 ; B 3 ; 3 P to Q 4 , P takes P ; 4 Kt takes P , B to B 4 ; 5 B to K 3 , Q to B 3 ; 6 P to Q B 3 , K Kt to K 2. Here it has been usual for White to play 7 B to K 2 , a move introduced by Paulsen himself , but the ...
... K B 3 , Kt to Q B3 ; B 3 ; 3 P to Q 4 , P takes P ; 4 Kt takes P , B to B 4 ; 5 B to K 3 , Q to B 3 ; 6 P to Q B 3 , K Kt to K 2. Here it has been usual for White to play 7 B to K 2 , a move introduced by Paulsen himself , but the ...
Page 28
... Q is paraded up and down considerably , and it is then discovered that she ... quality in a problem for the Black King to have liberty of action , but when that ... KB sq 19 R takes 28 THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS . [ 1st June 1878 .
... Q is paraded up and down considerably , and it is then discovered that she ... quality in a problem for the Black King to have liberty of action , but when that ... KB sq 19 R takes 28 THE WESTMINSTER PAPERS . [ 1st June 1878 .
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Westminster Papers: A Monthly Journal of Chess, Whist, Games of ..., Volume 5 Affichage du livre entier - 1873 |
Westminster Papers: A Monthly Journal of Chess, Whist, Games of ..., Volume 6 Affichage du livre entier - 1874 |
Westminster Papers: A Monthly Journal of Chess, Whist, Games ..., Volumes 1 à 2 Affichage du livre entier - 1868 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
12 B takes 13 P takes 15 Kt takes 9 B takes 9 Kt adversaries Anderssen Athenæum Black Blackburne cards Castles Chess Club Defence Double Dummy French Defence hand K sq K to Kt KB sq King Knave Knight Kt 5 ch Kt mates Kt takes Kt Kt to K Kt to Kt Kt to Q Ludgate Circus Mackenzie mate in three Mates accordingly Messrs partner Pawn Pitschell play and mate prize Q B sq Q Kt Q Kt sq Q sq Q takes Kt Q takes Q Q to K Q to Kt Q to Q Queen Round Ruy Lopez score Sicilian Defence solution suit takes B 12 takes BP takes Kt 17 takes P 23 takes P 9 takes P ch three moves trick trumps WESTMINSTER PAPERS Whist White to play Winawer Zukertort دو
Fréquemment cités
Page 243 - If any player lead out of turn, and the other three have followed him, the trick is complete, and the error cannot be rectified ; but if only the second, or the second and third, have played to the false lead, their cards, on discovery of the mistake, are taken back ; there is no penalty against any one, excepting the original offender, whose card may be called, — or he, or his partner, when either of them has next the lead, may be compelled to play any suit demanded by the adversaries.
Page 169 - Come one, come all ! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I.
Page 243 - GENERAL RULES. 84. Where a player and his partner have an option of exacting from their adversaries one of two penalties, they should agree who is to make the election, but must not consult with one another which of the two penalties it is advisable to exact; if they do so consult, they lose their right ; and if either of them, with or without consent of his partner, demand a penalty to which he is entitled, such decision is final.
Page 135 - If you the modern game of Whist would know, From this great principle its precepts flow : Treat your own hand as to your partner's joined, And play, not one alone, but both combined.
Page 144 - ... secrecy and mystery, so that nobody knows anything about them but those who seek them; and more than this, society ought not to aim at. There is considerable force in these arguments. I will not venture to decide...
Page 94 - Nicholas' self, and his shaven crown Had a glow-worm halo of heavenly light. The fiend made a grasp the Abbot to clasp; But St. Nicholas lifted his holy toe, And, just in the nick, let fly such a kick On his elderly namesake, he made him let go. And...
Page 135 - If you received not more titan three at first ; If you had more, you may return the worst. But if you hold the master card, you're bound In most cases to play it second round. Whene'er you want a lead, 'tis seldom wrong To lead up to the weak, or through the strong.
Page 144 - But in gambling the opposite happens. Benefit received does not imply effort put forth ; and the happiness of the winner involves the misery of the loser. This kind of action is therefore essentially anti-social — sears the sympathies, cultivates a hard egoism, and so produces a general deterioration of character and conduct.